O/T: Real Time w/ bill maher.

Btw NFF, how much did it cost us to implement the gun control laws?? Exactly... 1 billion Can$ which represents a 43000% overrun on inital budgets...

But I'm still proud to be living in America Jr. ! :)
I'll just add my 2 cents here. I'm a law abiding citizen and I own guns. I don't see how my owning them has hurt anyone, so why shoud I not be alowed to own them. I have 2 children too. I'm not afraid of them playing with them, because they know better. They know what they can do and that they are not toys. They know the diffrence. My dad had guns when I was young. The first time I shot one was with my dad when I was 5. The problem is that people are not tought responsibility and safety. one of the guns I own is one of those "assult" rifles. It's nice to have a 30 round clip, you don't need to reload as often when at the range. As far as people spouting off at the mauth about the AK-47, that's bullshit. Concidering that it is illeagle to buy or sell a fully automatic weapon without a license and registered at your local sherifs office. Gun deaths should not include suicide because if they want to kill themselves, they are going to do it anyway. Yes they may choose the gun because it is so easy, but the point is that if they want to do it, they will. Common sence and resposibilty go along way. Too bad not many people use it any more.

Here's a bumper sticker saying for you Justin
"Ban guns, make the streets safe for a government takeover"

By they way to all the anti gunners out there. Germany and total gun control. I don't remember it turning out to good for the people in that county do you?
Originally posted by jdelpi
What is the point of living if you're in Canada?
Let's see, hockey, real beer, cold weather resulting in perky nipples...I can think of a couple good reasons :lol:

Anyway, I didn't come here to bash America. First, it would be pretty stupid, seeing, how there's what like three whole Canadians on this board compared to how many Americans? Second, as far as neighbors go, we're pretty lucky that our two countries have a good relationship. Having the U.S. as our neighbor provides us with a lot of things (but just remember it works both ways. We may be 1/10th your population, but we're still your biggest trading partner, and all of your corporations salivated when free trade came through). Certainly the U.S. is better at a lot of things, but we have our advantages too. My original point was two-fold: one, a plug for Canada (which I obviously take whenever I can get :D ) and two, just a reminder to those that are frustrated with the issues of no gun control in the US, that there are other options.
OH Canada rules. In high school for my senior band trip (Iplayed alto sax and clarinet), we played some tournament or whatever in Toronto. We sneaked out every night and hung out at the bars. I got laid with this really hot 20 year old canadien chick. And I drink good beer