O/T: My Review of Triple X


Feb 4, 2002
Past the Point of Caring
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In an effort to not make the boy freak out when I go to the hospital, we've decided to start letting him stay home with Grandma. We went out to dinner and then saw a movie for the first time in a year and a half. The timing was all wrong to see Road to Perdition, and my husband's been bugging the crap out of me to see Triple X anyway.

On to my review:

Vin Diesel is HOT.
Effects are cool.
Stunts rock.
Vin Diesel is HOT.
Soundtrack is decent, totally metal (except for one scene in the bedroom...)

This movie was really good. There were only a couple of times when you think, Yeah right, that could happen. Overall, I'd say it's definitely worth the $8 to see it. And Vin Diesel is hot.

p.s. There are NO naked chicks. Sorry guys. It's PG-13. The closest you get is a chick in her bra and panties, and another one in a bikini. But a lot of stuff gets blown up, and I know that's the second thing y'all look for. :lol:
Who is Van Diesel, and why is the press making it seem as if everyone know who he is?

p.s. I think I speak for many a guy, when I say our "hot chick" of the summer is definitely Natalie Portman aka Padme Amadala, and yes, a poster of her adorns my basement wall. (right next to a stand up of Laura Croft Tomb Raider)
I will never understand why guys think she's so hot but anyways...

Vin Diesel was in The Fast and The Furious, which is why everyone's freaking out over him. But he IS hot. I don't need the press to point that out for me. He was also in Boiler Room and Saving Private Ryan. My sister said he was in Pitch Black but I haven't seen that yet. Probably other stuff too that I haven't found (yet).

Oh I should also point out that Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever looks like it would probably be a really good movie, if the stars of it didn't completely suck.

Oh and Ty, is there any room left at all on those basement walls?
xXx was okay. The music was okay.
I'd give it a 7 out of 10.

p.s. Natalie Portman is beautiful.
I Have not seen xXx yet. I hated fast and furious, pretty much cause all of the cars sucked, and it was very unrealistic. I also think Vin talks like a moron if you have ever seen an interview.

I think xXx is the worst name of a movie ever. On every movie theater sign it looks like a damn porno.
The reason we all think Nat Portman is sooo hot, is because she is real. She isn't like one of these teen pop stars or over glamorous movie stars, or slutty porn star, she is beautiful, but also looks like the kinda girl you'd see walking down the street, hanging out at starbucks, or shopping at the mall. Also, have you ever read an interview w/ her? She is so unlike the typical hollywood airhead bitch, she wants a legitimate career. After Star Wars she may not act again, because she wants to use the degree she is earning and have a more rewarding career than acting. I think that is wonderful, and I hope that some of the younger girls and boys who are fans of these Star Wars prequels read that about her and are influenced by that. When I read that Gene Simmons was a sixth grade teacher I knew what I wanted to do.
XXX was pretty good, I'd say 7/10 also. That's a very good rating from me considering I usually hate mindless action movies. I don't understand what all the fuss is over Van Diesel though. The guy seems like a complete dumbass to me but that's kind of a prerequisite for an action hero and with Arnold and Sly gettng over the hill he should fit in nicely. And yes TD, Natalie Portman is a total babe.
Originally posted by redeyes
Id rather gouge my eyes out with a spork.

Alright cool guy. You can make fun of any of us. We deserve it for posting this much stuff on a BB. But, leave the princess out of it ok!? She does nothing but post kind and cool threads for everyone who is here. And I'm quite sure she is better looking than anyone you've tagged in the sack.
I went to this movie wanting to give it a fair shake but man this movie sucked. Just to much everything. Its like a porno with no sex just money shots. For the new Mtv generation that couldn't sit through plot or character developement. Its not enough for X to shoot a guy while flying through the air on a motorcycle he has to do it hanging on to the seat by one hand all laid out in a superman pose. Every set seemed tired. The scene with X meeting his boss in an opera house with the boss sitting perfectly in the middle of the empty house while an opera is going on. It just seems so cliched at this point.
I saw Raiders of the Lost Ark last sunday on an IMAX screen, now thats a wll done action movie, Spielberg was a god back then, Raiders, E.T.and Close Encounters.
But this is just my opinion and it does look as if I am in the minority.I give this flick a 2.5 out of 10
While your at it stay away from Blood Work also unless you a huge Eastwood fan and you just gotta see it.
Originally posted by Cincy Vigilante
Its not enough for X to shoot a guy while flying through the air on a motorcycle he has to do it hanging on to the seat by one hand all laid out in a superman pose.

lol, I felt the same way about the movie.

"WOW! He just happened to have time to grind on the top of the roof of that shack WHILE being chased by an avalanche."

It was too unrealistic, but that's what movies are for usually.
Damn! I forgot they were playing Raiders down at the IMAX. I missed out. That's still the best chase scene in the history of movies (you know the one I'm talking about). The cool thing about Indy is he doesn't just go around kicking everybody's ass while spouting lame one-liners. He gets beat up quite a bit but still comes out on top due to his tenacity. Indy 4 is definately in the works and they are hoping for a 2005 release about a month after EpIII for a nice one-two punch that summer....


(oh....and Natalie Portman is perfect)
Raiders is still there, check the weekend section of the enquirer or the City Beat or call down there for times. I couldnt find any times on the newport on the levee web sight when I was looking to go.