Official Off Topic Thread

Julz said:
Saw Matrix Reloaded at the drive-in cinema last night. It was ok, though it didn't really live up to the hype that surrounded it before the opening. Can't wait for the third one :)

Oh Man, you still have drive in theaters down there??!! That's a happy memory from my distant past. They're long gone here. I had lots of fun at the drive-in. You're lucky.
Posted by Pharoah
Oh Man, you still have drive in theaters down there??!! That's a happy memory from my distant past. They're long gone here. I had lots of fun at the drive-in. You're lucky.

Not really, they are very rare. There is probably like one in my whole city (gold Coast) There is a stadium/cinima in nearly every suburb.
it's a little past 12 right now (eveningtime) and i am dead tired... i don't know why... it's not very cool... once summer comes i plan on staying up as late as humanly possible just because i can!!!! WOOO!!!! Anyone know any good ways to stay up late and not fall asleep at midnight? i am looking for 1-2 at least for starters... and don't say coffee... makes me jittery.
Well, I've seen The Matrix:Reloaded now. I think it suffered a bit from all the hype - Also, I couldn't help thinking about the fact that the film was made special effects first. :D

Visually it was stunning - I have to admit that - but storywise it felt a little forced. Like every twist and turn in the plot was conceived just to get to show a new breathtaking technical gimmick. :p

...I'm still looking forward to how the story ends, though. ;)

My DVD burner came in the mail two days ago and yesterday I finally got to install and test it. 23 minutes to burn 4,3Gb of data. Not bad. Now I just gotta get my hands on some more blank disks. :D
In Sydney there are at least 2 drive in theatres and the one I go to has a cool atmosphere, many car/cruise clubs organise nights there and the renovated kiosk has a 60's feel. I Can't believe they're a thing of the past in the US with the whole car love affair thing. Having a kick ass stereo in ur car makes the experience all the more better. U can also bring whatever food and beverage you like :)
Pharoah said:
Oh Man, you still have drive in theaters down there??!! That's a happy memory from my distant past. They're long gone here. I had lots of fun at the drive-in. You're lucky.

Oh shit, I wish I had one of those drive in theaters near :erk: I would have lots of fun every weekend

(You know what I mean :D )

Ps: Surprisingly, this is my first post on this thread.
A chick playing drums? I just can't imagine it unless its those shockers out of the indie/alternative/girl-rebelion punk groups?

Just joking.

I never knew that you play drums.
Well, there you go. I place drums as the best instrument in the world, vocals being no.1. This makes me wonder, why is guitar my main instrument anyway?
For how long do you play the drums Macy?

I'm also a girl who plays the drums, for 2,5 years now. First I only played things of Metallica. I played Sad But True the first 2 weeks when I played the drums :p metallica is so easy. Now I play things like Symphony X and Dream Theater. It's not that I already can play everything of them, just some songs (Pull me Under, The Witching Hour, The Mirror and some other songs). I think Communion and the Oracle is easy to do. The Witching hour is okay, the double bass is a bit too fast for me. I'm still working on it! :)

I think I'll take some piano-lessons again. I played piano 7 years ago, when I was or 8, but didn't like it at all. Since I heard Rudess and Pinnella I wanna play piano again.

I also played the guitar (2 years) and flute (1 year) before, but those aren't the right instruments for me. I love it to play the drums! :headbang:

It's funny how people react when they see me playing the drums because they have never seen a girl playing the drums before. So funny! :D