Official Off Topic Thread

Tubbs McgeeTubbsmcgeefrom the department of redundency department said:
Yes I am. I am from the Department of Redundancy Department (Of Redundancy.)

I am from that department. The one of redundancy. You know the one? The Department of Redundancy Department (Of Redundancy)? That's the one I'm from. That department. The one of redundancy. The one that is a department. Yeah, I'm from it. The redundant department thing. You know, the Department of Redundancy and Redundancy Department. The one about redundancy? Yeah. I'm from there. What's that department called, you may ask? The one I'm from? Oh, you mean the Department of Redundancy Department! Yes! That's the one I'm from! That redundancy department! There's not much there. (At that redundancy department that I work at.) It's an apartment. Here is the tricky part though! It's a department of redundancy! Not just a normal department! It's a department of redundancy! I work there! It gets pretty repetitive and repeats the day over and over (and over) again, and again. It's a pretty redundant job, if you ask me. I honestly don't see the point in it. It's just the department of redundancy! I happen to work there. I wish it wasn't so redundant redundant and department of redundancy, it's so very repetitive, that place I work at, you know? It's redundant. It's so damn redundant and repetitive. It's a department of redundancy department (That I work at) nothing special there. Just the same redundant stuff, every single day, every single day it's very redundant. It is! I work at a place like that. It's called the Department of redundancy department. I work there. It's redundant. I like string cheese.


I knew something like that like that was coming was coming from you who I was expecting to make a remark such as the one you just made. Yes, I predicted that. That department section secular specific location of which you work is a place where I often go. Repetition is something something something that usually does not happen around here, here. String cheese is a very bad and mal and no bueno item of food of food. String cheese is food item which can be very not good.

:lol: :lol: LOL HAPPY LAUGHING HAHA:tickled: :D
Tubbs Mcgee said:
:rolleyes: I enjoyed making that post. :tickled:

It took me about 15 minutes, though... :erk:
I spent like a half hour getting that post together that I used to win the Flame War, but that was because I kept maing stupid mistakes, lie accidentally coppying something else.
MrFast said:
It's kind of ironic.. I bet some psycho child molesters wanted to molest him when he was a child star

he might have been molested.. its documented that very often paedophiles were abused themselves as children. Who knows, what would it be like to be a fly on the wall in THAT Psychology office? :loco:
Taliwakker said:
Why did MJ get the shits lastweek?

because he flew all the way to Tasmania only to find out that they were actually minErs.....


oh there was only one good one that cracked me up.. *thinks* how does it go?

whats the difference between beaconsfield and an anglican priest? ... One has minors stuck in a shaft, the other has his shaft stuck in miners!
and in my off-topic rant for the night, the football is on :puke: and my housemate is watching it (State of Origin) so I am forced to bum around on the computer for the next couple of hours (or go to bed early)..
SilentRealm said:
^ whatcha studying? I only just started university at the ripe old age of 26! So I dont quite fit in with the hot little teeny boppers or anything, but other than that its awesome.

That's pretty cool, though! From what I hear, it's not easy to go back to school after you've been out in the workforce. So good for you! :)
SilentRealm said:
^ whatcha studying? I only just started university at the ripe old age of 26! So I dont quite fit in with the hot little teeny boppers or anything, but other than that its awesome.
That's awesome SR! Even if you don't fit in, you can still kill their self esteem by telling people that you have men (young or not) on multiple continents who worship you.:p :oops: :lol:
MrFast said:
:lol: I think we might have to start an official SR appreciation thread..... Every time she posts anything a bunch of people always comment you in every way.

Here we go again :Smug: OK, she is beautiful (in the photos :) ), she is smart, and she listens to metal. So stop flattering her, and propose :lol: Don't waste time.
SilentRealm said:
^ whatcha studying? I only just started university at the ripe old age of 26! So I dont quite fit in with the hot little teeny boppers or anything, but other than that its awesome.

I heard a radio commercial here that said that our average college student is 26 years old (not sure if that was just for Michigan or for the US, they didn't say); I think continuing education later in life is becoming more and more popular. Good for you & best of luck in your studies!

Oh, and can you e-mail me? Your CotM package came back marked as undeliverable & I want to get it re-shipped to you ASAP..thanks! :)