Obscure/Lesser Known Classic/Prog Rock Album recs (that don't suck)

Great band! PFM! I have that one, and The Island album. As for Gentle Giant, the only album I don't have ironically, no joke, is The Missing Piece
I really need to get some PFM.
I only own Octopus from Gentle Giant and it's pretty nice off- the wall prog rock, though their overall sound is a bit too clinical for me. I'll have to look into their other albums.
I highly reccomend Captain Beyond (their first album is amazing), Steamhammer is also quite great, and of course Armaggeddon, Keith Relf's hard rock prog band. They kick ass.
I haven't heard these yet but I was recommended:

Il Balletto di Bronzo-Ys
PFM-Per Un Amico
Magma- Kobaia, Mekahanik Destruktiw Kommandoh, Udu Wudu
Hawkwind-Space Ritual
Univers Zero-Ceux de Dehors
Gong-You, Angel's Egg
Morte Macabre-Symphonic Holocaust
Art Zoyd- Symphonie pour le jour où brûleront les cités,Génération sans Futur

All are described as being pretty "out there"

This is great!

To it, I add a more accessible intro album:

Eskaton: 4 visions
Shub-Niggurath's Les Morts Vont Vinte is an impressive zeuhl album. I don't find SN as engaging as Magma, but they're more complex and definitely interesting.
Not really classic (late 80's, early 90's) and probably belongs in the fusion thread, but I just bought Gamalon - Aerial View, cheap off ebay and I'm just crazy about that band. They have the rock edge iced with fusion, some sweet mellow stuff too, but far from cliche.

Incase anyones interested :rolleyes: