Official Off Topic Thread

The Yngster said:
I just saw my favorite comedian, Mitch Hedberg, on Comedy Central today, that made me happy.

He's the one that did that yogurt joke right? I used it at a show once.
"I opened the yogurt, they were having a contest that I was unaware of. It said 'sorry, please try again'. I thought I opened the yogurt wrong."
Why is it that Denis Leary is on the Jay Leno show 10 times every week. At first I thought he was funny (in an american arrodance way - like good old Bobby) but now he's just repaeting himself. But when he said "Look, our troops (USA) are kicking ass of hyphenated-names" THat was soooooo funny.

Oh, btw. I'm thinking of asking a girl out today so you guys bbetter cheer me on. lol,
Yeah, my now ex-girlfriend and i got together because of symphony x in the first place... we both had the V cd and she also liked a lot of other stuff i liked. Good times. Then we broke up after a year and a half... but that's the way life is... by the way, good luck with asking the girl out Mr. Shred-ididle.
Mr. Shred-ididle said:
Ooops - Dinnis MILLER

I was gonna say...Dennis Leary is funny as hell, Dennis Miller comes off as a real prick a lot, though Leary does seem like the conservative type that would spout pro war bullshit...ah well, I still love his "No Cure for Cancer" special.
Prog... Prog is ... gooooood... WATER ... BAAAAAAAAD....
Anyways, I have been getting into old prog... Genesis, Yes, King Crimson, and Renaissance... AMAZING STUFF.

School is the devil. :hotjump: I cannot handle it any longer. I need a job at a guitar store, NOW.

Hmmm, I'm going to see DT with Queensryche and Fates Warning in Cincinnati... A PROG SHOW IN CINCY???! YESSSSS!

I also look forward to seeing Iron Maiden with Dio and Motorhead in Columbus in August.

What else can I complain about? :D

Do we have any Magic the Gathering players here? My friends are hosting a draft tournament, and it should be fun... any word on the new edition coming out soon?

Oh, and I'm a HUGE DORK. :tickled: (Yes, I listen to "nerd metal," wear socks and sandals, and hate jocks) But I have the balls to admit it!
ShredManWalking said:
Do we have any Magic the Gathering players here? My friends are hosting a draft tournament, and it should be fun... any word on the new edition coming out soon?

I confess. :D

I'm looking forward to it since it has real *spells* again. I drafted a box of Legions with two friends, but in the land of flesh, the one with the biggest chunks of meat was the king. I don't know if it was due to my grasp of the metagame or just sheer dumb luck, but I won all my games that day. :tickled:

My girlfriend used to listen to rock'n'roll, but now she doesn't shun the path of prog metal anymore. But I have to admit she was the one who really got me listening to Children of Bodom. :D

I'm a real NERD. It's 3 o'clock am and I've stayed up all night programming. I feel dizzy. :loco:
CHILDREN OF BODOM RULE!!!!!!!! I don't know why more symX fans don't like them... Alexi is totally neoclassical on hatebreeder, plus the whole band shreads... except the rhythm guitarist... and the bassist doesn't really much.
I've been listening to DT alot lately and they OWN~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!

I love everything about them now! I must of been a real prick to bash them, but now they RULE!

And yes, as much as the 101 rules of prog forbids it, I like FII.

Oh about that girl FORGET IT!!!!! Ahhhhh I'm soo pissed off! Today she asked my friend out. He said no, but this just proves that Its not quite time to ask her now, mabey lateer.

Posted by Yngvai X
I was gonna say...Dennis Leary is funny as hell, Dennis Miller comes off as a real prick a lot, though Leary does seem like the conservative type that would spout pro war bullshit...ah well, I still love his "No Cure for Cancer" special.

If Miller is an prick, Leary is a ASSHOLE (oh ie oh ie oh...) man, I love that song
LOL! shreddi ..ah the angst of young love,
I dun like COB because their vocals are not as such that i would find attractive to listen to, at least in anything I've ever heard of them.
Man... alexi is great... one of the best death/black metla vocalists EVER (in my oppinion). Love CoB. And don't worry too much about the chick too much... she probly isn't worth too much trouble at this point in your life... unless she is REALLY hot lol.
Mmm but dont you know that it's the hot ones that cause the most trouble? or at least the one's who KNOW theyre hot and have over-inflated ego's because of it.. Run shreddi run!! find yourself a girl that looks like this ==> :zombie: lmao..;)