Official Off Topic Thread

goth_fiend said:
that is sooo wrong :lol:

on a different subject I just got all setup for college!:headbang: I start in about a month


I'll be wearing the goofy gown tomorrow... B.S. in Biology.
goth_fiend said:
that is sooo wrong :lol:

on a different subject I just got all setup for college!:headbang: I start in about a month
Congratulations!!:headbang: I started University in March andI'm having a good time ('till next week when I get my first grades:lol:)
SilentRealm said:
^ whatcha studying? I only just started university at the ripe old age of 26! So I dont quite fit in with the hot little teeny boppers or anything, but other than that its awesome.

at this point im still not certain, but its likely going to be either music theory, computer graphics/ programming, or buisiness, right now Im just getting my general ed. out of the way so that I can transfer to a university, thank you though, 26 isnt bad to start college, i took 3 years off because I NEEDED IT! :lol: and as for those "hot little teeny boppers" I bet they dont sport an opeth shirt like you do SR:headbang:
I'm also starting College in a month or two! Should be sweet!'ll fit in fine with the tinny boppers, you'll show them what 'real beauty' means! + if you're hair starts to go grey and they laugh at you you can tell them "Doesn't mean I'm old, just means I'm wiser!"

And also on the football note...Whats wrong with football? You don't liker watching 6'0 300Lbs guys tackling eacother lol? I thing god put me on this earth to play foot ball loL! I'm 6'6 255Lbs so... Well lets just say I resemble big foot greatly if you see me strut in the distance haha!
goth fiend said:
and as for those "hot little teeny boppers" I bet they dont sport an opeth shirt like you do SR

:lol: - so far I can say I'm the only GIRL I've noticed at my particular uni who sports an Opeth shirt (have ran into 2 guys since coming back from the concert). But 99% of people in my town dont even know who they are! :(

EDIT: So I dont do a new post to continue

Jax said:
I heard a radio commercial here that said that our average college student is 26 years old (not sure if that was just for Michigan or for the US, they didn't say); I think continuing education later in life is becoming more and more popular. Good for you & best of luck in your studies!

I know the drop out rate is far lower for mature age students than those fresh out of high school. I think thats usually because by the time they've lived some of their life and head back to school its 1. because they really want to be there, as opposed to parental pressure and 2. because they generally have more focus about where they want to go in life (not always I've known 18yr olds with incredible focus too though thats rare). Thanks for that Jax!
Nemesis_lxix said:
When you reach 18 and start to support your self,you realize it aint all about parting all the time.I am starting to realize that myself.

Nope, once i turn 18 im never gonna hold a real job, ill starve to death first.

It is ether music or death.
Kenneth R. said:
I have yet to see another person wearing an Opeth shirt outside a metal concert or my group of friends :lol:
At my school there are 3 poser kids who have Opeth shirts. So I guess I'm the only person in my school who wears an Opeth shirt AND listens to their music..