Official Off Topic Thread

he is learning to be my little metal boy - he likes to wear all black (specifically asks for black or dark clothing), he asks for his hair to be dyed black, and he is ok with Symphony X but atm he prefers Edguy and Ayreon. Though he did actually ask me once if he could put a cd on and when I said ok he went and put SyX on and was very excited about it (I was very proud). He doesn't like Death metal yet, but I'd say wait till he becomes a teen for that if its going to happen. Unfortunately he really loves the 'nu-metal' shit atm too, but I figure he is only 5, give him time to develop a musical ear. He wants to learn the guitar but I have a feeling he will make a good drummer (everytime he gets his hands on a pair of chopsticks he taps them for ages). I'm waiting till he is mentally developed a bit more before putting him into music lessons so that he can take instruction and not burn out from frustration too soon.
Show him some clips from The Guitar Chapter. Make him wanna learn guitar. Then he'll realize how bad Nu Metal is. ;)
SilentRealm said:
I'm waiting till he is mentally developed a bit more before putting him into music lessons so that he can take instruction and not burn out from frustration too soon.

This is a good idea, but you shouldn't have to wait much longer. I teach a kid who just turned 9, and I have to say that that seems to be just about the right age for most kids to be mentally prepared for learning an instrument. There are of course some that are into it enough to start earlier, but 7-8 is a good range. Just remember that drums can be expensive, plus you need a decent space to put them in, let alone deal with the loud racket :) Although there are electronic kits out there, I'd advise against that for learning, since they respond totally different from real drums and you really need the real drums to develop the right technique on them.
I bought a guitar for my 5 year old cousin, the epiphone pee-wee flying v to be exact, just because he idolizes me for playing guitar, and for him to keep it as a reminder that I plan on teaching him eventually, but I don't plan on teaching him to play just yet. I actually do plan on waiting 'till he's like 8 or 9 to teach him, mostly because he's too wild to get him to sit still now.
DoomsdayZach said:
sorry, been a few days. yeah, the porn store job isn't really terrible, but not so great either. though there was a guy today that asked if i knew where he could find any call girls. it was hard not to laugh.
I would have laughed ! :lol:

Just today I realized how healthy the Brits live their life.
As I have mentioned before I study in a city 200 km away from Athens and just today as I was driving home I stopped at a highway restaurant for lunch.It was 12.00 sharp and the place was almost empty,then two busses arrived and tourist from England (know by the accent) started to pop out.Minutes latter the place was full but I was the only one smoking.Also,I was having a really unhealthy spaghetti with sausages and meat and a king size cold beer but everyone else was having a salad with a small coke or water.

I have never seen so much green I a plate before ! And some people were actually eating from the same plate (that consisted 90% salad) and still didn’t clean up the plate ! I find it good to have healthy habits but I am not sure if I would like to be like them.
Any vegetarians here ?

Hey guys, I'm in Romania now. It's wonderful. Of course, I wish I was back home with my family in New York; what can I say, I'm a city girl. Last week I was in Athens and next week I will be in Croatia. Pictures and stories will come later. Looks like you guys are all having fun though :).
Omg!! You haven't been here in forever!! I guess I don't need to ask how you've been, since it seems like you're doing fine. Hope you enjoy Croatia! :)
Beelzebub said:

Hey guys, I'm in Romania now. It's wonderful. Of course, I wish I was back home with my family in New York; what can I say, I'm a city girl. Last week I was in Athens and next week I will be in Croatia. Pictures and stories will come later. Looks like you guys are all having fun though :).
So you actually visited Athens !
I cant wait to hear about it :) :headbang:
Beelz youre such a lucky girl!! I'm very jealous of your tour.. Hope you're having a good time!

I went out with my brother the other night in 'honour' of the second state of origin game - he got us passes for this bar here in town that was the site of radio promo for the game. There was this 'duo' that hosts breakfast radio there and first I met one of the guys, and he thought I was pretty (joys of having the right 'assets') so he gave my friend and I VIP passes so sit with them in the sectioned off lounge area and to get all the free food and alcohol we wanted (which we took full advantage of with the free alcohol). That was cool, but then it gets interesting because I met the other host, and completely unexpectedly we hit it off BIG time. I admitted that I didn't really listen to the radio because I'm a 'metal girl' and he even commented that he hated the stuff he was forced to play and I think he said that he was actually a jazz fan, so brownie points went through the roof at that point :lol:. We also both hate football (more brownie points :p) so we didn't even notice the game, we just spent the whole night sitting together and talking. So yeah, it turned out to be a pretty good night.
Beelzebub said:

Hey guys, I'm in Romania now. It's wonderful. Of course, I wish I was back home with my family in New York; what can I say, I'm a city girl. Last week I was in Athens and next week I will be in Croatia. Pictures and stories will come later. Looks like you guys are all having fun though :).

Thanks for checking in Beelz! Enjoy your vacation!

DoomsdayZach said:
hey beelz, glad you're having a good time! Punch a romanian in the kidney for me.

So.... who else sold an 80 year old guy a butt plug today? Anyone? Anyone? Hmm... thought not.

I don't know what's scarier - An 80 year old guy with a plug, or the sales pitch to seal the deal! :heh:
