Official Off Topic Thread

Same, I renewd my Gym membership... Got the Canadian Championships comming up in July, so I've been training pretty hard lately, inbetween conditioning and training with the National Team I got very little time for anything lol! Sad story but I sorta injured myself last week, pulled a muscle in the shoulder and did something to my ankle...Twisted it I suppose!

When you go to the gym are you going to make yourself stronger/be a better athlete...or for the looks? I love the gym, i get so pumped after going. As I've said many times, I am Huge... 6'5 250Lbs, so when I go to the gym their is alot of weight behind what ever I'm doing lol! So dude, share with me what kinda equipment you use and how much weight you lifting?

On the note of injuries, whats the worst injuries you guys have had? Either from sports, accidents, music...Just any kind of injury lol. In the past to years I've accumlated a couple big ones! I've dislocated my knee, I've had a tendon get pulled in my ribs, and I've had a broken shoulder (well slight seperation between the collar bone and scapulla!) All of them happened while I was doing sports. The most recent one (other than the pulled muscle but that happenes to everyone at all time!) was my knee again, I landed on it pretty hard. And I could not go down on my knee for like two weeks, so finally i went to go see th sports physio and I got some nice long massages. I was lucky, since the sport I do I am covered to go see this girl, so its free for me! She fixed me up very good, even gave me excercises to strengthing my knee... Her massages where good, the ice massage was cool as well. However their are times when to test muscle structure and if my knee was healing that it could be a bit painful...but in the end it helped me lol! On my last appointment she brought in her assistent to run a bunch of tests on me lol. I'm lieing down on this table after my massage and this chick walks in (very cute) she like sticks her hands like in my pants on my thigh and starts like pressing down..(In my head I was like...Okay what does this have to do with me knee? While I was also thinking, HEY whats your number?) After 10 minutes of weird things she asks me to stand up and she like grabs me on both sides of my body and tells me to leaen over and stuff! All in all it was a good experience haha!~
A pig eats a shoe when he dumped in gravy from the moon's second cousin in law Jeremy who was named after some guy named rick that died just before the great potato accident of 1672 in which King Charmander ate his wife who was queen of the toad people in Canada on friday night while watching football.

If that isn't random, buckle me in pops.
proulxski said:
When you go to the gym are you going to make yourself stronger/be a better athlete...or for the looks? I love the gym, i get so pumped after going. As I've said many times, I am Huge... 6'5 250Lbs, so when I go to the gym their is alot of weight behind what ever I'm doing lol! So dude, share with me what kinda equipment you use and how much weight you lifting?

I mostly do it coz I wnna be in a good shape but also looking good is nice :heh:
I also do it coz I feel really stressed and most of the time doing sport helps me consume some energy and relax.
Well,at the old gym I was going I was using typical instruments with weights and some of them were not very good since the chains used to pull the wrights haven’t been replaced for years and they sounded funny.Now most of the equipment I use is electronic.You just adjust the force you wanna and the machine stimulates a weight lifting instrument.It is great coz it also informs you when you are not doing it right and what muscle group you should use.

Well,I used to have injuries all the time when I was little coz I was always doing stupid stuff like playing violent games or fighting.The latest injuries I have are a fracture on my left knee that still hearts when its cold,which is a little souvenir from taek won do and from and from accident I have a broken nose,a minor spine fracture and some scars and burses.I was in a car crash 6 month ago and I almost got killed,you may wanna check the pic thread where I posted a pic of my eyes and nose raight after,at the hospital.
The stupid who was driving was speeding at 120 km/h and at the point where the road was making a right turn right next to the railroad tracks,he went over the safety barriers and the car travelled 7-8 meters in the air to land directly on the rail tracks. At liest we didn’t got hit by any trains and the freaky part is that 20 cm to the right was a poll and if we had hit that with full force we wouldn’t be talking now,thank god !

Kenneth R. said:
:worship: PS drum VSTi was Toontrack dfh EZDrummer. its quite awesome...
And what kind of car are you going to get ?

Guess what !
I am officially living the second decade of my life today :heh: :Smokin: :Spin: :D :wave:
I will most definitely go to a strip-club and party tonight. :headbang: :kickass:
Nemesis Ixix said:
Guess what !
I am officially living the second decade of my life today
I will most definitely go to a strip-club and party tonight.

happy birthday!!

@ strip clubs - meh, been there done that - not stripping :lol: - Ive been to one for fun a few times, even got a lap dance once but I have a feeling the guys standing around watching got more out of it than I did :loco:
never been to a strip club. too fucking poor haha.

But once again, in case anyone forgot yet, i work at a porn shop, so i get to watch chicks fucking and i get paid. great huh?

actually, i bring my portable dvd player and just watch other stuff. seen boondock saints, waiting, metal: a headbangers journey, bruce almighty, and many many more in the past two days at work. it's awesome.
im back from a week in california, i had a crappy time in case you were wondering (which you wern't)

^ no decline of western civilazation part II, or heavy metal parking lot, or spinal tap???
TheVaine said:
A pig eats a shoe when he dumped in gravy from the moon's second cousin in law Jeremy who was named after some guy named rick that died just before the great potato accident of 1672 in which King Charmander ate his wife who was queen of the toad people in Canada on friday night while watching football.

If that isn't random, buckle me in pops.

Umm..... LOOK!! Pink Elephants, using their gills to fly on the wings of a dragon, over the rainbow to the land of Make Believe and Dio Song Lyrics, and it's about to use its super cool awesome progtacular Mega Man arm to shoot out the Dream Theater song "Take The Time", but in the form of chocolate instead of sound, and the chocolate tastes so yoummy in my tummy, taht I want more, so we need to get that pink flying elephant over here so he can give me more chocolte, because I need to stop being an idiot.

Nemesis_lxix said:
Guess what !

I am officially living the second decade of my life today

I will most definitely go to a strip-club and party tonight.

Mazel Tov!!

DoomsdayZach said:
never been to a strip club. too fucking poor haha.

But once again, in case anyone forgot yet, i work at a porn shop, so i get to watch chicks fucking and i get paid. great huh?

actually, i bring my portable dvd player and just watch other stuff. seen boondock saints, waiting, metal: a headbangers journey, bruce almighty, and many many more in the past two days at work. it's awesome.

After selling butt plugs to 80 year olds, you'd think that normal things wouldn't get you off.

@ War Blade: You missed me starting my new hobby.
Yngvai X said:
Guitar players need to watch these, but I can see non musicians finding these hilarious too:

John Petrucci Psycho Exercises

edit: apparently theres a 3rd one now


watch the intro of shred manifesto from rusty cooly, then you can go kill yourself...

SilentRealm said:
he is learning to be my little metal boy - he likes to wear all black (specifically asks for black or dark clothing), he asks for his hair to be dyed black, and he is ok with Symphony X but atm he prefers Edguy and Ayreon. Though he did actually ask me once if he could put a cd on and when I said ok he went and put SyX on and was very excited about it (I was very proud). He doesn't like Death metal yet, but I'd say wait till he becomes a teen for that if its going to happen. Unfortunately he really loves the 'nu-metal' shit atm too, but I figure he is only 5, give him time to develop a musical ear. He wants to learn the guitar but I have a feeling he will make a good drummer (everytime he gets his hands on a pair of chopsticks he taps them for ages). I'm waiting till he is mentally developed a bit more before putting him into music lessons so that he can take instruction and not burn out from frustration too soon.

A 5 year old listening to Symphony x? I guess there is hope for me when i get old after all... Fucking awesome:headbang:

@ptah, well are you gonna tell me or make me search through 10 pages of ht eoff topic thread...
I save my Snapple caps (glass bottles only) and I post the Snapple "Real Facts" up here. It's my new way of saying "Be careful. I've had too much sugar." :lol:

Post 2300
Kenneth R. said:
car = black honda CR-V
I have a silver Peugeot 206 cc quicksilver, this is her…
but think of getting a Celica in a year or two.
SilentRealm said:
happy birthday!!
@ strip clubs - meh, been there done that - not stripping :lol: - Ive been to one for fun a few times, even got a lap dance once but I have a feeling the guys standing around watching got more out of it than I did :loco:
Well,Thank you :headbang:
I didn’t get a lap dance :cry: but I still have a hang over.
Well I am on my way to the gym so this may be the only day I make just one post in the UM.
Since I know most of you guys are guitarists here, I figured this would be a good place to ask. I'm picking up my guitar again (it's been neglected recently) and I'm trying to think of good beginner songs to learn. I'm thinking songs like The Silent Man (or basically any Opeth) would be good not to mention fun to learn, particularly since I don't see myself catching up to any of Dream Theater's more upbeat songs anytime soon. :p