Official Off Topic Thread

Let's see... me, my band, most of my friends, and all 3 of my brothers are metalheads. There's a kid in my first class that I thought was emo, but then I talked to him. He really dislikes emo kids (like I do), he's a pacifist (like me), he can play guitar better than anyone in that class (except me, were actually pretty evenly matched), and he's great to hang around. I suppose you shouldn't be so quick to judge? Anyway, I don't care if it's a nu-metal kid, whoever got involved in that fight is probably an ignorant dumbass who wants to "prove themself" anyway.
No, I know for a fact that I'm the only real metalhead in my school, because I talk with people I think would be metal, even though I'm a loner at heart, and they are ALL either emo or punk, with a small small trace of thrash metal thats insignificant.
i'm planning on getting the Symp X masks tatoo'd on my arm in the 3rd week of july... Anyone think this is 'not' an awsome idea? because I busted my nutz just thinking about having the masks on my arm hahah!

Why The 3rd week you ask? Because I'm at the Canadian Championships the first week... And I'm training up untill than! Getting a tatoo doesn't fit into my training schedual loL!
I should get actual replicas of the Sym X masks. How awesome would that be? If I got bored, I'd just put on a mask, pick up a down tuned guitar, put some Sym X on, and play along with the riffs and bullshit the solos. (Then afterwards, I'd remind mineself that I need a life. :lol: )
haha! I think it would be awsome if at one of their live concerts the band all wore those masks... Than after their first song they like rip em off and throw them into the crowd! Phantom of the Opera strangely resembles MJR lol :p

Just a thought boys...I think it would pwn! Just imagine how sick they'd look with the long hair, and the awsome Guitar rapping solos!
DoomsdayZach said:
Wow, your friend cracked a kid's head open... that's um... "cool".

Other than that, i admit it was a sweet ass story haha. Too bad no one ever played Raining Blood at my school :(

It would be entertaining if it hadn't actually happened, yeah. Sheesh. This is the kind of stuff that makes metal look so bad that people think it's all evil.
proulxski said:
haha! I think it would be awsome if at one of their live concerts the band all wore those masks... Than after their first song they like rip em off and throw them into the crowd! Phantom of the Opera strangely resembles MJR lol :p

Just a thought boys...I think it would pwn! Just imagine how sick they'd look with the long hair, and the awsome Guitar rapping solos!
Even better than just opening wearing the masks.... Playing MASQUErade with the MASQUES!!! That would be.... wow. Oh my god.
DoomsdayZach said:
*waits for photoshop idea*
Lol, right now I'm working on my english Powerpoint presentation on The Murders In The Rue Morgue that I have to present tomorrow... So if all goes well I should have the time to photoshop it tomorrow in the evening.
Dammit. I kinda figured it wouldn't be the Iron Maiden song, but seeing as how Eddie Day is on its way, I figure I might as well get in the spirit of Eddie Day. :headbang:
But how cool would that be to do a report of an Iron Maiden song for English Class?
I've done a report of Symphony X for english class lol! And its full of bustnuttingness!

Even better than just opening wearing the masks.... Playing MASQUErade with the MASQUES!!! That would be.... wow. Oh my god.

*busts MrFasts and ptah's nutz for them*

That would be sweet... they have tot oss the masques into the crowd after the song though ;)

Photoshop idea eh? Going to take the Bukethead photo and paint the mask identical to that of Symphony X's?
*lmao* *giggle* *hihihihi* *weehoo* *wawaeewa* *cuddles* *frack* *horunge*

GREAT thread and topic!

Where're you goin that it'llbe 2 months? Anyways, wherever it is, don't die. That would suck. In a happier way of saying it, have a good time.