O/T: Real Time w/ bill maher.

Military and Police are authority and are well trained under the law to have guns. The problems with guns is that it doesn't mix with emotions. Imagine some emotional guy wasting some dude that betrayed him in the heat of a moment. Maybe over a girl. 10 years after he's penned up during a life sentence, he's gonna wish he never touched a gun in his life. I can completely understand the authority having guns, but not civilans.
Bill Maher is a liberal in wolf's clothing and his nose looks like a penis. What did he ever do to become such a fucking expert? And don't say I'm liberal bashing either. I can't stand Bill O'Reilly either and he's about as right wing pretending to be in the middle as they come. I hate all the news bastards. Waste of my fucking time. Bunch of hot air bullshit.
Don't hate the entire right based on Bill O'Reilly. I'm more right than I am left when pressed to make pick a label and I can't stand that fuckin guy.
Great bumber sticker quote. The government can have my gun when they pry it out of my cold, dead hands. Guns don't kill people, I do. Actually I don't own a gun but I 100% believe we should always have the right to own them and ANY variety of them as well.
Originally posted by AlexStomp
Military and Police are authority and are well trained under the law to have guns. The problems with guns is that it doesn't mix with emotions. Imagine some emotional guy wasting some dude that betrayed him in the heat of a moment. Maybe over a girl. 10 years after he's penned up during a life sentence, he's gonna wish he never touched a gun in his life. I can completely understand the authority having guns, but not civilans.

You just said killing in self-defense was wrong and now you're saying it's ok? Face it, cops cannot be everywhere, and they're not legally required to protect anyone in particular even if they could be. Once a person starts threatening the life of another, they've thrown their own claim to rights out the window.
We can come up with all sorts of imagine-if scenarios. They don't prove much. What if a woman is beaten the hell up by her ex-boyfriend because she could not legally own a gun to defend herself?
Originally posted by jdelpi
You just said killing in self-defense was wrong and now you're saying it's ok? Face it, cops cannot be everywhere, and they're not legally required to protect anyone in particular even if they could be. Once a person starts threatening the life of another, they've thrown their own claim to rights out the window.
We can come up with all sorts of imagine-if scenarios. They don't prove much. What if a woman is beaten the hell up by her ex-boyfriend because she could not legally own a gun to defend herself?

Ok, so what your saying is that after you break up with someone, carry a gun because you don't know if they're gonna come "get you !"???
another one of the fucked things about the world today,in australia they introduced gun laws,while it may not reduce crime and other bulshit,the 40 or 50 out of the thousands handed in before laws started might have actually saved a few people lives,better than nothing i say.

i have heard that in america that pro gun groups have way to much power for the government to take the hardline approach.

i think australia is at least trying to do something about it,on the otherhand anything can be used as a weapon these days knives especially,the only way to fix the prob is have zero tolerance on our streets like they have in new york.
unfortunately we are catching up to usa in the crime stakes,drive by shooting never happened a ten years ago but are very common now so are inhouse robberies,we are learning
Originally posted by AlexStomp
Ok, so what your saying is that after you break up with someone, carry a gun because you don't know if they're gonna come "get you !"???

I'm saying leave it up to the individual's choice. You support disarming victims and leaving them easy targets. Why do you think Alaska of all places has the higher per capita rape rate of any state BY FAR? Because the cops have a hard time getting there.
Originally posted by Brentney Spears
Bill Maher is a liberal in wolf's clothing and his nose looks like a penis. What did he ever do to become such a fucking expert? And don't say I'm liberal bashing either. I can't stand Bill O'Reilly either and he's about as right wing pretending to be in the middle as they come. I hate all the news bastards. Waste of my fucking time. Bunch of hot air bullshit.

O'Reilly is pretty goddamn annoying but he's not as washed up as Donahue. Actually, I became a tiny bit sympathetic to O'Reilly when I got "spun" on a question to a panel discussion on which Kenneth Starr was. That is, they did not answer my question and answered another question instead.
Originally posted by jdelpi
Armed pilots will do that.
Missile defense will protect us from...well...missiles.

How are bombs or missles or armored pilots going to protect people when the "men with boxcutters" have the boxcutters at their throats. Most terrorists don't have access to missles, so a missile defense would be futile, for the most part.
Originally posted by SlaughterofSoul
How are bombs or missles or armored pilots going to protect people when the "men with boxcutters" have the boxcutters at their throats. Most terrorists don't have access to missles, so a missile defense would be futile, for the most part.

North Korea, a brutal Communist dictatorship regardless of what "Nobel Peace Prize" recipient Jimmy Carter says, has missles, correct? Iran, who took over our embassy and killed our people, has missiles, right? And some of the missles from

As for armed pilots, many pilots have been trained in the military. The key is to stop terrorists before they get the boxcutters at their throats. Even the late Rep. Patsi Mink (Dem-Hawaii) who was strongly anti-gun for her decades in the House of Reps supported this measure. It's the White House that has been blocking it.
I think everyone who shouts "guns are our constitutional" right should shut the f*** up and realize that the founding fathers (all good masons!) didn't think about assholes like Phil Graham who has a gun for everyone room in his house, or the sniper dick in DC. How was a gun gonna save you from him?? Anyway, it just shows that parts of our constitution are somewhat dated. Anyone who wants a gun, should also be forced to give "quarter" to service men. That would shut up gun owners real quick. But HEY, it's in the constitution.
Originally posted by TD
I think everyone who shouts "guns are our constitutional" right should shut the f*** up and realize that the founding fathers (all good masons!) didn't think about assholes like Phil Graham who has a gun for everyone room in his house, or the sniper dick in DC. How was a gun gonna save you from him?? Anyway, it just shows that parts of our constitution are somewhat dated. Anyone who wants a gun, should also be forced to give "quarter" to service men. That would shut up gun owners real quick. But HEY, it's in the constitution.

Ty, nice lack of a response.
It is my constitutional right and I won't shut the fuck up. Not only that, I carry the Constitution in my pocket. If you have a problem with the second amendment, amend the Constitution to get rid of it. Otherwise YOU "shut the fuck" up. Our Constitution had the Bill of Rights added to protect the minority from the majority.
Remember the shooting last year at the law school in WV? While lawbreakers, by definition, do not obey laws (including gun laws as it was illegal to have one in the school), it was a student who had a gun in his car who stopped the incident before it went further.
As for the DC sniper, a gun can't save you in every instance, just as the police can't. It doesn't mean they don't have any utility. Oh yeah, and the sniper used to be in the military. Isn't that comforting?