Official Off Topic Thread

turke said:
Actually i am not much of a drinker :) But i thought, if you boil rakı, all the alcohol in it vaporizes man, what the hell :lol:

And yes, there always be conflicts in the governmental basis. Do you remember the "Kardak islands situation" a few years ago ? Man, i was afraid that it would cause a war :lol: Fortunately it didn't.

You don’t let it boil all the way into steam man !
You just worm it up a little and then add some honey.There is actually a specific way I don’t know to do it but it tastes really great.

Both sides have dome some really stupid stuff over the years and you must admit that neither country was very straight with the other.I think there was a matter recently about a Turkish plane being crashed in Greek territory or something,I don’t see the new so I really don’t know but let me tell you one thing about war… with a song !

Politicians hide themselves away
They only started the war
Why should they go out to fight
They leave that all to the poor
Thanks guys! :) I'll be sure to keep you updated. My interview is on Weds.

Oh, and here's question to boggle the mind: what do I wear to an interview with a metal magazine? Do I dress nice or wear a band shirt? :lol:
War_Blade said:
^war pigs, nice
alright i'm real bored and i just had a crazy night last night... yea..

fucken crazys

*mumbles* hell of a drug...
Shame on you doing drugs and not sharing any with us !

Prog Maiden said:
Thanks guys! :) I'll be sure to keep you updated. My interview is on Weds.

Oh, and here's question to boggle the mind: what do I wear to an interview with a metal magazine? Do I dress nice or wear a band shirt? :lol:
How about something that resembles what you wear on your avatar,only that has a band stamp on ?
goth fiend said:
there is this really cute girl I sometimes see in a coffee shop I regular, today was her last day there for a while, and she did this little thing when I left that was just waaaaaayyyyyy too cute, it made my day, I guess Im really easy to please

you should have asked her out silly! trust me, no way in HELL she would say no :p

my love life rant - turns out my ex bf who broke up with me coz he was moving and didnt want to uproot my life and uni, left the company he was working for so therefore ISNT moving afterall! But he admitted he is a bit afraid of me now, I guess because he hurt me alot by doing so, so I told him he didnt need to be and that I don't hate him :(

But on another note, the super cute guy I met in the mosh pit at Opeth is probably going to come up for a holiday to visit me in July! \m/
goth_fiend said:
why is it that girls do that super cute "good-bye" wave !? it drives me crazy I just want to grab her and kiss her right now! (sorry off topic but im going nuts right now)

oh dude I totally understand this... there was this chick at a bar I went to last week who was flawless in my eyes... when I would randomly look around and see her and she would catch me looking at her and she smile back with her extremely devilish\devious looking face\smile and I was just like !!! and look away like I wasnt looking at her atall :erk: oh man why cant I ask that chick for her number or anything? im terrible hehe (although I've never ever done it before)..... oh well... I get a similar thing where I work though (mcdonalds in a mall! hehe) and theres a few coffe shops\bakery type place accross from where the McD's is and theres about 2 chicks that I get the blank look from and its like aghhhhhh.... I'm too scared to do anything about it hehe...

The good thing is that as of lately I've come out of my "I ONLY WANT A METAL CHICK PHASE" but generally (and no offence to SR, thorns or prog maiden, I dont think this applys to your type anyway hehe) metal chicks are fucked in the head, well in NZ anyway.... so i've come out of that only black wearing\metal listening phase (asin my preference on a chick, not for my own style) and now I'm looking everywhere which is pretty much been happening in the paragraph before this one n'yeah.. feels alot better. I mean hell I dont HAVE to be metal 100% of the time... as I love my Pink Floyd, Nightingale, NOFX and heaps of other various different stuff than metal that I'm sure most normal chicks would be into... but I just dont think I'd be keen on one whos HEAVILY into rap or pop thats all.
So, who has seen this pic?? Made me laugh :lol:

Ret- said:
I've come out of my "I ONLY WANT A METAL CHICK PHASE" but generally (and no offence to SR, thorns or prog maiden, I dont think this applys to your type anyway hehe) metal chicks are fucked in the head, well in NZ anyway

none taken, I generally tend to agree! I dont LOOK like a metal chick anyway except for the random band shirt sometimes (I'm sure everyone has noticed this already.. in normal life I tell people what I listen to and they cant believe it because they would never have picked it by looking at me). I definately dont do the thing with the really heavy makeup and weird all-black clothing or anything (though I do wear alot of black, but basically just black shirt and jeans is my signature outfit). Of the girls Ive ever met who are into the same sort of metal (bands) as me, they are usually very cool and not over the top at all. Its the chicks that listen to the shit like slipknot and mudvayne and korn etc that I find are neurotic. And that being said, lots of pop chicks are neurotic too! (Actually alot of chicks are regardless of musical taste according to most guys Ive ever talked to anyway lol)