Official Off Topic Thread

Nothing really going on...

We moved my girlfriends stuff into our new apartment last weekend. It's 46 square meters in size, but most of the space is wasted in stupid design. The kitchen is too large but still too small and there are at least 5 m^2 wasted in hallways that are of absolutely no use.

My summer courses started today, and I'll be studying math like crazy for the next five weeks.

But now I gotta go. Beef calls. :D
Bloody hell, page 9?? i havent read this thing since about page 5 i think so i got some catching up to do. I was offline for almost 3 weeks :( my comp died. but yay im back, and its taking me hours to catch up on my forum
Yngvai X said:
FFX was a good, fun game, dont get me wrong, I just don't think it was THAT good enough to get a sequel. I thought the game ended perfectly too, very not typical what with certain characters doing a certain thing (trying not to give out spoilers hehe).

Yeah, I thought so too, but hey, it's Final Fantasy so I have to have it! But I think that the tradition of no-sequels is one that has to be kept up because it leaves something to the imagination. It does kinda feel like they just want to make as much money as possible on this one. Bad.

Yngvai X said:
Another thing that sucks about FFX-2 is that Nobuo isnt doing the score, and its gonna be mostly R&B and techno.

:ill: Really? Oh no...

Yngvai X said:
FFXII on the other hand, looks very promising. I heard its going to be done by mostly the team from FFVII with some of the team from FFVI.

And I'll be the first one to buy it! :wave:
if its me youre referring to as being the 'drooler' shreddles, yes i am back mwahahaha did u miss me ?? and yeah i "drool" alot (my pillow gets awfully wet :( ). i could either say 'drools' or 'jizzes' to describe my feelings over something i really like, i thought the former would be a little less crass. perhaps youre still a few years too young to understand. lol.
SilentRealm said:
if its me youre referring to as being the 'drooler' shreddles, yes i am back mwahahaha did u miss me ?? and yeah i "drool" alot (my pillow gets awfully wet :( ). i could either say 'drools' or 'jizzes' to describe my feelings over something i really like, i thought the former would be a little less crass. perhaps youre still a few years too young to understand. lol.

I feel awfully sorrey for your pillow:ill:
SilentRealm said:
if its me youre referring to as being the 'drooler' shreddles, yes i am back mwahahaha did u miss me ?? and yeah i "drool" alot (my pillow gets awfully wet :( ). i could either say 'drools' or 'jizzes' to describe my feelings over something i really like, i thought the former would be a little less crass. perhaps youre still a few years too young to understand. lol.

Bloody hell, wash your pillow o_O
lmao you guys.. yeah sometimes some drool does get on ma pillow when im dreaming about russ.. but i swear thats it.

amon amarth. whats that..
man so many prog metal bands are unavailable on K-lite.. and dont say to get winmx coz it bites the big one. i already have it and can never find ANYTHING on that..and when i do find something, people wont let me d/l it.. grr or it has a huuuuuge queue
oh its black metal :( ..nevermind..
i just finally heard Fate's Warning, Vanden Plas, Nevermore, Demons & Wizards, Angra, and Pain Of Salvation the other day.. i am behind i know, but its k-lites fault..
Anyway some good songs are, Heaven Denies (D&W), Nothing To Say (Angra), Life In Still Water(Fate's Warning)..still have so much more to do, have been busily downloading practically non stop for days trying to find another band i love as much as SymX but havent found one yet, though some of them are cool.
Amon isn't a black metal band... it's viking metal... death metal.. whatever. All the same. Oh, and nevermore kicks ass. Can't wait to see em live... they are supposed to tour with dimmu and bodom... YES!!!
Seems like this thread has been left alone for quite some time now. Time to take action, I quess... :D

The time of the midsummer festival is upon us but alas, as it is tradition here in Finland, the lord of good weather has taken a vacation and all we get are the rainclouds. I'm not losing heart just yet, because there's still some chance of the sky clearing up, but for now it seems that we'll be getting yet another midsummer of dismal rain and intoxicated people drowning themselves accidentally.

I've been listening to Opeths Damnation album a lot recently and damn it's good! :D The first I heard of Opeth was a long time ago, but it has taken me many years to finally grow up and stop idolizing just a few bands and acknowledge the excistence of others. :D

A few more minutes of mudding to do and then I'm off to drive my dad to the airport and get my girlfriend along to do some window-shopping. Unfortunately dad chose the car without a CD player, so I burned myself a travel music CD in vain yesterday. :erk:

Well... That's about all I can muster now. Have yourselves a nice Midsummer festival, and stay clear of bodies of water larger than a regular bucket! :D
I can't afford to go to any festivals i'm poor. Anyone want to donate to the Feed A Farley Foundation? For just singles a day send a poor metal fan to a concert or too. Let him have fun this summer...
Hey, we had a festival last month here in the middle of the desert. Kip Winger, LA Guns, Quiet Riot, Ratt, and Dokken. In 1988 it would have been a major event!

It was free, so I went, but was only able to see the last two bands. Ratt was okay, but Dokken was great! I was never a HUGE fan, but I liked them, and have all of their releases. I couldn't believe how good they were live. Lots of energy, lots of shredding (a lot more than when George Lynch was in the band), and "The Legendary Don Dokken" really knows how to work a crowd. It was actually one of the most enjoyable shows I have ever been too. I would actually PAY to see them again.

My son went to the first part of it, and said that Kip Winger looked a little sad out there by himself with just an acoustic, but that LA Guns was pretty wild. Quiet Riot apparently put on a pretty good show as well.

No, it wasn't Symphony X, but it was FREE!!!
lol i just took a slut test on
and in one of the questions it asked what male celebrity would i most want to sleep with, of course i typed in Russell Allen.. the funny part was when i got to the end it said that 1 other person also said russell.. now i'm curious as to who that other person is..
Y'know the girl i was about to ask out, then didn't? Well, her friend whose name I wont state, Was asked out today - by MEE!!!!
Shes really smart, nice and HOT. Totally NON-bitchy.
She can't think that I'm a sex-obseced guy who askes girls out everyday, no, because we've been friends for nearlly a term. Ther are many reasons why I asked her today. And have been reluctant to ask her aswell. But there are too many to list.
It's the last day of term so I decided to ask her today as, if I wouldn't of, I would have been thinking about it for the whole 3-week break.
I meant to ask her at 1st recess (morning tea) but couldn't find her. So I meant to do it at English, but of course not as there are too many people there. So then I meant to ask at lunch but I didn't have the balls. But then there was a massive end of semester assembly and there was a 10 minute queue by the main auditorium. I was talking to her and decided to do it there, but again to many people.
So at the end of the day, i was feeling fucking shit!!!!! (exuse the language) that I wouldn't see her for another 3 weeks and that I'm a loser. So I was running around the school when the home-time-bell rang. When I gave up hope and walked home guesse who I saw~ *HER* so this is what was said!

ME -"{girls name}, can I talk to you?"
HER - "About what"
ME - "Something"
HER - "Which is..."
ME- "Something..."
HER - "?!?!?!?!?!?!"
Me "Ok, I've been doing alot of thinking about this and have also been reluctant to say it as it can damage our allready good relationship, friendship, errrr whatever, you know"
HER - "hmmmmm"
Me -"Umm, eerrrr, ahh, hmmm.... Will you go out with me?" (at this piont I was shitting myself)
HER - "Mabey, I WILL call you. Oh, but I don't have your number"
ME - "Here!!", (quickly gets pen and writes it on a ripped out peice of paper)
HER - "Cool, thanx, Seeya"
ME - "ok, then um.... (all shaking) seeya soon, hopfully"

Now, ther is so much more to talk about but, I'm so phyched at the moment that I should leave itat that.

It wasn't a "polite way of saying - no fucking way Mabey". It was a "I'll have to think about that, mabey"

So what do think???
awww shreddles.. I dunno if i am sad or thankful that i've passed that teenage love angst.
At that age hun.. dont put all ur hopes n dreams on one spoiled little brat of a girl..just concentrate on ur music and when ur all grown up n hot n famous they will be falling at ur feet..