off-topic..... football....

In the AFC...Indy & New England, with maybe Cinncy as a dark horse...though I think the Bengals are a year, or two, away.

The NFC is wide open, imo. You have to give Seattle the edge, but anyone could come out of the NFC.
Bryant said:
Who are the teams to beat ?

In the NFC I think it is the Seahawks, Giants and yada yada....

In the AFC.... Indy, New England and Pittsburgh

Your opinions ?


AFC, Definetly The Pats, The Colts, And don't sleep on The Broncos!!! They have a great shot this year and are my darkhorse Super Bowl Team.

NFC, 1st off Seattle is seriously OVERRATED!!! Honestly..They're coming out of the weakest division in football and are primed to lose the 1st playoff game they host...I think The Panthers win the NFC and go to the Bowl..
And my darkhorse suprise team is The Bears!! People try to say that you need offense to win The Super Bowl...But ask the Baltimore Ravens (2000 Super Bowl Champs) how they feel about comments like that.
Dodens Grav said:
Keep in mind big bad New England has the same record.

When you compare the two schedules....The Steelers wouldn't even be at .500 if they had to play The Pats schedule this year, Which is on record for being the hardest for ANY Super Bowl Champion for the following year.
Superbowl - Colts vs. Giants. :D There always seems to be some sort of story to go with the big game and what would be bigger than two brothers going at it for the championship.

Really, it's till to tough to call this year. Indy looks strong, but losing a game like that at home this late in the season isn't good. Every team is going to look at that tape that has to play them the rest of the year. Pat's are coming on strong.

NFC is anybody at this point. Seattle? Carolina? Bears? I don't think the Buc's will make it out of the first round if they even get in. They sucked big time this weekend. We might as well of had cardboard cut-outs for an O-line against the Pat's. It was horrible! If we beat ATL this Saturday we should be in as a wildcard. Still a chance at the division if we win our last two and Carolina loses one of theirs.
T Man, you really think the Seahawks are overrated? I would disagree with that statement...Granted they are in a weak division, but I believe they are for real. Guess we shall see this weekend when Peyton and the boys roll into the rainy Northwest...Then we will know for sure :)

Im tellin ya guys, watch out for Denver...Tatum Bell is the man
SavaRon said:
Superbowl - Colts vs. Giants. :D There always seems to be some sort of story to go with the big game and what would be bigger than two brothers going at it for the championship.

Really, it's till to tough to call this year. Indy looks strong, but losing a game like that at home this late in the season isn't good. Every team is going to look at that tape that has to play them the rest of the year. Pat's are coming on strong.

NFC is anybody at this point. Seattle? Carolina? Bears? I don't think the Buc's will make it out of the first round if they even get in. They sucked big time this weekend. We might as well of had cardboard cut-outs for an O-line against the Pat's. It was horrible! If we beat ATL this Saturday we should be in as a wildcard. Still a chance at the division if we win our last two and Carolina loses one of theirs.

Since ATL's season ended at the hands of the Bears last night, I'd love to see The Bears make it to the SB. Did you see Rex Grossman?! My fucking god, he sliced and diced....
I still like the Colts for the AFC...
Dodens Grav said:
Hehe, same here. I'm pulling for the Giants in terms of the NFC myself.

I don't know if Lovie Smith was waiting to unleash the beast, but when he benched Orton last night, I was hoping Rex would be rusty! He was not! I'm wondering if that was part of the master plan? Play Orton, until he got into trouble going into the playoffs then unleash Grossman and flip the entire NFC upside down!
Bears are going ALL the way! Mark my words!
Perhaps they'll send Brett Farve into overdue retirement on Christmas!
THAT would make my year! 20 years later, revenge for Charles Martin!

J-Dubya - Living in Packer country, but a DIE HARD Bears fan

p.s. 'Bout time they unleashed Grossman!
Lost and Found Records USA said:
T Man, you really think the Seahawks are overrated? I would disagree with that statement...Granted they are in a weak division, but I believe they are for real. Guess we shall see this weekend when Peyton and the boys roll into the rainy Northwest...Then we will know for sure :)

Im tellin ya guys, watch out for Denver...Tatum Bell is the man

This weekends game won't mean much against the Colts with Jim Sorgi at QB
(I know..WHO???) But they're crazy overrated...Take a look at what they've done...Loss at Jags (No surprise to me) Loss at Redskins (Again, not shocked) I hope you're not going to point to the Giants game as some great win since Feely gift wrapped that on for them...And the rest of the year they haven't really done a whole lot, They can't handle teams with good defense...I'm telling ya, Carolina in the Bowl and quite possibly The Bears!! Both teams more than capable of stopping Alexander and putting Hasselback on his ass for an entire game.

AFC, All the haters can come out and bitch as much as they want...But The Patriots are the healthiest they've been since beating up The Steelers and anyone looking past N.E. will be watching the Super Bowl at home..I don't care which team it is..Indy or whoever...And then all that bitching will turn to crying about not again...3 years in a row..The Broncos will be tough!! And if someone can eliminate The Colts for them...Denver will probably be back in the Super Bowl (Shanahan won't let them look past N.E.) And a good darkhorse team in the AFC is The Jags!!! They'll bring a true challenge to whoever they play.
Lost and Found Records USA said:
Im tellin ya guys, watch out for Denver...Tatum Bell is the man

From a Broncs fan....

Tatum Bell goes down too easy. Mike Anderson is The Man.

I like my team's chances but Indy's got that home field advantage all wrapped up. There's way too much importance being placed on that loss to the Chargers, IMO.

As the seeding sits right now and if NE and Cinci win the first round, Cinci would come to Denver and NE would go to Indy. I'm pretty sure Indy doesn't like that scenario.
Wheezer said:
NE would go to Indy. I'm pretty sure Indy doesn't like that scenario.

I couldn't agree more!!

This is going to be a good year to be a Broncos fan...Especially if N.E. knocks off Indy and has to play at Mile High...I have faith in my team and all...
But stopping Mike Anderson, Bell (And now Ron Dayne) won't be easy!!! Especially in Denver....not too mention the Broncos impressive "D"
I hope John Lynch makes the Pro Bowl!!
I had a winning streak betting on NFL since the season started.. but got hit with bad luck this past weekend.... Chiefs didnt cover the spread, Colts lost their first game against Chargers, & Seattle didnt cover the spread... only bet i won this past weekend was betting against the Saints... won 1 out of 4 bets and lost about $700 this weekend... hope i can make it back the upcoming weekend but no way in hell im betting the Colts/Seattle game lol ...
Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
I had a winning streak betting on NFL since the season started.. but got hit with bad luck this past weekend.... Chiefs didnt cover the spread, Colts lost their first game against Chargers, & Seattle didnt cover the spread... only bet i won this past weekend was betting against the Saints... won 1 out of 4 bets and lost about $700 this weekend... hope i can make it back the upcoming weekend but no way in hell im betting the Colts/Seattle game lol ...
I've been up and down all year...(I won big this week with The Pats, Under & Denver on a 3 team parlay)

The game that jumps out of the paper this week (IMO) is
Giants @ Redskins (-3) O/U 37 I like Redskins, Over And pairing it up with
Carolina (-5 1/2) Over Dallas....I also think The Chargers +1 over the Chiefs look good too!!

If you've been winning regularly give me your impressions of these picks and maybe I'll change it up a bit to try and improve my odds..
You might be right it depends on Indianapolis's health in the playoffs
I know there is no way Jacksonville is going to beat New England on their
home turf. But like I said if the colts are healthy and focused which they
were not last sunday they will be the team to beat in the AFC.
Yeah Swine it looked like Grossman was on fire sunday night! Plus the
Bears have the Defense to make them my faves for the NFC but dont overlook
Seattle or Carolina. And in the AFC dont overlook Cincinatti and Denver
and next year I would really be worried about San Diego those rookies that
play defense for them are juggernauts!
Wheezer said:
There's way too much importance being placed on that loss to the Chargers, IMO.
WAAAAAAAAAAY TOO MUCH! Geez, its one loss, and from the callers on the local sports talk radio here, you'd think the Colts have no chance now that they lost one game. Did anyone really think they were gonna go undefeated? I don't know what Indy does from here on out, but this last game doesn't change my opinion of them, at all.

I still say Seattle is the top of the NFC. Good, solid QB, three very good WRs, a pretty good Defense and the best RB in the game...sorry LT.
TheWhisper said:
WAAAAAAAAAAY TOO MUCH! Geez, its one loss, and from the callers on the local sports talk radio here, you'd think the Colts have no chance now that they lost one game. Did anyone really think they were gonna go undefeated? I don't know what Indy does from here on out, but this last game doesn't change my opinion of them, at all.

I still say Seattle is the top of the NFC. Good, solid QB, three very good WRs, a pretty good Defense and the best RB in the game...sorry LT.
Yeah but.....Undefeated record aside, (Because I don't think Tony Dungy really cared about that) You don't want to start showing weakness going into the playoffs..The Chargers used the Patriots blueprint from last year on how to beat The Colts (I.E. pressure on Manning hitting him whenever possible)
And coaching staffs have all seen that...The Pats are going to do that to him regardless..No one in the NFL plays the 3 4 defense better than The Pats!!

But the chargers had the personnel to exploit Manning and you saw what happened....And why do you think The Broncos revamped their entire defense?? They're tired of being embarrassed by The Colts in the postseason
and are looking to change that by playing a very Patriots type "D" when they square off with Indy.

I realize Indy is still a dangerous team..And I make no mistake about the fact that they could be representing the AFC in the Super Bowl...But it's the wrong time of the year for a loss like that..Especially if they start sitting their starters this week (That'll be about 1 month of inactivity.)

In this mans humble opinion...