Official Off Topic Thread

Posted by theoddesy
And don't worry too much about the chick too much... she probly isn't worth too much trouble at this point in your life... unless she is REALLY hot lol.

Err. she's allright I guess. But all the hot ones are taken by the "popular jocks". But she's really funny, aleart ect...
And all the hot ones (like Silent Realm said) are...well, bitches. Most of them anyway.

I'm the 'L' type of guy anyway. "coz I'm remotly different to lets say, Eminem ect... Y'know what I mean.

Uerrr, life's a bitch.
I'm the 'L' type of guy anyway. "coz I'm remotly different to lets say, Eminem ect... Y'know what I mean.

You gonna take music as an elective when you start year 9 Mr Shred? What are most musicaly talented ppl your age listening to and playing? I feel music in general has degenerated much since I was studying music in hight school in the early-mid 90's. Everyone was into Metallica, RHCP, Extreme, Mr Big, Steve Vai and a few other musically competent acts. What are 'muso' teenagers into in 2003?
Limp Bizkit, Korn, Avril, Eminem, J-Lo, Brittany,ect... Music totally suck now with school.

Yes, I am gonna chose music in year 9. I'm actually thinking of joining the crappy stage band as it will improve my interaction with other musicians (as bad as they may be) it will also be a good experience playing some simple blues/jazz. I also will get some solo spots which will be cool. I'l be shredding up the Ionian's happy.
It also gets me out of class (the main reason)
Dunno... I fell in love with this really hot grunge girl when I was in Jr.High, but that "love" dwindled away unfulfilled. As I reflect upon it, it may be for the better... :D

Nowadays, I value personality above all. :D (Yeah, I know, I know, it's a cliché, but what can I say? There are only so many ways to tell a story. :D )
thats not TOTALLY what i meant shreddi.. although who said being a bitch was a bad thing. I consider myself fairly ok looking, not to toot ma horn, and hell yes im a bitch, but theres a difference between gold-digging fake bimbo bitch and a woman who knows how to assert herself at the right moment (btw i am the latter, not the former lol). But dear shreddi you're young, just learn these things early as to not be taken for a ride later in life. And heres a tip for guys..its all about the fingernails ..;) .. long perfectly groomed talons as opposed to shorter, neat but not overly manicured nails..u figure it out ..
oh and yeah.. personality is highly underrated.. a guy who just mentally blows me away and makes me laugh and loves me for all my dorkiness..thats my kind of guy. i actually am turned off by a guy who is too physically perfect. and especially if he knows it..yuck.. i like a guy who underestimates his own appeal.
[QUOTE='Shuggah]Btw... Has anybody seen the E3 tech demos and previews of Half-Life 2? I'm really looking forward to that game now. Or at least will be after I upgrade my system. :D[/QUOTE]
I've had Counter Strike for years now and I still play it consistently. I love that game. :D
Argh, I've got so much complaining to do...
First of all, the bad news about my job
I hope I'll get a transfer before it's too late.
And I'm bored and lonely at the moment... I could really use some company right now :erk:
And what's worst, I ran out of beer... And it's too late to get more.

Damn, my life sucks now... But my husband should come back home soon, at least I hope so, 'cause I'm also a bit horny now.
I Had Silent Hill 2 .. That game wasn't very good in my opinion, running through countless rooms that have nothing in them, it was a very big waste of game space. The idea behind it was fine, but it just didn't deliver.
yeah, i hope everyone understood that it was a joke about the hot chicks. yeah, most i know are bitchy, though i found my ex girlfriend very attractive (still do), but the relationship was mainly based on same taste in music, same sense of humor, and we got along fine for a year and a half. good times.
Yesterday was the school battle of the bands, and me and a friend played an acoustic set (fiddler on the green, his song, and a question of heaven) and it blew because the mics were shitty and the pa sucked and we couldn't hear anything. Then we played ace of spades by motorhead and that went alright... that wasn't acoustic by the way. Anyway, i had fun even though it sucked... i wasn't out to impress anyone. yeah, yeah.
posted by Silent Realm
ut theres a difference between gold-digging fake bimbo bitch and a woman who knows how to assert herself at the right moment

Exactly, the uh... "popular" girls are the first ones you said. Exept for Bronwin (ohhhh baby!) But if you mean the second, I don't think that is a bitch:Spin: Just a pug-ugly feminist nerd (Just joking:loco:) Seriously, thats what this girl is like, LOUD:yell:,
SilentRealm said:
I Had Silent Hill 2 .. That game wasn't very good in my opinion, running through countless rooms that have nothing in them, it was a very big waste of game space. The idea behind it was fine, but it just didn't deliver.

Hmm, well, I love the games (creeps the crap out of me). The 2nd one had better graphics (being a PS2 game), more disturbing enemies (the mannequins...:eek:), and a decent story, but the first one just downright had a better concept and story (revolving around a satanic cult) and when it switched to "evil" Silent Hill it was so much more fucked up (dead bodies in bondage looking body bags and chains lining the walls, bloody corpses crucified on walls, etc). The ending is soooo vague though, Im still not 100% satisfied with any of the theories I've read online.

From the previews Ive seen of SH3, it looks like they'll be going back to the satanic themes and fucked up "evil" Silent Hill of 1, and the better graphics (best PS2 graphics Ive *ever* seen BTW) and disturbing enemies of 2.
saw matrix reloaded today... anyone seen that??? I thought it was great.... by the way, try not to give away too many spoilers... for those who haven't seen it.
IT sounds SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolllllllllllllll !!!!!!!!
I sooooooooooooooo wanna see it!
Saw Matrix Reloaded at the drive-in cinema last night. It was ok, though it didn't really live up to the hype that surrounded it before the opening. Can't wait for the third one :)
The Matrix:Reloaded premiere is this wednesday here in Finland. I've got tickets to the very first show. (At 00:02 on the opening day. :D )

My DVD burner came in the mail today. Soon it'll be time to clean up some hard disk... :D

But first, my math exam for Analysis I is in two hours... Wish me luck. :)
I saw it Friday and I loved it. People were complaining that the story was confusing, but I think they purposely didn't explain a lot of things so that they could explain them in the next one. I still loved it though, the Agent Smith's fight scene was so awesome, its my favorite action scene ever. And I hope we get to see more of the twins in the next one. Damn its hard to talk about this movie without spoiling it for everyone.