"Official" 24 thread. Commentary

It's Friday Morning already and I've forgotten most of what I watched on Monday night. Let me sip some of my home made coffee and see if anything comes back to me.

Now, as I concentrate really hard, I do seem to recall that....

1 - CTU was tracking McCarthy's Maserati by satellite. I seem to have this memory of him ditching the Maserati for a Ford F150, but I could be wrong. Why would anyone do that? Did I dream that?

2 - I never did get the name of McCarthy's blond girlfriend. Was it Jenny McCarthy? Anyway, she caps McCarthy almost out of the blue, a classic 24 style shooting. She figures she can deliver Morris and cash in on the 7 million dollar jackpot for herself. Unbelievably, CTU finds someone who witnessed this scene, which is hard to believe since it happened in Los Angeles, CA.
CTU also found a parking space near the bridge where they picked up Jack.
a parking space?? in LA???

3 - We knew this was coming, somebody wants to shoot poor President Tupac, again. To add insult to injury, it's Chad Lowe, the latest kid brother of a more famous actor to appear in 24. Lookout for appearances by Burt Pitt, Craig Depp, and Summer Phoenix as the season wears on. Chad gets the wormy Chief of Staff on board with the plan, and a new high level bad guy is revealed.

4 - Question, what is more unlikely:

a. That America would elect an apparent bachelor president with obvious credentials as a hip hop artist and a professional fashion model from a racial minority with a strong civil liberties bent or

b. This same guy would hire an all white staff who seems hell bent on forcibly interning everyone with a trace of middle eastern ancestry?

5 - Jenny McCarthy shows up at Fayed's hideout with poor Morris, who gets beaten with a baseball bat, and by now,infamously drilled with a power drill before he agrees to arm the nuclear trigger. How exactly is Morris the only guy who knows how to work with Soviet Nukes? Fayed blows Jenny away, then CTU who has had the place surrounded with 200 agents rolls in.
Ever go to a bar with your friends and decide to sneak out without saying goodbye because you are tired and you don't want them to try and pressure you into staying? It's not that hard, but it's not nearly as easy as it was for Fayed to sneak out and slip away from CTU.

6 - Jack, still wearing his sky blue Gap shirt, but with a CTU vest over it now, is disturbed because he thinks he killed his brother. It turns out that his ex girlfriend/sister in law is delighted that Graem is dead, and that she knows the location of the hideout of the evil Soviet General who has given Fayed all the nukes. The General looks sort of like Sean Connory in his role as a Soviet sub captain in Hunt for Red October.

7 - Grandpa Bauer, for now, appears to be the top bad guy. He orders the new dark suit bad guy (Chad Lowe's boss) to redirect efforts from the presidential assassination task, to silencing the general before Jack can get to him. Then he kidnaps his own grandson and blackmails his mom into leading Jack away from the general's house (I know this makes no sense, I am only reporting what I saw) to a house right around the corner where his bad guys can ambush CTU, which we know by now is as easy as shooting fish in a barrel. I think we left off with most of the CTU team dead, and Jack unscathed as usual.

I love 24!
I liked Jack's immediate reaction "you gave him something that works?" - wtf? They were sinking a drill bit in his shoulder... yeah, if he could've been thinking straight maybe he could've made it only work 1 time.... not sure I could tie shoe if someone had a gun to my head :) but I'm sure I could whip up a computer program to arm nuclear weapons in just a few minutes, after being beaten with a bat, 1/2 drowned in a tub and drilled in the back first... i love this show :)
3 - We knew this was coming, somebody wants to shoot poor President Tupac, again. To add insult to injury, it's Chad Lowe, the latest kid brother of a more famous actor to appear in 24. Lookout for appearances by Burt Pitt, Craig Depp, and Summer Phoenix as the season wears on. Chad gets the wormy Chief of Staff on board with the plan, and a new high level bad guy is revealed.
This made me damn near shoot coffee out of me nose..... (Note to self, do not drink liquids whilst reading Karen's commentary).

I missed the first 20 min of this episode, seems like that was the best part. :mad:

24 RULES!! :rock: :kickass: :rock: :kickass:
damn. this last ep floored me once again. I thought that bastard Logan (no not from X-men) was in prison, not looking like Grizzly Adams! Marilyn should've shot old Gramps when she had the opportunity back there....
ï just heard from my friend today that theyre shooting the show on his street. hes a pretty funny guy so he was getting all pissed off by saying "hey this is my property and i never said that you could film here and its not government property!" im pretty sure he was joking, but he also said he hung out with the director and one of the guys for a bit.
OK...........Good episode, hard to find too much to criticize here. I am reminded of the words of noted media critic David Poole, (also known as one of my best friends)
"Unlike most dramatic works which rely on a well crafted plot, 24 relies on plot gaps, implausibilities, and suspension of disbelief to keep us tuning in again and again"

Shall we?

1 - Jack is (once again) the lone survivor of an ambushed CTU team. He yells at Marilyn, his ex girlfriend/sister in law/ to get to the truth about where the general was really holed up.

2 - Jack has Bill Buchanan send another CTU team to this general's house. Weren't those CTU agents worried about barging into the house and getting blown to bits like the last team? No, but I was.

3 - Can't remember how, but somehow Marilyn ends up with Milo and away from Jack. Did I miss something? Maybe this just happened.
They have no support, but the terrorists are all over them. They notice that Marilyn is with a CTU official but he "doesn't appear to be a trained field agent" . How offensive! Can't trained field agents wear designer jeans, an untucked 200 dollar lets-go-to-the-club striped shirt from Neiman Marcus and spend 400 dollars on haircuts??? And so what? The "trained" CTU agents all suck except for Jack and (R.I.P) Curtis. Anyhow, our clubmeister does quite well for himself, taking out all but one of the bad guys before catching a bullet in the arm.

4 - The last bad guy is about to bust a cap in Milo, but Jack comes to the rescue and does an expert medical diagnosis on Milo's bullet wound (lifting his arm looking for exit hole? Jack, nigga please)
while securing the bad guy. He sends Milo off to the CTU clinic who have 24/7 staff to treat all major injuries in a place that looks like a dungeon and is regularly infiltrated by bad guys posing as doctors.

5 - Morris reveals that he's in AA and needs to see his sponsor. He then goes down to the liquor store and buys a can of Red Bull, a carton of Marlboros and a fifth of Glenlvit Scotch. He chugs the fifth then spits out half of it, then eats an Altoid. So many sponsors, so little time!
He shows up at work and people think he smells like booze, but they let him get back to work.

6 - Back at the White House, Tom has second thoughts about conspiring to assassinate the president, so he calls Secret Service. They say they can send someone to help him, but it will take 20 minutes for a guy to go down the hall. Keep in mind that he's in a bunker with the pres under heightened security. In contrast, he bad guys were able to set up an ambush and plant a bomb at a house around the corner from the evil general's house in 2.5 minutes. My Dominos pie only took 18 minutes to get here tonight.

7 - Chad Lowe overhears Tom's flip flop and cold cocks him with one of those police style flashlights. He then calls the Secret Service back, telling them they have nothing to worry about. The Secret Service guy doesn't looks worried in the least!!

8 - Jack and Marilyn catch up with Grandpa and the (their?) kid and they do the old 24 hostage trade, Jack for the kid.
Jack turns away from pops and gives some stirring "last words" but when he turns around, pops is gone! Jack, always perfectly in tune with his environment did not hear a 6 foot 10 inch 70 year old man shuffling off?
In any case, he finds a cell phone and somehow rings up former Pres Logan who is ready to lend a hand. It could have been worse. He could have ended up with Howard K. Stern on the line!
He chugs the fifth then spits out half of it, then eats an Altoid. So many sponsors, so little time!
He shows up at work and people think he smells like booze, but they let him get back to work.

hmmmm... that didn't say much for the Altoids, did it? :D :D Damn. I thought they could cover up everything... now everyone knows....:cry:
Dammit! I missed yet another episode! :mad:

This time just passed the fuck out, I spent all day doing shit around the house and drink 100+ beers.....

however, with Karen's storyline, I am still "in the loop" so to speak.

Go Lioness!!:rock: :kickass:
HOUR 11!!! :D

1 - Jack hooks up with former President Logan who is under "house arrest" in
what appears to be a Napa Valley vineyard. He's become a born again
something or other and he reads the Bible all day and marks it with a
Logan says he's on the inside with the Russian Consulate.
I wasn't sure what a Consulate was (as opposed to an ambassador) so I looked it up on Wikipedia. Now I have no idea what a Consulate is.
Anyhow, this Consulate may have some intel on the nukes, so Jack has Tupac do the paperwork to get Logan off his vinyard and over to the consulate which we are reminded, is "not on US soil" (gotya! Remember the drinking game? drink every time they say "on US soil?" drink at least half of your beer & if you are at work, just follow the example of Morris).

2 - People are annoyed at CTU that Morris is drunk so Chloe calls his
sponsor, Jeannie and leaves her a message. It turns out that she has "left
the program" and is no longer an AA sponsor. It would have been so much
better if they showed Jeannie explaining that from some noveau old west
style saloon with a mechanical bull in the background!

3 - What the hell else happened? Very forgettable episode. I'm bummed out
that Jack never says "I'm a federal agent" anymore. Oh yeah, now I recall.
It turns out that security in the White House Bunker is almost as slack as
CTU. This dude shows up with a fake security clearance with a suitcase full
of bomb components. The dude would not have been able to get onto a Jet Blue flight with that suitcase but the White House? No problem.
Ironically, he would not have been able to get off of that Jet Blue flight once he got to is seat, but he'll have no trouble slipping away from White House security once he pulls off his dastardly deed which is....

4 - When I was a kid, my mom used to have these Betty Crocker food colors in these tiny little bottles. We (me, mom, and two brothers) used them to
color frosting for cakes and cookies around holidays time. It was so much
Little did we know, that if you mixed them togehter just right, they
would form a serious explosive! The bad guy uses the food coloring and markers to make the bomb and sets the timer to perfectly coincide with Pres Tupac Palmer's speech, and Chad Lowe plants it under the podium.

5 - Poor Assad goes to the podium and notices that food coloring is leaking
from some planted device. Because of his terrorist background, he recognizes
the bomb right away and dives off just as it blows. Looks like he could be a
gonner. Tupac is down too, but he never stays down for long and we know that
the trigger happy VP is going to try and take charge for a while.

Tupacalypse Now!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 - While Tupac always looks perfect in his suit, Jack never looks quite
right. Everything just looks a little off, the knot in the tie, the fit of
the coat, and the "I just slept in my suit" look, even though he just put it
on. Jack and Pres Logan roll up on the "consulate".

2 - The Russian general talks on the phone to his terrorist buddy Fayed, and
stresses the importance of using the latest technology. For some reason he
is talking on one of those massive old-school Iridium phones, while everyone
around him has 2007 state of the art phones and some even have Apples's new iPhone that hasn't even come out yet.

3 - The VP shows up with this blonde who seems to be his girlfriend, chief
of staff or something. Not sure what to make of her. Is she supposed to be
Valerie Plame? Assad is dead and Tupac is in "Serious but stable" condition
which means he should be back in business within a few hours in 24 time.

3 - Chad Lowe and his pal still have little Tom tied up in this massive
boiler room. At least the VP doesn't buy the excuse that he's too busy to
talk to him or the President, and orders the Secret Service to sweep the
place. Tom ends up ratting the boys out, but and the SS isn't buying his
non-involvment story, but the Veep bails him out.

4 - Personal asside. One reason I miss living in a condo is that I can't stand
"taking care of the house" sometimes, and I miss living in a situation that is as low maintenance as possible. I remember my condo in Toronto, where my diswasher, which I used 8 times a year sprayed
gallons of water all over the place, and my heater couldn't get the place above 60 degrees Farenheit. (That's 15 degrees C )
ahhh.... memories from lousie appartments...
Still: where do you think Jack lives? Oh year, he just got out of prison and had to go straight to work, and he's already put in a 12 hour day.

5 - Pres Logan has a one on one with the consulate, and then tells Jack that
he knows he is lying about the general with the bombs. Of course.
Jack has Chloe cut the power remotely, then confronts the consulate. I've heard the 24 producers say they planned to cut back on hard-core torture, and its clear that they've been very responsible and done just that.
Jack pulled out his finger chopper offer (when you think about it, why would anyone leave home without that?) and he only chops off one, only ONE of the dude's fingers before he confesses that there will soon be nukes launched from drones.
The Russians take custody of Jack, only 12 hours after he was released by the Chinese. Despite my recent hard times, I still think that Jack should
consider the condo option.

PS next week, the long awaited appearance of Ricky Schroeder!
Oh boy, am I excited or what.
I keep expecting Powers Booth to bring his Deadwood character into 24 and say Cocksucker several times...

"That cocksucking dirty cocksucker. The cocksucker has sucked his last cock. I'm gonna kill the fucking cocksucker before he can say "fuck you you fucking cocksucking peice of shit cocksucker!"

I can't wait for new Deadwood :D