O/T: Real Time w/ bill maher.

Originally posted by Brentney Spears
Great bumber sticker quote. The government can have my gun when they pry it out of my cold, dead hands. Guns don't kill people, I do. Actually I don't own a gun but I 100% believe we should always have the right to own them and ANY variety of them as well.

My favorite is:
Ted Kennedy's car has killed more people than my gun.
It would soothe me to know that children are strapped. How cute. Timmy just got a gamecube for Christmas to go along with his AK-47. What a sweet happy family.
Originally posted by jdelpi
Well we might as well ban everything that might ever be dangerous to children. Then we'd be safe.

You're way behind in your thinking that I thought. They already ban dangerous things from children. Haven't you ever heard of child safe??

Should we start handing out 9 year olds with drivers licenses?? How about putting them to work, you know, hard labour?

Let's let them into bars too and booze it up.
Originally posted by AlexStomp
You're way behind in your thinking that I thought. They already ban dangerous things from children. Haven't you ever heard of child safe??

Should we start handing out 9 year olds with drivers licenses?? How about putting them to work, you know, hard labour?

Let's let them into bars too and booze it up.

No, we let kids play sports too, right?
We haven't banned swimming pools yet. More kids drown than get shot. According to Yale Law professor Dr. John R. Lott, Jr., almost twice as many children die in bathtubs than die from ALL types of firearm accidents. More children die in auto accidents than from guns. Let's ban it all I say, and this nation will be much safer. Let's get rid of matches and lighters too.
Between 1960 and 1980, the total number of females committing suicide with firearms more than doubled, while the total number of females committing suicide by all means other than firearms increased only 16%. Since 1980, the number of female suicides has fluctuated, ranging from an all time high of 2,761 in 1981 to 2,372 in 1997.

I suppose guns played no part in these senseless deaths though right Justin? These girls would've just killed themselves during a tennis match or dived into the shallow end of the pool. GUNS SUCK.
Originally posted by TD
Between 1960 and 1980, the total number of females committing suicide with firearms more than doubled, while the total number of females committing suicide by all means other than firearms increased only 16%. Since 1980, the number of female suicides has fluctuated, ranging from an all time high of 2,761 in 1981 to 2,372 in 1997.

I suppose guns played no part in these senseless deaths though right Justin? These girls would've just killed themselves during a tennis match or dived into the shallow end of the pool. GUNS SUCK.

People in Japan commit suicide at a far higher rate than people in the United States and guess what? THEY DON'T USE GUNS!

I have yet to see a gun shoot without someone pulling the trigger. Maybe this sounds harsh, but I don't see why my right to own a firearm should be restricted because some percentage of around 2,500 people decide to kill themselves.
i'll add to the debate,i really think tougher laws are needed,in malaysia people are too fucking scared to do anything becuase the laws are so harsh,zero tolerance is the way to go.

steal a car 20 year ,get caught with a gun and no liscence 10 years,armed robbery 20 years no parole and so on,people will soon stop fucking around when these laws start,we are way too soft these days and there are way to many do godders in this world today!!!

do u people agree?
Originally posted by jdelpi
No, we let kids play sports too, right?
We haven't banned swimming pools yet. More kids drown than get shot. According to Yale Law professor Dr. John R. Lott, Jr., almost twice as many children die in bathtubs than die from ALL types of firearm accidents. More children die in auto accidents than from guns. Let's ban it all I say, and this nation will be much safer. Let's get rid of matches and lighters too.

You're comparing sports and bathtubs to Ak-47's and magnums?

I work at a high end restaurant and Ive taken care of Mr. Heston. Nice guy. Respectful. But after seeing Bowling for Columbine, I saw what a coward he is. Refusing to answer a simple yes or no question. What a pussy.
Originally posted by TD
Nice try Justin:
Bath Tubs are for hygiene
Swimming Pools are for swimming/cardiovascular exercise/ sun bathing
Guns are WEAPONS and are sold to destroy things with.
A man of your wit can come up w/ better than your above argument.

So you're willing to let innocent children DIE so some people can excercise or bathe? shame shame
Guns provide self-defense. I put that pretty high up there.
Alex, Ty

It is not the weapon that commits the crime, it is the asshole behind it. Alex, I still can't belive you said Justin should not have the choice to own a gun if he wants to. By the same thinking, you can no longer listen to the music you want, watch the violent/porn movies you want, have sex the way you want because there is someone else who doesn't agree with you and thinks it is wrong.

I don't like guns. I don't want one and I don't want one in my house, but that doesn't mean no one can have one. It is not going to fix the problem.
I'm not going to jump into the fray here. I think some of you probably can guess my position based on that whole George Bush thread.

But I do want to send an invitation to TD and AlexStomp to come and join us in Canada. Gun control laws have been introduced and are in the process of being implemented. We've got "free" health care. Oh, and they're thinking about decriminalizing pot. But at the same time, we can still watch our favorite American TV shows, and the release dates for Anthrax albums are the same. It's really the best of both worlds. The only downside is the freakin' weather, so bring your parka! :lol:
Originally posted by nafnikufesin
I'm not going to jump into the fray here. I think some of you probably can guess my position based on that whole George Bush thread.

But I do want to send an invitation to TD and AlexStomp to come and join us in Canada. Gun control laws have been introduced and are in the process of being implemented. We've got "free" health care. Oh, and they're thinking about decriminalizing pot. But at the same time, we can still watch our favorite American TV shows, and the release dates for Anthrax albums are the same. It's really the best of both worlds. The only downside is the freakin' weather, so bring your parka! :lol:

Per capita GDP in 2001 (in constant 1995 US dollars)
US $31,932
Canada $23,016

Oh yeah, and Anthrax doesn't get to Canada as often as the US. :p
Yeah, since 9/11 they haven't let Anthrax across the border. You know, their name must represent a security threat. :lol:

As for stats, remember that 57% of all statistics are useless :lol: (That and 5 out of every four people have trouble with fractions :lol: ). But if you want to spew'em, you can pretty much find whatever stats you want to make an argument. How about this one: Life expectancy: Canada 79.56 years, US 77.26 years.