Official Off Topic Thread

DoomsdayZach said:


I want one.

I've seen it sold in some stores, you just have to look in the imports section.
Jax said:
I found my birthmother this week after 20 years of searching for her..and she's as excited to get to know me as I am to get to know her. It's an amazing and surreal thing, and I am a very happy camper.

Congrats Jax! That mus be an amazing experience! I can't even imagine how that would feel.

Beelzebub; I have read 'Atlas Shrugged'. One of my favorites :)
Jax said:
My birthmom called me yesterday for the first time. Best Mother's Day ever. :)

That is really great Jax !! :) I know that has to be a great experience for both of you. Congratulations to you both.:kickass:


P.S. I didn't know you knew Hawk. Small world. Of course I don't claim him as a friend.... :lol:
MrFast said:

I'm gonna shit myself if this turns out to be true. I did see a few gaming shows mention it and stuff and the evidence is there... If anybody here has played Diablo II: Lord of Destruction as much as I have then I'm sure you highly anticipate this release too. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

have wasted my entire childhood on that game, get that mindless drible out of here, i have quite video games...


War_Blade said:

okay yngwie is comeing to orlando (about a 3 hour drive from where i live, but i was prepard to make it) at the end of this month. I find out it is the day before our final exams in school!



last time he came the show was canceled because of a gay hurricane now this!!!

when yngwie comes to town, school should be canceled!!!


yay he added the culture room to the tour, which is like a 45 min away. And there will be no school the next day!!!
Turns out I have a younger brother and a younger sister, and two nephews (making my daughter my mom's only granddaughter)..she's waiting to get my brother and sister together at the same time so she can tell them about me, & says she thinks they'll be okay with it. I asked her if I looked like anyone (I sent her a photo album with pics of me & my kids for Mother's Day), & she said yes, & is going to send me photos..can't wait to see! :D
Jax said:
Turns out I have a younger brother and a younger sister, and two nephews (making my daughter my mom's only granddaughter)..she's waiting to get my brother and sister together at the same time so she can tell them about me, & says she thinks they'll be okay with it. I asked her if I looked like anyone (I sent her a photo album with pics of me & my kids for Mother's Day), & she said yes, & is going to send me photos..can't wait to see! :D

jeez, this is like something from a movie. Im happy you found your family, congrats!
Holy crap, i had the most metal lunch eva today!!!!

okay, one of my buddies brings in a guitar and a amp and stuff, and we start playing during lunch. Just chilling out. all of the sudden some faggot NuMetal kid up to us and tells us "you'd better turn that shit off, blah blah blah." I tell him to chill the fuck out, so he starts acting like he is gonna fight like 7 of us, when he goes and spits in my friend greese monkey's face. So greese monkey gets up and gives the kid a chance to just leave but instead the NuMetal kid pushed greese monkey into a pole. And greese monkey punches him in the face and they start wrestling on the ground. So i go look to get out the guitar, but one of my friends beats me to it. I yell out, "Raining Blood!!" So he is playing Slayer while they are fighting and i start a pit with all the kids running over (even if they didnt wanna be in it) And greese mnkey grabs the kids head in slams in into the cement (were outside) And cracks the kids head open. Finally after a while the school adminsters and cops ran over and broke it up, one slammed me into the wall for moshing or whatever, but i didnt get in trouble. Anyways, to make a long story short, the nu metal kid went to the hospital.
PAGE 100!!!

This is such a big thing that I had to use the font "Fixedsys" to write Page 100.

At my school, people would've played some crappy emo song. I'm the only real Metalhead in my school. And I know this for a fact.