Off to the CD store

get some old school death metal... Death, Pestilence, Sepultura, Obituary, Dismember... my buddy just made me a comp of these bands for the car. It has been a while since I have listened to this stuff, but it still kicks my ass all over the place
i would suggest the Jester Race/Black Ash Inheritance rerelease (in flames), unless you have it already.

nothing like speeding down the highway at 70mph listening to december flower :D
Originally posted by LSDphilosophy
get some old school death metal... Death, Pestilence, Sepultura, Obituary, Dismember... my buddy just made me a comp of these bands for the car. It has been a while since I have listened to this stuff, but it still kicks my ass all over the place

There are so many cds I need to get. Ugh. If I only had the money..well, I kinda do. I need to save it, though. :(

Thank you.

Someone finally praised my avatar. Thorns of Sorrow thought it was sick, and I agree to some level.

This was taken from Acid Bath's "When the Kite String Pops". If you're looking for a cd and don't have that in your collection, GET IT!'s great stuff. I'll type more abou them if you're interested when I feel like it. Look for Acid Bath cds.

Gacy was a sick man, but he was interesting to say the least. He has forever made clowns evil. \m/
"This is the Zodiac speaking, I like killing people because it is so much fun. It is more fun than killing wild game in the forest because man is the most dangerous animal of all to kill..." :D

Yeah, I did tons of reports in school on various serial killers about their crimes, what makes them tick, etc. Interesting stuff to say the least.

Acid Bath was a great band. It's too bad they ended as soon as they did. Their bassist was killed in a car wreck. Their sound is unlike any other band I've ever heard. You should also try to be on the lookout for "Paegan Terrorism Tactics", which features artwork by Jack Kevorkian. It was their followup to "When the Kite String Pops", which features Gacy as Pogo. They also have some radio edits cds that are pretty rare, and one of them has artwork by Richard Ramirez (The Night Stalker). You won't be disappointed with them. :D
Cool. :cool:

I must get some sleep now as it's 3:30am, and I've had a few too many drinks so I'm fading quickly. :p

Hope you can find either Acid Bath cd and decide to buy them. Excellent band who was unlike any other band and is far above my petit descriptions of them. Do yourself a favour, and check them out. See ya around. :D
Jotun--- get the new Arch Enemy- wages of sin... it has a female vocalist but she sure as shit doesn't sound female to me. She can kick some major fucking ass and it kind of turns me on
My best friend back in the country has both 'Kite Strings' and 'Pagan' and they are fantastic albums.

I especially love 'Dead Girl' from 'Pagan Terrorism Tactics' (or whatever it's called). That song is amazing.

And Daxx Riggs has the most amazing voice... it's so smooth when he's using his clear voice, and abrasive when he's not.

Damn, I feel like listening to them now.:(
Originally posted by requiem
My best friend back in the country has both 'Kite Strings' and 'Pagan' and they are fantastic albums.

I especially love 'Dead Girl' from 'Pagan Terrorism Tactics' (or whatever it's called). That song is amazing.

And Daxx Riggs has the most amazing voice... it's so smooth when he's using his clear voice, and abrasive when he's not.

Damn, I feel like listening to them now.:(
Indeed. Dead Girl is probably my favorite song (definitely acoustic) of theirs. Daxx re-did "Dead Girl" with his band that formed after Acid Bath broke up, Agents of Oblivion. Mike Sanchez, guitarist for Acid Bath, was also in Agents. They also broke up after only putting out one demo, which is incredible but nothing like Acid Bath. Daxx's voice is so versatile and incredible either way.

He's now in a band called Deadboy and the Elephantmen, and I'm not too impressed with what I've heard so far. Some good moments in the songs but nothing nearly as powerful as Acid Bath or even Agents of Oblivion. For some info about them, those interested should read Chedsey's reviews of both of their albums. There is also a review for Agents of Oblivion. The albums are available at Rotten Records, their record label. I'd try to get them elsewhere if you can.