October Falls - The Womb of Primordial Nature

So, I heard October Falls was going to be part of a compilation called "Der Wanderer über dem Nebelmeer"? Guy I know is on it, told me about it...

Doing a new track for this?
Well, I can't really do anything about someone naming their band same as mine and as I don't have a MySpace-account, I cannot inform them (the other band) about. Too bad...

About the compilation, I'm somewhat interested and try to record something (new) for it.
A bit of an update, if the dates have not failed, the new album should be out by Moribund now.
The Streams Of The End was fucking brilliant, and The Womb of Primordial Nature continues this.

This time around, there is a marked increase in just about every characteristic. Songwriting, vocals, bassplaying (which is quite exceptional, and quite enjoyable to pay close attention to), the drumming and of course your playing. Someone else mentioned here in the thread that your vocals have improved and I totally agree. Maybe it's the production, but I think your delivery has much more strength & versatility than you did on the EP. Great job.

Mikko, your move towards Black Metal with your existing style has been an excellent choice. I can't wait to see what more you come up with. Keep it up.
I think I'm developing some existential "autumn album" thing with this, the way I did back in 2002 with The Mantle... It's incredibly beautiful, and consistent.

Here's my raving review, just in case you're keeping some kind of archive Mikko :)
Thanks a lot!

There will also be a vinyl release at some point. The material for vinyl is already sent to label, so it's up to them now.