O/T: Real Time w/ bill maher.

I don't understand why anybody would want to listen to what Bill Maher has to say. The fucking man supports PETA for pete's sake. I can't understand how any rational person could possibly support that piece of shit group. I actually like Kimmel, of course I never watch him because if I'm watching anything at that time it's usually Letterman.
Originally posted by KY_Fried442
I don't understand why anybody would want to listen to what Bill Maher has to say. The fucking man supports PETA for pete's sake. I can't understand how any rational person could possibly support that piece of shit group. I actually like Kimmel, of course I never watch him because if I'm watching anything at that time it's usually Letterman.

I think you'll find that most of Maher's fans don't agree w/ his every opinion on every issue. However, there in lies the respect factor. He speaks his mind, and he does so eloquently, and with the F'bomb! The guy always has a very reasonably rationale for his stances. I don't really wanna watch someone discuss politics if I agreed w/ everything the man said, that would be kind of sheepish. I also don't really wanna listen to garbage like Stern, I want to listen to someone who makes think. If I agree w/ Maher, I can usually say "right on." If I disagree, I can at least look at things from another perspective once I've heard an argument.
Originally posted by TD
I think you'll find that most of Maher's fans don't agree w/ his every opinion on every issue. However, there in lies the respect factor. He speaks his mind, and he does so eloquently, and with the F'bomb! The guy always has a very reasonably rationale for his stances. I don't really wanna watch someone discuss politics if I agreed w/ everything the man said, that would be kind of sheepish. I also don't really wanna listen to garbage like Stern, I want to listen to someone who makes think. If I agree w/ Maher, I can usually say "right on." If I disagree, I can at least look at things from another perspective once I've heard an argument.

For the most part, I agree with what Maher has to say. Also for the most part, I agree with the guy who produced Bowling for Columbine. Sometimes, I find myself siding with Bill O'Reilly. At least he makes some good points, albeit cocky and arrogant. I have to say that I'd be scared as shit if he were in office. I don't like his stance on the war on drugs. War on drugs? There is no. The gov't uses it as a means to collect extra money. When they went in and took over Afghanistan, they didn't bother destroying the poppy fields where the vast majority of all heroin comes from. Why?? Because it's a market that they didn't want to ruin.
I'll admit I do agree with Maher on certain things(the drug war for example) but I just can't get past the PETA thing. I totally understand what you mean by not wanting to watch someone just because you agree with everything they say but that man pisses me off so bad most of the time that I just can't stomach it. His views on gun control, the Iraq situation, animal rights, and religion just get me steamed and I hate going to bed in a bad mood so I just don't watch him.
Originally posted by KY_Fried442
I'll admit I do agree with Maher on certain things(the drug war for example) but I just can't get past the PETA thing. I totally understand what you mean by not wanting to watch someone just because you agree with everything they say but that man pisses me off so bad most of the time that I just can't stomach it. His views on gun control, the Iraq situation, animal rights, and religion just get me steamed and I hate going to bed in a bad mood so I just don't watch him.

Are you a libertarian?
Originally posted by KY_Fried442
I'll admit I do agree with Maher on certain things(the drug war for example) but I just can't get past the PETA thing. I totally understand what you mean by not wanting to watch someone just because you agree with everything they say but that man pisses me off so bad most of the time that I just can't stomach it. His views on gun control, the Iraq situation, animal rights, and religion just get me steamed and I hate going to bed in a bad mood so I just don't watch him.

I'm actually with Maher on gun control. Look at how many people are shot and killed in Canada or Australia, and then look at the US. We don't need anymore fucking guns. It's arbitrary, but I think you'll find that Anthrax agree w/ my sentiment, as they have an address for Gun Control in Vol. 8 Fuck guns. I don't own any, never will.

The Iraq situation. I'm sort of on the fence on this one. Saddam probably does need his ass kicked, but does that really do anything to Osama? Does that really protect Homeland Security? And, I think that a lot of "pro-war" people don't have friends and family going over there, nor are they signing up themselves. It's very easy to be pro-war when you're watching the war from your living room.
Originally posted by TD
I'm actually with Maher on gun control. Look at how many people are shot and killed in Canada or Australia, and then look at the US. We don't need anymore fucking guns. It's arbitrary, but I think you'll find that Anthrax agree w/ my sentiment, as they have an address for Gun Control in Vol. 8 Fuck guns. I don't own any, never will.

Switzerland has a higher concentration of guns than the US and less gun violence than either of those countries. Australia's crime went up after their massively expensive drive to rid the country of guns. Their "hot" burglaries (where the residents are in the house when they get robbed) went up. Our nation's capital is the hotbed of gun control and it's one of the most violent cities in the country. Something about the knowledge that everyone is armed must deter people from fucking with them. Face it, all other things being equal, if you were a criminal, which house would you rob: the house of the NRA member or the house of the Million Mom March mother?

I don't own a gun right now but I have every intention of doing so in the semi-near future. And if you hear that Justin's guns have been taken, you'll know Justin is dead. Anthrax are great musicians and people, but I am going to stick with the Founding Fathers on this issue. If you try to kill or molest my family, friends or me, I will use whatever force necessary to put an end to it.

This reminds me I need to put the sticker on my car "Warning. Driver carries only $20 worth of ammunition."
I know that Anthrax is anti-gun. I don't like it but we all can't agree on everything. I am against handguns, they're only practical purpose is to be an easily hidden human killing device. I'm just afraid if they ban handguns, other guns will soon follow. Another way to look at it is the fact that even if they do ban guns they'll never go away (just like drugs) the only thing that will change is that the only people that will have them is criminals.
I am not sure about this but I think Anthrax became more vocal about Gun control after Frankies Brother was killed. I am not sure how anti-gun they were before this. I am sure that changed how they felt about Guns though and that is why they put it in Volume eight. As for me I feel I should be able to own a gun if I want but I dont have a problem jumping through all the right hoops to get one. I think the harder it is to get one the better. That way people that would know how to handle one would have one and not every idiot would get one.
The founding fathers had guns to fight of the british militia. That's the only reason why right to arms were put in the constitiution. Fuck guns. I think guns are for the same motherfuckers that rev up their car engines at stop lights and have cell phones that light up. You know the type. Small or no dick dilrods. Also, if someone molested my family, I wouldn't shoot them. I'd cut their fuckin liver out with my bare hands and sautee it with onions and bacon. Then I'd shit it out on their face.

Originally posted by AlexStomp
The founding fathers had guns to fight of the british militia. That's the only reason why right to arms were put in the constitiution. Fuck guns. I think guns are for the same motherfuckers that rev up their car engines at stop lights and have cell phones that light up. You know the type. Small or no dick dilrods. Also, if someone molested my family, I wouldn't shoot them. I'd cut their fuckin liver out with my bare hands and sautee it with onions and bacon. Then I'd shit it out on their face.


Here's a little more on why the founding fathers supported legal gun ownership: http://www.gmu.edu/departments/economics/wew/quotes/arms.html

For proof that they were right, see the millions killed in Soviet Russia, Nazi Germany, Communist China, Communist Cambodia in the mid-70s and Turkey in the mid 1910s. See also the South in the late 1800s where blacks were deprived of their guns (and other legal protections).

Also, Alex, while you may be able to do all the things you say (though I doubt it), an older person has less ability to fight back in such a manner. Same with a small woman and a large man. As the saying goes, God made man and woman. Smith & Wesson made them equal. Your solution to deprive them of their only protection will not work.


Not surprisingly, it is anti-gun politicians like Ted Kennedy who fight to take away our right to self-defense. And without self-defense, no other rights are possible.
Guns put the power of God in your hands. If you're spewing your religious crap on me, you should know that if your time has come, there's a better place for you. Not, I'm gonna be God and take your life before you take mine. That's cowardice. And hellbound.
Originally posted by AlexStomp
Guns put the power of God in your hands. If you're spewing your religious crap on me, you should know that if your time has come, there's a better place for you. Not, I'm gonna be God and take your life before you take mine. That's cowardice. And hellbound.

Well we might as well dismantle our military and disarm the police!

P.S. I am not religious at all. I just made the reference to God making man and woman to get a point across.