Official Off Topic Thread

I've just seen "The Machinist", the movie. Christian Balle is in this one (for SilentRealm :) ). The movie was good, not great but good. He will eventually get an oscar one day. You gotta see what he made to himself just to play in this movie. (also for the money of course :) )

Actually i've seen a better movie, with nearly the same context as this one. It is "The Jacket". It is much more complicated, and mind blowing. No one ever knows, what really happened in the movie, may be even the movie makers. Everybody comes up with its own explanation. If you like this one, go for "The Jacket" too.
Nemesis_lxix said:
When you reach 18 and start to support your self,you realize it aint all about parting all the time.I am starting to realize that myself.
Contrary to popular belief, for most people, life doesn't change drastically once you turn 18. Most people are still in high school and living with their parents, so they don't have to support themselves anymore than they did before turning 18. Sorry to disagree, but I'm in somewhat of an argumentative mood tonight. :p
ThornsOfSorrow said:
Contrary to popular belief, for most people, life doesn't change drastically once you turn 18. Most people are still in high school and living with their parents, so they don't have to support themselves anymore than they did before turning 18. Sorry to disagree, but I'm in somewhat of an argumentative mood tonight.

I agree with that, and I was also thinking with the drinking age being 21 in the states wouldnt people really start their party years around then? which would mean they dont really start settling in to life until at least mid-late twenties..

turke said:
I've just seen "The Machinist", the movie. Christian Balle is in this one (for SilentRealm ). The movie was good, not great but good. He will eventually get an oscar one day. You gotta see what he made to himself just to play in this movie. (also for the money of course )

Actually i've seen a better movie, with nearly the same context as this one. It is "The Jacket". It is much more complicated, and mind blowing. No one ever knows, what really happened in the movie, may be even the movie makers. Everybody comes up with its own explanation. If you like this one, go for "The Jacket" too.

never heard of 'the jacket' - who is in it?

as for The Machinist.. it is a good movie, I agree with you that it is not fantastic but it is quite good. Christian is the best thing about it though (as always in movies which he is in).

I was watching the special features of Batman Begins and apparently he had to go straight from being skeletal in the Machinist, to being the hot buff yummy thing he is in Batman *drools*. And they had told him to get a big as he could, not realising just HOW big he can go.. so he had to slim back down again and get a more refined martial artist shape.. I swear I have no idea how guys (or even girls) like that can shift their body weight and shape so readily to fit with movie roles.
SilentRealm said:
Welcome back BTW!!
Thanx ! It feells good to be back and see some friendly avatars !
War_Blade said:
Nope, once i turn 18 im never gonna hold a real job, ill starve to death first.

It is ether music or death.
Music or Death ! Now that’s a tough call ! :lol:
ThornsOfSorrow said:
Contrary to popular belief, for most people, life doesn't change drastically once you turn 18. Most people are still in high school and living with their parents, so they don't have to support themselves anymore than they did before turning 18. Sorry to disagree, but I'm in somewhat of an argumentative mood tonight. :p
Whether it’s 18 or older, depends on when you decide to move out of the house.I wouldn’t wanna turn 30 and still be living in my mother’s basement !I am still supported by my family but live alone in a deferent city (250km away) for a year or so and things are starting to get tough !

"The Machinist" hum?
Never heard of it,but then again what do I know about movies ?
Most of my friends are around my age (early 20s) and I don't know too many that are living on their own. Especially in the NYC area, shit is really fucking expensive apartment that would probably only cost between $500 and $600 a month in a more "normal" suburban area easily costs between $750 and $900 a month here. Most decent sized 1 bedrooms start at around $1000 a month. In some places that doesn't even include utilities. I don't know if average wages are substantially more here though...since I'm a guitar teacher I don't exactly work on hourly clock stores do charge more around here though, compared to what others have told me their local stores charge (both stores I work out of charge $30 for a 1/2 hour lesson and $50 for 1 hour).
I thought nothing would change when I turned 18... Well I was wrong. My parents don't really care for me much, and well if they did they have a funny way of showing it... I gotta pay for everything (schoo, trips ect) on my own! My father always threatings to kick me out, and I pay him room and board... So in the end I do work for a living...And I am lucky to have a house to be in...However I could be just as well oin my own in an apartment... I pay for the room I stay in, I work for the places I wanna go and for the school I need to attend! Sorry to bust some peoples balls but being 18 aint that great! However you do feel more responsible and learn more responsibility (in Quebec anyway where 18 is the drinking age-and where you re actually considered an adult)

Ps: On top of which I do tons of labour around the house and things for my parents, despite the crap they treat me like! However I suppose its fair to say not everyone has my parents, so some people might have it better or worse...
I was supposed to move to my own apartment when I got my military service done. My father had a brain hemorrhage and he partially paralyzed so I had to stay for another three years until I graduate and get those carpenter's papers. I'm going to move out after this summer and continue my studies in another school.

I've always laughed at myself for resembling some dude who died 2000 years ago on a cross. He was a longhaired (according to the majority of pictures) carpenter living with his parents and if he did something it was considered as a miracle.
SilentRealm said:
I agree with that, and I was also thinking with the drinking age being 21 in the states wouldnt people really start their party years around then? which would mean they dont really start settling in to life until at least mid-late twenties..

This is correct. Another reason to lower the drinking age to 18. If they did that peeps would get it out of there system alot sooner, grow up and move on with their lives.
the_satanic_rabbit said:
This is correct. Another reason to lower the drinking age to 18. If they did that peeps would get it out of there system alot sooner, grow up and move on with their lives.

Yes cause its soooo hard for kids to drink underage in the states. I'd say about 75% have drank by the time they get to college, and almost 100% by the time they're 21.
The Yngster said:
Yes cause its soooo hard for kids to drink underage in the states. I'd say about 75% have drank by the time they get to college, and almost 100% by the time they're 21.
I'm one of the few people in my high school who doesn't drink. Since it's high school, there is obviously no one over 21, but everyone still has parties every weekend where they all get completely wasted. After turning 21, the only difference is that people can be more open about their drinking. Drinking age doesn't mean much over here (or anywhere else, I'm assuming).
why is it that girls do that super cute "good-bye" wave !? it drives me crazy I just want to grab her and kiss her right now! (sorry off topic but im going nuts right now)