"Official" 24 thread. Commentary

I was very busy with school and work last week, and couldn't find the time to write my recaps. The episode from the week before, "A one armed man and a terrorist walk into a bar" was pretty cool.
Come to think of it, I really did like the whole scene of the abandoned amusement park with that surf bar full of pissed off dudes (becausw there were no chicks in the bar) in the middle of it and the general dying under the boardwalk...boardwalk (!!!)
If you missed the bar scene, I will describe it for you. Picture a typical sport bar named: "RoadSide Grill" or soemthing stupid like that, on a Tuesday night. Now picture the whole bar teleported into the middle of Coney Island in New York. Now picture Coney Island with the sport bar stuck in the middle of it teleported to Hermosa Beach, CA. Can you dig it?

OK here is what happened last week.

1 - Milo is pissed that Nadia is blowing him off (after he french kissed her on the job) and she is even being slightly flirty with Ricky Schroeder who practically tortured her 3 hours before. Can you blame her? Milo should just chill. He will do just fine once this long day is over and he can hit the 18th st. Lounge in DC with his clubbing clothes for a gin and tonic.

2 - Tupac keeps falling down and getting up again, and hatches a plot to launch a fake nuke against the Middle East. The only people who know about this plot are Tupac and this Navy Admiral who is so old, that he may have served with my great great great grandfather in the Spanish American War. Before the fake nuke lands, the prime minister of the Middle East confesses that they have a general who is giving orders to Fayed.

3 - Jack is torturing Fayed who won't talk so he decides to call in Mr. Burke. Remember that dude? "You do not want to see him coming through that door!" which Burke loves to do with his suitcase full of torture potions, his "night nurse" hospital pack, hell yeah!
Jack and Ricky stage an encounter with fake terrorists who are really CTU agents and Fayed doesn't buy it for a second.

4 - The general tips Fayed off that the "terrorists" are CTU, but he had already figured that out anyway. Cloe, who is normally on top of everything,
couldn't see through her sattelite that they are going to hit a tunnel.
Side Note: Have you ever noticed how people in California always say "the" before saying a name of a road? I have never heard anyone from my area say: "go on the i-95 and take the exit 6" but apparently in Cali they do.
anyhoo: It is Los Angeles, and there is not a single car on the road at 22:00 at night.
As soon as Fayed's van goes under a tunnel, he caps the CTU guys and creeps through a door where he jacks a conveniently located sanitation truck and escapes.

5 - Somehow, Jack ends up riding under the truck like Indiana Jones all the way back to an abandoned warehouse with the suitcase nukes while talking on his cellphone to Bill. He shoots Fayed's boys then has Captain Kirk style fight with Fayed who Jack ends up strangling with the chains hanging from the ceiling. Now I know by now that there are thousands of abandoned warehouses in LA, but why do they all have chains hanging from the ceiling?
and how come they all have a remote control?

6 - Jack chills for about 3 seconds, then accepts a collect call from China on his cell. Its Audrey and she is with the coolest character ever on 24, "Mr. Bowa"...apparently he wants the suitcase nukes. I'm so psyched that Bowa is back, that I am going to pick up a 6 pack of Tsing Tao next Monday in his honor!... and I don't even like Chinese food, let alone beer!

btw, he said: "if you wish her to stay that way, call this numbah: threee, one, ZEWO"

:kickass: :kickass:

Another dumb episode, but it was in keeping with the 24 tradition of starting a new plot line 2/3 of the way into the season.

1 - The Chinese dude wants the suitcase nukes, and he doesn't even have the courtesy to call Jack "Mr Bowa"
more than two times, which completely ruined a drinking game we were playing.
Some circuit board in the suitcase nukes apparently contains the key to the entire Russian defense so he absolutely must get that specific nuke.

Q - Why do the 24 writers have no problem portraying China and Russia, both first rate miltary powers
with large nuclear arsenals as dastardly regimes, with cliche accents, while they are terrified of offending Iran
(so sorry, I meant "the Middle Eastern Country") .

2 - Jack "goes rogue", but gets busted by Ricky Schroeder.

3 - "You owe me..." Jack gets Tupac's permission to do the nukes for Audrey trade.
Once again we get to see Jack go from being in charge, to being in handcuffs to being back in charge all within 5 minutes.

aside - my local pub Rhodeside Grille decided that just being a pub to hang out wasn't good enough, so they hired a techno DJ.
Now they've switched gears, and decided that solo acoustic guitar players singing Cat Stevens and Dave Mathews is a better idea.
Ever heard the term "pick your poison?"

4 - Tupac forgets a reporters name then has a "stroke" so VP Curly Bill takes over again. You know that he will be back on his feet soon.

5 - I think we ended up with Jack going rogue again, or something.

Hey, since Jack and co are in L.A and Pres Tupac is in DC, which clock do we go by????
when they say "the following takes place between 10 and 11 pm"
which clock is that?

Now I'm all confuced and I must think of the matter.
D00d!!!! It's back!!!

Who watched 24 last night and on Sunday?!?!

1 - FBI is exactly the same as CTU, except they have the lights turned up
2 - A single computer program controls air traffic control, the power grid AND water supplies? What?????
3 - What's up with that Burberry raincoat that Jack refuses to take off? It is supposed to be January in DC, surely he can
find a more suitable jacket for a sunny winter day.
4 - Since Tony is back from the dead, can we bring back Palmer, Michelle, and Edgar too?
5 - And can we also bring back that great Chinese guy with the fake Chinese accent? They never found his body either.
"Did you think we forgeh? The Chinese people have very wong memowy, mista Bowa...." I love this guy. On his spare time by the way, he works at Hunan Number One at down town Arlington.
6 - Where is Chloe? Are they going to build an entire episode around her dramatic return to the show?
Karen, don't you miss Milo? lol
Chloe was with Bill in the fake "new CTU"

I will kill you and you will stay dead this time!

I love this show!
I haven't watched the 4 hour premiere yet but the last 2 seasons were taking a bit of a tumble. Hope it returns to its glory!

one still must put all thoughts of a realistic nature aside to enjoy the show - but that's half the fun!! :lol:

Jack's lucky the airbag didn't go off in that car he crashed through the concrete wall of the parking garage....:goggly:
24 is a show that I've been wanting to watch since season 1, but I havent. I will rent them very soonly. From what I've seen, it's awesome

First 3 seasons - FANTASTIC

4th season is when it starts to be funny.

BTW- Buchannan busting Jack and Tony out of FBI headquarters in a beautiful blue van - He's back!! (The van, not Bill... quick someone finds me a rapper
to write a song about the return of the blue van!!) and yeah. Bill is obviously playing lots of Grand Theft Auto.
BTW- Buchannan busting Jack and Tony out of FBI headquarters in a beautiful blue van - He's back!! (The van, not Bill... quick someone finds me a rapper
to write a song about the return of the blue van!!) and yeah. Bill is obviously playing lots of Grand Theft Auto.

Karen- Ya think we're supposed to find him sex-aaayy with the beard stubble?? I'm sorry the Chinese guy ended up taking a full time job at Hunan Number One :(


Thanks Steve, just having a rough time lately -or the past year. I haven't really been on any forums. When I saw the 24 post reawaken I had to come back and say hi. :)