Official Off Topic Thread

theodyssey said:
Dude, everyone has this problem!!!! It's easy to say "don't think about stuff" but heh... doesn't happen. Just have a good time!

Just have a good time?!!!!!:yell: Oh yes, thats easy, to have a good time when your getting REJECTED!!!:erk: She hasn't called yet. Hopfully she will tonight:ill:. AHHH!! Mabey I wrote the wrong number on the papero_O

Ok, I need some ritolen
By the way, went to the local cd store today and picked up some used cds. I got:
Amorphis - The Karelian Isthmus
At the Gates - With Fear I Kiss the Burning Darkness
Testament - The Ritual
Witchery - Restless & Dead

Not exactly everyone's style here, but it's pretty killer shit. I also picked up the new Type O Negative cd earlier today... listened through it twice... it's pretty good. OK, that's about it.
Yngvai X said:
Where in NY are you? if its on the way from LI to Brooklyn I might be able to pick you up/drop you off (if you don't mind getting there REALLY early I try to get to Lamours by 5 so I avoid rush hour - Im on eastern LI).
Nope, I'm in the middle of Westchester, but thanks for the offer :) If it was a band I really really wanted to see I'd walk to Brooklyn... Otherwise I'll just wait a few months until I get my liscense.
Mr. Shred-ididle said:
The phone hasn't rang yet!!!!!

I really shouldn't make such a big deal about it as you guys say. If not, its HER lost. If so, it is

@ Ultimate, yes, reading what I said it looks like she doesn't want to. But it wasn't like that.She was smiling for a start, and she has been a friend for a whole term. I'm not very optomistic at the moment. So I've got "the bubbles" (as my dad would say).
Just to make myself feel better, here is my aphrodisiac of reasons why she said mabey;
a) she never thought of me that way, so she has to think some more about it.
b) shes playing "Hard to get"
c) she has to talk to her parents as they are over-protective.
d) she has to talk to her parents as she is half-german and I have some jewish origins (i strongly hope not)
e) she doesn't want to damage a "friendship" so she has to sleep on it?

err..... ay... uh.... hmmmm... WAAA!!!

Yeah, those are reasons that could have affected what she said. But like theodyssey said, don't think too much.

Just have a good time?!!!!!:yell: Oh yes, thats easy, to have a good time when your getting REJECTED!!!:erk: She hasn't called yet. Hopfully she will tonight:ill:. AHHH!! Mabey I wrote the wrong number on the papero_O

Ok, I need some ritolen

Don't worry about it, man. Everyone gets rejected sometime (if you saw me on middle school, oh boy! I had much and I mean much better luck on high school) You're only 13 (if I remember well) you have plenty of terrain to cover. If one rejects you, go look for another :)
theodyssey said:
By the way, went to the local cd store today and picked up some used cds. I got:
Amorphis - The Karelian Isthmus
At the Gates - With Fear I Kiss the Burning Darkness
Testament - The Ritual
Witchery - Restless & Dead

Not exactly everyone's style here, but it's pretty killer shit. I also picked up the new Type O Negative cd earlier today... listened through it twice... it's pretty good. OK, that's about it.

Good haul :headbang: I went to a mall the other day and went to a cd's store (I used to think it sucked) but when I started searching I found some pretty killer shit that I thought I wouldn't find on any local store. They had some Nile cd's, Arch Enemy, Soilwork, Dimmu Borgir, Ministry, Slayer and I few others I forgot right now. My country doesn't suck as much as I thought it did :tickled:
Mr. Shred-ididle said:
The phone hasn't rang yet!!!!!

I really shouldn't make such a big deal about it as you guys say. If not, its HER lost. If so, it is

@ Ultimate, yes, reading what I said it looks like she doesn't want to. But it wasn't like that.She was smiling for a start, and she has been a friend for a whole term. I'm not very optomistic at the moment. So I've got "the bubbles" (as my dad would say).
Just to make myself feel better, here is my aphrodisiac of reasons why she said mabey;
a) she never thought of me that way, so she has to think some more about it.
b) shes playing "Hard to get"
c) she has to talk to her parents as they are over-protective.
d) she has to talk to her parents as she is half-german and I have some jewish origins (i strongly hope not)
e) she doesn't want to damage a "friendship" so she has to sleep on it?

err..... ay... uh.... hmmmm... WAAA!!!

Oooops, did I say Aphrodesiac.? Uhhh, jsut ignore that one. hehe. I just found out what it means (I thought it meant something else) :D
Hey everyone, i don't really know what's going on here. I just found this thread and wanted to start posting to it because it's off topic and fun.

So hey, who here has had a hard time deciding whether to fall in love with a girl, or just keep from wasting time by continuing your love with your guitar?
Ok, next time you offer a girla relationship say something like this:
'Do you want us to take a try on a closer level?' - says you.
'Eeeeeeeemmmmmm...' - says the girl.
'Yes or No, and please none of this let's-not-break-our-friendsip stuff, because I'm gonna cut you in small pieces, alive, with a letter knife, then bury you in the city dump and piss over your "grave"!'
Now that ranks up next to 'Nice shoes... Wanna fuck?':cool:

What do you think? :)
Eh, for us who want to get out of a big mess, what the hell am I supposed to do? I told my ex we'll be friends for a while and he comes after two weeks "Wanna get together again? Please?" Why doesn't he figure out that 'friends' is equal to "I like you but not in that way?"

Shreddy, just take it easy - When I was 13 I listened to techno music and Scorpions and used to think that blue jeans and a flannel shirt was the most awesomest set of clothing eva. Eight years later you can drown yourself in nostalgia no matter what happens now. :D

Two more days and I move out of my present apartment... Say goodbye to the T1 connection. :cry: The whole place is a mess atm. The floor is full of plastic bags of clothes and carboard boxes that I'm supposed to pack all of my belongings into. At the same time I should study hard, since it's only about two weeks to my Analysis exam.

Somehow I have a funny feeling that my life as it has existed until now is ending with a bang. I'm moving to another town, to another university, and most of all, under the same roof with my gf... I feel almost too scared to smile. :D The whole thing is good except that all my friends get kind of left behind, as I won't be frequenting this old town so much anymore. This probably has been one of the hardest choices in my life - The friends, or the girl? Well... I guess I'll find out soon enough whether I've chosen correctly or not... :D
I saw The Hulk recently. Really fucking great film. not quite as good as X2 in terms of the recent marvel movies, but I thought it was on par with Spider-Man. Ang Lee did a brilliant job directing (especially the scenes with panels of different shots so it looked like the pages of a comic book). If you're going to see it but haven't I'll warn you its NOT just a film about the hulk smashing shit up (although he does do quite a bit of that). Theres a real story going on here, and actually, I dont think you get to see Bruce transform until a good almost hour into it (the movie is about 2 hrs and 20 min). the only complaints Ive seen were about that, and honestly, they also seemed to be the people who just wanted to go to see a digitied green behemoth fuck shit up.
i don't want to see the hulk for 2 reasons.

1) it looks like all the hulk does is fuck shit up (though that fear has been laid to rest)
2) it looks as though the movie may as well be animated as cheesy as the hulk looks (can you shed any light onto this subject for us yngvai??)

I dunno, i personally am not all for the crazy computer graphics unless it's a movie like shrek or toy story where it's supposed to be all computer generated.

By the way, i FINALLY got my cd list done... if y'all wanna see me post it then let me know. By the way, i think i currently stand at a mere 181 cds... though it could be one or two off in either direction.
Hmm, well I quite liked how the Hulk looked on screen. It looks like they based his face off of Bana's (which is a good thing...really looks like thats what he turns into). He does kinda look cartoony at times, but I think that may have been part of the "comic book" vibe Ang Lee was going for. I really didnt think they detracted from the movie at all. One scene in particular that involved Nick Nolte's character was *really* cool (he is based off of the Absorbing Man from the comics, if you werent aware).
The Hulk will be cool purely for the fact that yes ANOTHER aussie invades hollywood.. Eric is cool hell i remember him starting out on tv in comedy on Full Frontal about a good 10years ago or more. There are so many aussies in american tv and movies now, you probably would hardly believe me for half of them.
Hey Silent, there is a whole special on him on the comedy chanell. He's a funny guy. But man, what a wash-up!!

... no call from the girl yet (stupid bitch)