O/T: Hulk: will it suck, or will it be the summer blockbuster???


I'm going into this movie w/ absolutely zero expectations, because what I've seen so far looks like total crapola. That being said, I should be really surprised, and hopefully pleasantly impressed. The movie that I really think may "surprise" people this summer is T3, I think everyone just assumes that it is gonna suck, so if it is even halfway good, it'll be cool, but T3 is another thread........
Commercials don't look to appetizing. From the advertising, it looks like they put all of their stock in the effects, and movies that do that end up having super-shitty plots. Hopefully it's at least decent, but you just really can't expect anything.
Some comics just need to be left on papaer....I think the HULK is one of those comics. No amount of effect can do it justice. From the commercials I've seen - I yearn for the return of Lou Ferrigno.
He was the shit as the HULK.

'Nuff said
After witnessing the likes of cgi Yoda and cgi Gollum, the Hulk looks embarrasing doesn't he?

I agree, some comics need to be left on paper, or if there must be something "watchable" made for that market, then make it animation. Case in point HBO's Spawn. Awesome stuff that was, awesome.
I'm fucking stoked. I'll be seeing it on Friday with or without my friends.
I do hear everyone saying how fake the Hulk looks. Well, Spider-Man looked fake too, but I went to the theater to see that 5 fucking times!

I think HULK will be the summer blockbuster of the year. And, yes, I am biased.

Stay tuned for my short and honest, yet biased review Friday morning....
I'm curious, but not holding my breath. Ang Lee is an awesome director (and a fellow alum of U of Illinois), but I think the CGI will bring the flick down. Actually, what I'm interested to see are the lab scenes. Lee's wife's a biochemist and made sure the labs looked like real labs: ie no one running around in lab coats, messy benches, etc. Yeah, I'm a science geek.
When I 1st heard of it I was like RIGHT ON! The HULK will crush! (no pun intended) but then I saw the trailer and the CG Hulk just doesn't cut it. I like the TV version with Bill Bixby (R.I.P.) and Lou Ferrigno as the Hulk. Wish that fucker was in syndication! We'll see, my kids wanna see it so we're goin but I'll reserve judgement till I leave the theater.
I gotta give Ang Lee the benefit of the doubt. I also think the Hulk will look better on the big screen. I have heard that the effects were not all the way tweaked on the trailers and TV spots. Hopefully thats true. Those geeks at Aint it cool News are going ga-ga over it. So hopefully we will all be in for a surprise.
Wasn't the incredible hulk the tv show a full hour??? I love full hour tv shows like x-men. They're like mini movies. I really prefer bixby/ferrigno. In the movie, it looks like the hulk flies. And he's like 40 feet tall. like a freakin giant or something. I don't know. I think this movie will be like spiderman. entertaining the first watch but unbearably cheesy the second watch and so forth.
I've been collecting Hulk comics for over 20 years so I hope and pray this movie doesn't suck. From what I've seen of the trailors and stuff it is obvious that Hulk is computer generated but there was really no other way of doing it. This movie is based on the comic version of the Hulk(the REAL Hulk) who is 15 feet tall at his angriest, has unlimited strength, regenerative abilities like Wolverene, and can leap around the world in just a few jumps. There's no way they could pull that off with a live human actor. The problem is a lot of people still associate the Hulk with the old TV show wich sucked ass IMO. I mean he could barely even take a bullet in that show and Lou Ferrigno looked like a big green steroid freak with down syndrone. If all you know is that version of the Hulk I suggest you check out a comic before you go see the movie.
Spoken like a true believer, KY.....I think it'll do the comic storyline justice, keeping the characters in check, and his abilities....but, christ man I saw a new mountain dew commercial where bruce spills his drink and HULKs out - and it just looked aweful.
I think the problem lies within the face. The face looks nothing like the books and I've heard that Ang Lee requested that they use somewhat of his likeness for the facial expressions. In terms of the head, gimme Lou Ferrigno w/ down syndrome any day....

I never really read too many comic books so the only reference I have to the hulk is from the TV show. I was raised on the TV. Give me nick at nite anyday over comics
I just downloaded the 'workprint' and scanned it to make sure it's legit. I didn't see The (Incredible) Hulk for about the first hour and when I did I nearly cried...I really hope the press release that said that it was a very very early edition of the CG was true...his pants disapear bad video game style.