Off-Topic: Swede Traffic Laws


Fallen Angel
Mar 16, 2002
Help me out, Swedish ones.

Is that true that Swedish Police can only fine drivers if their cars are immobile? I mean, if you run away from the cops, and lose the tail, even with your plate in hands, they can´t do anything?

Solve my tormenting doubt.
So I hear that krigsbarn will execute anyone with pot in their car. :)
alas, if only it was true... :p I'd benefit hugely from that provided I didn't get an engine failure which I usually do :bah:
or maybe I just shouldn't drive 110 km/h when the limit is 90 km/h. and that without a license... yet! just for practise..
@Northern: come on, they'd get you for that? I drive at 90-100 with an old car through tunnels where i'm not supposed to go over 80, i thank god every single day i don't get tickets sent to me at home. :p
@Siren: yep, they'll get you for that if you're unlucky :p apparently driving too fast is a very serious offense in this country, as is tax fraud and both those horrific crimes are dealt with severely. should you however happen to murder someone, they'll let you off with a pat on the back and a wink, then give you an axe/chainsaw and drop you off outside a daycare centre.
I got this question from this site (maybe you know it):

Where this "Mr. X" guy drive Porsches, C5, Audis and a lot of other nice cars through the city, by night, running away from the cops, and other stuff.

He´s a helluva driver, god damnit. They have some teaser from the vids for download, give it a try.

PS.: I´m not affiliated with the site, just like cars. :tickled:
Northern Lights said:
apparently driving too fast is a very serious offense in this country, as is tax fraud and both those horrific crimes are dealt with severely. should you however happen to murder someone, they'll let you off with a pat on the back and a wink, then give you an axe/chainsaw and drop you off outside a daycare centre.
Damn, that's hardcore. The problem in this place, I think, is that the speed limits are too low.
Another thing that's fucked up is, in New York City there are cameras at intersections. If you pass a red light, or even a yellow light, it takes a picture. A few months later when you least expect it and when you're already pissed off at something else, you get this letter in the mail with a couple of photos of you 'breaking the law' (from different angles mind you) and a 'not-so-kind invitation to court'

EDIT: haha, I just remembered my dad should be getting one of those soon in his mail. He's gonna think "..the hell? I never drove the car into the city!"
And I'm gonna get a phone call :erk:
MagSec4 said:
Damn, that's hardcore. The problem in this place, I think, is that the speed limits are too low.
Another thing that's fucked up is, in New York City there are cameras at intersections. If you pass a red light, or even a yellow light, it takes a picture. A few months later when you least expect it and when you're already pissed off at something else, you get this letter in the mail with a couple of photos of you 'breaking the law' (from different angles mind you) and a 'not-so-kind invitation to court'
That actually happened to my grandpa that lives in Queens. It's a real shitter. :/
As long as you outrun the followers, they've got no chance of telling who actually drove the car. Sure, it will bounce back and before you know it the authoritys will have a thumb up the car owner's ass. That is not really a problem since you'll just have to make up a resonable explaination of why you simply don't know who was driving your car at that time...

It's idiotic to even try though, there are cases like this every now and then and few can stand the pressure from the cops and so on...
Arch said:
So I hear that krigsbarn will execute anyone with pot in their car. :)


And for the law thing, it's bullshit I think. They ask you to stop and if you don't stop, then it's another lawsuit since a new violation is done involving force majeur. And I don't see how they can fine the driver if his car is not fucking parked
lol here now if you drive a bit too fast and/or a lot of other things it seems like they're going to tear apart your driving license and then possibly tear apart with their teeth your liver too, then again put you in a cage in the principal square of the city and so expose you to other people disapproval and violence.
some time ago i also had a nightmare where i was driving too fast without license and with a police car behind. all this and i haven't a driving license yet :eek: when i'll have it i'll become crazy
krigsbarn said:
Swedish laws have the trick for convincing us to contribute to zero wrecks /year
I don't think it has to do only with the laws, but with the people too.
Yeah, self responsibility in fact. Some people auto-fix their problems... That's why some countries have lower kill rates or other shits like that. Countries that often dont make hear about them. Scandinavia, greece, netherlands.... heh but it's a secret!!! fix your country before moving to another hah
lol but we forbid you of any offensive army... AHHAHAHAH serves you well... next time you guys do a shit, try not failing! ;-)