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I think we all agree here that it is unlikly. I just think there might be a lost city somewhere.

I try to never say that something is impossible though.
Thorns On My Grave said:
Greetings.. thought i'd introduce myself instead of just randomly start posting... names Marc, hope I don't annoy too many of you, but the fact that there is a Final Fantasy thread in this forum just makes it too hard to resist!

Hi :wave:
Thorns On My Grave said:
Greetings.. thought i'd introduce myself instead of just randomly start posting... names Marc, hope I don't annoy too many of you, but the fact that there is a Final Fantasy thread in this forum just makes it too hard to resist!
Welcome to one of the best subforums ever!:headbang: :loco: :kickass:
turke said:
Oh c'mon, do you really believe that Atlantis or Mu stuff ? Believe me, if there was a civilisation which is much more advanced than us, then we must have been already found some evidence or remnant of them, but there are none.
I think it's fairly obvious why we haven't found evidence. Oh, it's there, btu it's so advanced that it is *hidden* from us. Oh, what now, what now? Snap, snap. :lol: j/k
I'm not usually a fan of epic posts, but this one I had to make epic. Regarding this argument, I feel that I need to explain myself in several areas. And at many times, I may come off as sounding like I came directly from there, but I don't intend to sound like a dick. I just feel really really confident about my belief.

Ptah Khnemu said:
Thats the argument I use to support my reasoning behind my belief in the reality of Atlantis.

When I say that, I do not mean the version depicted in V, but the result of reading several books and such about the subject, and they all give different depictions of the Metropolis and I've become convinced that afew of them hold some truth to them. Not all though, because some are just trying to make money.

Kenneth R. said:
As for that one, I believe there was such a city, that it was sunk (by eruption or tectonic activity no doubt) and that it was somewhere in the mediterranean. I do not believe it was the lost ark of human (or alien) knowledge of that it was a civilization more advanced than our own.

Alien? HAHAHA!!!!! Oh my god, I have never heard anything more funny in my entire life. I know you're discrediting that idea, but just the thought of anyone backing it is so funny!!

DoomsdayZach said:
Anyhow, agreed. There's no way things could exist in so many cultures throughout the world without some basis in truth, no matter how minute.

That's exactly what my reasoning is. The people spread all over the world, traveling by ship or by foot, to get wherever they could go, as long as they could get the fuck out of Atlantis before they were burned to death.

Beelzebub said:
Atlantis is in Colorado, you guys never read Atlas Shrugged?

Sounds interesting.

War_Blade said:
Yes, that isn't really hard to believe. But a spieces of mermaid type creatures running it, seems a bit hard for me to believe. If so, we would have encountered some by now, considering the Mediterranean is a very traveled sea, with clear waters. I wouldn't be surprized at all to find a lost city there though.

Oh god no, not this idea. ATLANTIS WAS NOT RULED BY MERMAIDS!!! That idea was based on a lack of logic, and a culmination of folk tales. This whole myth actually offends me to a degree, (I know I'm a loser.)

Rose Immortal said:
Yeah, agreed. The amount of seismic activity in that area means it's not impossible for something that drastic to have happened. Look at what happened when Vesuvius blew its top--two cities buried and not rediscovered for thousands of years.

I could see the lost city possibly being especially affluent, or especially knowledgeable, but no more so than Alexandria would've been in its time (to give a proven example). That could've easily started some of the legends.

About Alexandria, I remember in my global history class, my teacher talking about how Alexander the Great founded a million different cities called Alexandria, so that idea of Alexandria starting legends could easily be discredited, unless my memory fails me right now.

SilentRealm said:
yeah I saw a documentary once about a fair sized island now under water in the mediterranean which they believe MAY be Atlantis. And well as for being 'more advanced than our own' - thats subjective. I believe Ancient Greek Civilisation was in alot of ways more advanced than todays culture, it just depends on what you mean by 'advancement'. I think previous civilisations had reached their climax and then declined to make way for new ones and that it is a cyclical process. Furthermore, I also believe there is nothing we are doing now in the way of technology that it is entirely possible that hasn't been done before.

I think our current wave of civilisation so far is a pretty poor effort personally as we have done more environmental damage in the past 30-40yrs than was done throughout our history, and our climate problems are on the point of no return which is a scary thought.

The myth of Atlantis does make me wonder however, if its possible their civilisation at the pivotal point of its technological advancement was in fact experimenting with genetic engineering which we have been doing now for a few years.

Technology? Yes. Genetic Engineering? No. Mankind as we are now has barely mastered Genetic Engineering. I doubt that Atlantis could've done it.

Kenneth R. said:
Oh, from a cultural aspect you're absolutely right. I was referring more to technology, for example I doubt they had CD players etc. But yes, our current society can't hold a candle to ancient Greeks' philosophy, mathematics, or drama.

The idea of Atlantis being a technological empire never meant they had everything we have today. Just some stuff that most would discredit, for the sake of making money. Our technology could probably be completely different, if the world wasn't driven by money. Atlantis, most likely, was not driven by greed and lust, but by a quest for knowledge. And also, Atlantis also had just as advanced Math and literature. It's just too bad every single litle bit of it was burned to nothingness.

turke said:
Oh c'mon, do you really believe that Atlantis or Mu stuff ? Believe me, if there was a civilisation which is much more advanced than us, then we must have been already found some evidence or remnant of them, but there are none.

Wtf is Mu?

Not necesarily about having found evidence. Atlantis wasn't just destroyed by a volcano. It was destroyed in a Cataclysm of monstrous proportions.

I've read several books on Atlantis, and the one that spoke out to me with the most logic and that seemed to feel the most true is this one:
That's just a link to the author's site, but the site has some basic information, but it's enough to find this author's hypothesis very believable. It pretty much explains all my arguments. Also, as you're reading through the information on that site, in another window, keep the lyrics to the songs on V from Prelude to Bird Serpent War nearby. You'll see why. (I'm dead serious. I don't ever joke about this matter.)
I think Kenneth meant "alien" in the context of foreign, not Marvin the Martian.

As for the Colorado thing, I think you'd be disappointed to read an 1100+ page book just for that one lame joke I made. If I further elaborated I'd spoil the plot.
About Alexandria, I remember in my global history class, my teacher talking about how Alexander the Great founded a million different cities called Alexandria, so that idea of Alexandria starting legends could easily be discredited, unless my memory fails me right now.

I think you misinterpreted what I said a bit.

I was using Alexandria, the one in Egypt, as an example of an ancient cultural center that has now been destroyed.

My thought was, there could've been another destroyed city that was also a cultural center in its time--not more advanced than its contemporaries by TOO much, but maybe a place that people back then thought was cutting-edge. Does that make more sense?
This discussion is very interesting. Now I have to find something to contribute to this discussion. :D

I believe there was a culture on an island that started the whole Atlantean stuff. Nevertheless, I don't believe that they possessed any superior technology but it may be possible that they inventented things never seen on the face of the Earth before.

I enjoy playing Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, though. :)
I have an effing final test in numerical computing & statistics today. is that off topic enough? :tickled:

Ptah i don't see how you can be so certain about these atlantis 'facts' you are talking about (what tech they had, how it was destroyed, etc) when much is still to be discovered.
Kenneth R. said:
I envy it. I did something like that for a week and it was awesome
It totally sucks while you're going through it but in retrospect it's a great experience. The food sucks, you get sick of the people you're around, you're away from your family, etc. However, I've done cool stuff none of my friends at other places have done. It's a lot of hard work but it's worth it.
wow I disappear for a couple of days and this thread takes off!

@ what Zach said before about if there were remnants of great civilisations, we would see them - dont forget that only inorganic material can have even a chance to stand the tests of time and environmental activity,and even that can be destroyed given a long enough period. The earth has a miraculous way of bringing all evidence of man back to its own terms. Both wood and metal decomposes over time (anything man made like books, boats, metal objects etc would have to be destroyed eventually), and thats not taking into account something like the destructive power of natural disasters.

Just because we dont see it, doesn't necessarily mean it was never there. None of us can actually ever know if there was in fact any civilisation 'greater' than our own, its entirely possible there wasn't and even if there was, it doesn't mean it was Atlantis.. my point is, the planet has been around for billions upon billions of years (unless you're a creationist, then you think it was only 5000), and taking into consideration the cycles of human civilisation I dont think its entirely impossible to concieve.