Official Off Topic Thread

They are the bastard child of Gwar and Hammerfall.... aka... not good. I heard the other shit they were competing (sp?) against and am glad that they won.
I actually like Lordi. They're like Gwar, only with music that's decent (I'll probably get attacked because of this, but oh well). Besides, Lordi winning is better than some Britney Spears wannabe band winning instead.
Yeah actually i think they won because people got sick of the same stuff every year. Every year is the same, a cute girl with a bunch of dancing guys behind her. Or some weirdo singing something about peace, humanity, and children :) I think they brought up something fresh to the competition and they won. We also gotta admit the young population voted for Lordi, just because they look very fancy :) I don't mind it is pop rock, it has rock sound in it, so for the first time in eurovision, a rock song won (i assume), and it is not a bad call.

What you all miss here is, Eurovision is not a song contest or anything. It is a celebration of European countries, and kinda a festival for them. Each and every country, yes each of them, are giving the most votes just to their neighbour countries. Moreover, what i really don't understand is, the departed countries, which made wars to get their freedom, is still voting for their former connected countries. Now what the hell ? So why did you departed if you love your neighbour that much :) I don't get it.
ThornsOfSorrow said:
I actually like Lordi. They're like Gwar, only with music that's decent (I'll probably get attacked because of this, but oh well). Besides, Lordi winning is better than some Britney Spears wannabe band winning instead.

I got hooked on Lordi a couple months ago. The music is simple, yet catchy.

They sound like shit live in that video though.
Tubbs Mcgee said:
I give a fuck. You know why? I just want to be contradictory to your statement even though my opinion is, in fact, exactly the same, therefore making this entire sentence completely redundant and absolutely unneeded. ;)

you must be from the Department Of the Redundancy Department.
Montu Sekhmet Montu Sekhmet Montu Sekhmet (That's who I'm quoting. LMAO) said:
you must be from the Department Of the Redundancy Department.
Yes I am. I am from the Department of Redundancy Department (Of Redundancy.)

I am from that department. The one of redundancy. You know the one? The Department of Redundancy Department (Of Redundancy)? That's the one I'm from. That department. The one of redundancy. The one that is a department. Yeah, I'm from it. The redundant department thing. You know, the Department of Redundancy and Redundancy Department. The one about redundancy? Yeah. I'm from there. What's that department called, you may ask? The one I'm from? Oh, you mean the Department of Redundancy Department! Yes! That's the one I'm from! That redundancy department! There's not much there. (At that redundancy department that I work at.) It's an apartment. Here is the tricky part though! It's a department of redundancy! Not just a normal department! It's a department of redundancy! I work there! It gets pretty repetitive and repeats the day over and over (and over) again, and again. It's a pretty redundant job, if you ask me. I honestly don't see the point in it. It's just the department of redundancy! I happen to work there. I wish it wasn't so redundant redundant and department of redundancy, it's so very repetitive, that place I work at, you know? It's redundant. It's so damn redundant and repetitive. It's a department of redundancy department (That I work at) nothing special there. Just the same redundant stuff, every single day, every single day it's very redundant. It is! I work at a place like that. It's called the Department of redundancy department. I work there. It's redundant. I like string cheese.
