Official Off Topic Thread

the_satanic_rabbit said:
This is correct. Another reason to lower the drinking age to 18. If they did that peeps would get it out of there system alot sooner, grow up and move on with their lives.

I don't think it's necessarily the drinking age in the States to address, but rather the taboo resulting from the Puritanical beliefs of our ancestors that sheds an "evil light" on all things alcohol.

Compare the histories of Europe to America: Europe went through the Dark Ages and The Plague when drinking water was a bad thing; on the other hand, the US never experienced such a pandemic. Beer was necessary in Europe since it was boiled and clean of "bad" organisms present in untouched water. There's a popular addage in brewing circles: In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is strength, in water there is bacteria.

I think if alcohol wasn't such a taboo in America, we wouldn't have nearly the problem we have today. Kids drink alcohol because they think it's cool, and I would even surmise this early abuse of alcohol leads to alcoholism down the road a few years. Lose the taboo and we may see more responsibility in drinking develop throughout the country.

ABQShredHead said:
Awesome! What kind of job?

Writing, though I'm not sure what they'll be having me do yet. I'm more interested in the feature writing than writing reviews, but who knows what they'll have me start off with? Either way, it's exciting since I'm a journalism major and this would be my first real experience in the field. :)
goth fiend said:
why is it that girls do that super cute "good-bye" wave !? it drives me crazy I just want to grab her and kiss her right now! (sorry off topic but im going nuts right now)

what the hell are you talking about? :lol:

Prog Maiden said:
I just got an interview for a job with a metal magazine, so I'm pretty excited.

woo hoo! congratulations and hope you get it!! is it a paper magazine or a webzine? I was writing for a webzine for a while, its fun though in the end I didnt really have the heart for writing (though I've been told I'm welcome to go back to it anytime I want so thats cool). As TOS said, keep us updated!
SilentRealm said:
what the hell are you talking about? :lol:

:lol: there is this really cute girl I sometimes see in a coffee shop I regular, today was her last day there for a while, and she did this little thing when I left that was just waaaaaayyyyyy too cute, it made my day, I guess Im really easy to please:lol:
ABQShredHead said:
I don't think it's necessarily the drinking age in the States to address, but rather the taboo resulting from the Puritanical beliefs of our ancestors that sheds an "evil light" on all things alcohol.

Compare the histories of Europe to America: Europe went through the Dark Ages and The Plague when drinking water was a bad thing; on the other hand, the US never experienced such a pandemic. Beer was necessary in Europe since it was boiled and clean of "bad" organisms present in untouched water. There's a popular addage in brewing circles: In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is strength, in water there is bacteria.

I think if alcohol wasn't such a taboo in America, we wouldn't have nearly the problem we have today. Kids drink alcohol because they think it's cool, and I would even surmise this early abuse of alcohol leads to alcoholism down the road a few years. Lose the taboo and we may see more responsibility in drinking develop throughout the country.


I agree with you on that point as well. And it extends far beyond alcohol; with sex, porn, cigarettes, etc. The more taboo something is, the more kids are going to want to do it.
i've been told that the main reason behind hiking up the drinking age in the states is drunk driving. even as a 19 year old college student, i know that a lot of kids my age cant handle the responsibility of being able to drink freely. also, doesnt europe have a much higher alcoholic rating than the us?
"drinking age" ?? What the hell is it ? Do the laws punish you if you drink before this age ? I mean we have kinda the same laws, but it prevents selling alcohol to teenagers (punishing the seller), and driving with drinking (punishing the driver). That's all.
The Yngster said:
i've been told that the main reason behind hiking up the drinking age in the states is drunk driving. even as a 19 year old college student, i know that a lot of kids my age cant handle the responsibility of being able to drink freely. also, doesnt europe have a much higher alcoholic rating than the us?

Theres still plenty of irresponsible fucktards that are 21 and over and think its a smart idea to drink and drive, or drive drunk. Back when I was still waiting tables I remember the two waitresses I worked with were talking about it and one said to the other "but isn't it fun to drive drunk? you feel so cool behind the wheel, etc" I just wanted to fucking smack that bitch. Yea, real cool to put people's lives in danger of your dumb ass...btw that chick talking was 30.
Yngvai X said:
Drinking a shit load of alcohol and then driving is one thing and I would never do that,not out of fear of getting arrested but of causing an accident.To complain about something like that is stupid.My problem is that the drinking limit is so low that you can’t even drink one beer !This is way too damn strict !:erk:
turke said:
"drinking age" ?? What the hell is it ? Do the laws punish you if you drink before this age ? I mean we have kinda the same laws, but it prevents selling alcohol to teenagers (punishing the seller), and driving with drinking (punishing the driver). That's all.

Yes, if you're caught with alcohol in your possession and you're under the age of 21 they can arrest you. Or if you're in a restaurant and you try to order, if they think you're under age they can ask to see ID. Once I wanted to just buy a 6 pack of beer at the super market and had forgotten my wallet. I certainly look older than 21 (or at the very least 21) but the guy wouldn't let me buy the beer without him seeing ID. Its pretty strict in the US.
You gotta try "rakı". Our national alcohol drink. Nemesis should know it. Actually it could be called a greek-turkish alcohol drink. The two countries have very much things in common. But somehow we can't get along well :)
Prog Maiden said:
Writing, though I'm not sure what they'll be having me do yet. I'm more interested in the feature writing than writing reviews, but who knows what they'll have me start off with? Either way, it's exciting since I'm a journalism major and this would be my first real experience in the field. :)

Right on Meg! Congrats to you!

J-Dubya - Your first assignment - Freak Kitchen! :headbang:
turke said:
You gotta try "rakı". Our national alcohol drink. Nemesis should know it. Actually it could be called a greek-turkish alcohol drink. The two countries have very much things in common. But somehow we can't get along well :)
RAKI :kickass:
I actually have 2 bottles in my refrigerator as we speak.Both are home made…the first is from a city near the north border and the other is a brand of raki made in Creta called “chicoudia”.I just love it ! A couple of shots and….buzz-buzz.also great when you have a headache And the good part is that its so pure that you wake up sober the next morning.Ever tried to boil it and mix it with honey Turke ?
And yes Turke ! we do have a lot in common but as far as I am concerned people from all countries are getting along just fine,it’s the fucking governments I hate !
Nemesis_lxix said:
RAKI :kickass:
I actually have 2 bottles in my refrigerator as we speak.Both are home made…the first is from a city near the north border and the other is a brand of raki made in Creta called “chicoudia”.I just love it ! A couple of shots and….buzz-buzz.also great when you have a headache And the good part is that its so pure that you wake up sober the next morning.Ever tried to boil it and mix it with honey Turke ?
And yes Turke ! we do have a lot in common but as far as I am concerned people from all countries are getting along just fine,it’s the fucking governments I hate !

Actually i am not much of a drinker :) But i thought, if you boil rakı, all the alcohol in it vaporizes man, what the hell :lol:

And yes, there always be conflicts in the governmental basis. Do you remember the "Kardak islands situation" a few years ago ? Man, i was afraid that it would cause a war :lol: Fortunately it didn't.