"Official" 24 thread. Commentary

I am seeing a Lord of the Rings trend...

First Sam the hobbit, now King Denethor is a russian general.

What next, Gandalf (Sir Ian McKellen) as Jack's new sidekick;

maybe Elrond/Agent Smith (Hugo Weaving) as a new trerrorist overlord "Welcome to Rivendale Mr. Bauer".
I don't how the Russian dude actually remembered that phone number as he walked all the way to another room to call CTU with Jack's message... oh yeah, and then got shot. Um, why did he need to leave the room?

If Souls is right, Gandalf should take his mighty staff and stand between the Russians and Jack shouting "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!". :D
Man, having finals and 24 is not an easy task!


Ricky Schroeder arrives on the scene. He's taking over Curtis's old job. We are shocked to learn that he thinks CTU is incompetent and that he needs to whip them into shape. He even expects Milo to obey his orders. They have this stand off. Notice how Milo has another cool club shirt already (his last one has a hole in it). It is like some dude from 18th st. Lounge (for you outside DC peeps: That's where you spend an attractive price of $15 for every drink and $100 for an appetizer!) squaring off against a dude who looks like he could be the starting quarterback for an MFL (Munchkin Football League) squad.

3 - Buchanon tells the VP that he needs to invade the consulate on Russian soil. The Veep OK's the deal. This guy isn't so bad! His girlfriend from Invasion continues to walk around looking sinister.

4 - The Russians beat up Jack, but once he puts his mind to it, he escapes without too much trouble. The one Russian with minimal skills tracks him down and tries to kill him but Jack takes him out using the belt of some dead dude. (Have you notice how he took the belt off the wrong side?)
Every once in a while Jack doubles over in pain, but I'm not sure if he was suffering from injuries from the Chinese, the Russians, or that he is just upset because he is missing March Madness (note, the official 24 website says that Jack has a degree in English Literature from UCLA. UCLA is a #2 seed and they should be around for at least a couple of rounds). At this point Ricky and his crew show up and rescue Jack. Do you think Jack and Ricky will end up in some sort of power struggle? I hope not. It would be much better if they became buddies and high fived after every bad guy kill.

5 - Logan convinces whoever that he needs to see his ex wife Martha, because....

a. She has a crush on the Russian first lady

b. He knows that Martha can convince the first lady, to convince her husband to order the arrest of the Russian Consul in less than 60 seconds.

Logan sets another 24 speed record, less then 3 minutes after Buchanon approves his plan, he's delivered by a government chopper into Martha's living room where she lives with poor Aaron Pierce.

6 - The VP tells the exceedingly pleasant and polite ambassador from "the middle eastern country" that he his about to nuke him and his entire nation.

7 - Martha goes Psycho, literally (not that she ever wasn't) and stabs Logan in the shoulder with a cheese cutting knife. He dies a few minutes later. Too bad for poor Charles that she didn't shoot him with a 22, or drill him through the shoulder with a 3/4 inch bit. He would have shaken that off by the next hour. Oh, I forgot, Charles plan worked perfectly. The Russian president is now on the side of the US, because a psychotic maniac talked to his wife for 30 seconds.

Someone once recently told me that there were better shows on TV than 24. I don't really watch much TV, but if they are better shows than 24 out there, I'd sure like to see them!
The photo on the table of Martha and Aaron was very sweet :-) And I want a giant ceramic pear like that sitting on my spotless and empty kitchen counter!

Knife: kiwi, berry, kiwi, berry, kiwi, STAB..... ??? who the hell is gonna pardon Martha? This isn't good :zombie:

Admit it Karen, you're just hot for Milo! :goggly: :D

24 has reached new heights of silliness, even for 24. I heard something to
suggest that the writers don't really design the whole plot from beginning
to end, they sort of make it up as they go. I guess that way, it makes them
more like Jack. Whatever.....

1 - Some bald dude working for the terrorists sets up shop in what appears
to be an abandoned warehouse. This is no hack with a laptop, he's got dual
monitors, interactive graphics, a cozy place to sit, no one running around
to bother him, and he looks like one of Milo's clubbing buddies. But of
course what matters most is the 1980's style joystick that he uses to pilot
the drone.

Drones, by the way: have no pilots on the ground... only UAVs (Unmaned Air Vehicle)
Speaking of UAVs, did you see that rediculous little toy-plane Fayed and the Russian flew?
That is shaped like a UAV called Global Hawk (google it and see)
In the show they were supposed to use a "UAV to launch the bomb"
Their wing span is 161 feet!!!! The one they showed on 24 was barely higher than Richard Simmons.....
ahhh, dear 24 people... do your research!!!!!
BTW, worry not about the fact that this little toy plane landed and caught fire with the atomic bomb...
fire is maybe the safest thing that can happen to a nuclear bomb...
it lowers the chances to bomb (it has to do with atoms and all that good stuff, you sure you want to hear?)

2 - Fayed and the Soviet general are pissed at each other because the US
government has found their huge terrorist operations center in the middle of
California. I'm not sure how they found it, but it seems that they have
plenty of time to pack up and hide somewhere else.

3 - CTU is tracking the drone, until it goes off line because someone has
hacked into CTU's computer with inside help. Terrorists have figured out how
to hack into a top secret government computer system and figured out how to
make a radar image of a moving target disappear.

4 - The software heroics continue as Morris "sends a pulse through the
network" and figures out that it is Nadia's machine that has been hacked
into. This is followed by some absurd antics I frankly wished I'd missed:

a. Milo putting his club moves on Nadia
b. Ricky Schroeder trying to interrogate Nadia and getting nowhere
c. Chloe French kissing her ex husband / current boyfriend to see if she can
taste any booze.

5 a - Things go from bad to worse as Jack's attractive ex sister in law/ ex
girlfriend tells Jack that "she wished things could have worked out between
them". She never offers any reason why she took the occasion of their break
up to hook up with Jack's fat, bald, professional criminal/terrorist younger
brother and embark on a 17 year marriage with him, but maybe it was all part
of her master plan to get back together with Jack. Almost Shakespearean.....

5b- She tries to kiss Jack, but he lets her know that he first needs to
figure out what is up with Audrey, his true love. We learn that Audrey spent
a year in China eating Kung Pao chicken and shrimp while she was looking for
Jack, until she "mysteriously died in a car crash" . Actually they are not
100 %sure she is dead, which means she is alive. Sounds like she tried the
Uma Thurman "Kill Bill" thing. Either that or the Chinese just let her roll
in and look for a federal prisoner for 12 months. Jack vows revenge on the
entire nation. Jack must have seen some of those websites that predicted
that he would actually win in a fight against a billion Chinese.

6 - Jack of course gets a hold of the joystick and saves San Francisco!
Cool! The nuke doesn't blow up, but it radioactivizes a few fireman. That is
more than enough for the veep, who we now recognize as Curly Bill Brosius
from Tombstone( a movie about the legendary gunfight at the OK Coral) , to
order a nucular strike against the "middle eastern country"

Another sillyness in this episode:
"no one can reach the Tu-Pac the president of the united states unless they
get a premission from his family, in this case: his sister...
Martha Atwewart begs from the doctor: "I must see him, it's a matter of national security!"
well, National security cancels "family" .... It's like a cool magic trick in World
of Warcraft that cancels everything else....

Bring it on 24!!!!!
Did you notice that Morris's calling "m'Love" sounded a lot like he said "Milo"? But even though they were standing next to each other, Chloe knew it was her :)

And apparently a matter of national security is outweighed by Jack wanting Audrey's file.. :D

We still don't know what happens to our paring knife wielding ex-first-lady or her ex-husband... stay tuned!

p.s. I know they can wake Pres. Tupac up from his coma to talk, I saw them do it on House :D
Now where were we?

Oh, yeah, looking for 4 suitcase nukes.
Fayed and the general have them neatly lined up like luggage.
Those two are ticked at each other, and they seem worried that CTU might track them down one of these days,
but wait, the general has a plan! He'll just have his buddy
hack into the CTU computers, but for what? I can't recall.

1 - Chloe realizes that she has records
of every single call, email, and text message the general has ever sent.
While that might have been useful a few episodes back, it helps
CTU locate a dude named "Mark Hauser" who has been talking
to "Gredenko", the general.

2 - Over at Hauser's pad, Hauser is frying up some wierd stir fry of red peppers and onions.
His kid brother doesn't think this stir fry is such a great idea, and neither do I. Turns out that Hauser's kid brother Brady is a mentally retarded
computer genius. He's the one who hacked into CTU computers
and made the drone dissapear.

2 - a. I'm not the most politically correct person, but I was offended
by the portrayal of the retarded/autistic dude
as some frat boy looking chump who deliberately stumbled around the set
in an attempt to look retarded. I remember a fine actor by the name of
Chris Burke who actually had Downs Syndrome who played a
character named "Corky" in a sitcom called "Life goes on" a ways back.
Why couldn't Corky, or one of my old pals who worked the cafeteria that I used to eat at in Toronto have landed the Brady roll?

3 - CTU tries to take Mark Hauser alive, but they aren't very good at missing key arteries when they shoot so Mark goes down hard.
We are treated to a tender bonding scene between Jack "I'm a police man"
and Brady " I'm retarded and I am a master of both Unix and Microsoft".
Jokes aside, I thought this was really very touching!

Regardless, Do your remember Corky?
I would be pissed right now if I were him
(actually "pissed" means "drunk" in British English, and I would be both British pissed AND USA pissed).

4 - OK I'm getting tired. The general rolls up in a macked out Escalade
(just because you are a terrorist on the run doesn't mean that you have to roll in a Taurus).
CTU moves in and I forgot what happened, but I think they shot the general in an artery. Corky is just fine.

5 - Back at the White House, Tupac gets injected with some voodoo potion and he wakes up in time to call off VP Curly Bill's nucular strike.

Karen, Karen, Karen,
I know you are despondent, but you did neglect to mention the utterly powerful love scene between Milo and Nadia that made all of our loins burn with passion (or syphillus).

Jack's softer side in dealing with the tard was touching, but I still didn't buy into it. He wanted to smack him around and get computer stuff from him, they just would not show it.

I really hope that if I ever get into a coma, the just can "bring me out". Makes you wonder why porpole are in comas for extended periods of time anyways...
Karen, Karen, Karen,
I know you are despondent, but you did neglect to mention the utterly powerful love scene between Milo and Nadia that made all of our loins burn with passion (or syphillus).


Well Gina, it was so obvious that I tried so hard to stay away from it.
Maybe next week I'll somehow combine it with a good reference to Justin and britney's new come back. :goggly: