Official Off Topic Thread

Montu Sekhmet said:
if shit happens, invade a country and make a sad attempt to establish a democracy there while getting blown to shit in the process, and blame all of it on false intelligence.

Better check your headlines, but of course the anti's will say it was PLANTED....

SilentRealm said:
Bushism: "If shit happens, stamp out a small country"
If shit happens,first create a stupid excuse and then stamp out a small country and then be proud about it.
Tubbs Mcgee said:
I've got bad news... my 7 year old pc appears to be dying... :(
I won't be posting as often anymore until I get a new one. I'll be posting on my dad's pc... it's pretty sad, really. :erk:
I have a pc since 1997 that still runs despite the fact that that it sounds like a toaster also heat up like one.
If you think of getting a new one I wanna hear your choice.It seams that there are a lot of ppl here who know abot computers and may help you.
ThornsOfSorrow said:
Here's my advice: Macs

That's all I need to say.
Ugh! I really despise Macintosh computers. :erk: The only thing I've found them good for is paint programs and crap like that. I've always stuck with PC, and I might get a Linux for server crap.

BTW, the internet is already screwed up on my pc so I'm typing this on my dad's.

To Nemesis, I'll probably be getting whatever my friend tells me to. He is certified to work at some computer programming thing (whatever it is) and he knows his crap when it comes to computers. One thing is certain though, I'm not buying a prebuilt one. All 3 of my brothers know a lot about computers too, and they've always built their own when they've had the chance.
i bought a mac thinking it run smoother, be more user friendly, and have more useful programs. boy was i wrong, what a steaming pile of horseshit this computer is. its difficult to keep organized, the programs that come with it are awful and the only decent upgrades cost hundreds and hundreds of dollars, and the thing crashes twice as often as my pc! not only that but they're costumer service blows
The Yngster said:
i bought a mac thinking it run smoother, be more user friendly, and have more useful programs. boy was i wrong, what a steaming pile of horseshit this computer is. its difficult to keep organized, the programs that come with it are awful and the only decent upgrades cost hundreds and hundreds of dollars, and the thing crashes twice as often as my pc! not only that but they're costumer service blows

it just doesn't like you.

I'm on my 3rd mac now and they've all been awesome machines.
Nemesis_lxix said:
You must mean a religious holiday we had a couple of days ago but this lasted just a day.I am sure you have missed the best parts of visiting Greece.All the archeological memorials are cool but there is more to it like rock clubs, taverns and much more but since you enjoyed yourself,I guess its ok.
Well,you may be overreacting on the perverted part.
It is true that Greek guys like to hit on pretty tourists (I even do that myself sometimes :heh:) but what do you mean perverted ? What exactly happened to you that you thought it was perverted ?

Well,most words in science are derived from Greek.
Any new words you learned and like to share with us ?
Croatia is the most beautiful place I have ever seen. Ever.

Anyway, of course I hit up a few bars in Greece, but as for the pervert part, I guess I was overreacting. What made it so scary to begin with was that I was with only one friend and we went to some places where we were the only women around. Plus, my friend spoke very limited Greek and we had no idea what they were telling us.

Snapple fact #28937912372: Snapple is gross.
Just becasue a computer is 7 years old, doesn't mean its no good. It all depends on what you need it for. if its only for surfing the web and checking e-mail, it should be fine. But if you want to run Doom 3 or Half-life, forget about it. Also note that old computers are great for building Linux SETI@home clusters, since like 95% of all old computers die because of hard drive failures, old perfectly fine motherboards are cheep as all hell, and old, tiny hard drives (all you need to run linux and SETI is like 200mb) are a dime a dozen.
Tubbs Mcgee said:
To Nemesis, I'll probably be getting whatever my friend tells me to. He is certified to work at some computer programming thing (whatever it is) and he knows his crap when it comes to computers. One thing is certain though, I'm not buying a prebuilt one. All 3 of my brothers know a lot about computers too, and they've always built their own when they've had the chance.
prebuilt computers are stupid.They usually have stupid-ass motherboards just because they have cool features like on board network ports or on board sound card and nobody bothers to look at the catch speed (is that how you call that in English ?) or what capabilities of expanding your ram.They also make you to also buy the software too.
Hope you make a good buy.
I spend 2.500 euro on my pc.
Beelzebub said:
Anyway, of course I hit up a few bars in Greece, but as for the pervert part, I guess I was overreacting. What made it so scary to begin with was that I was with only one friend and we went to some places where we were the only women around. Plus, my friend spoke very limited Greek and we had no idea what they were telling us.
I understand.Well,I hope you can come visit aging and have a better time.:)
Actually, yes, I have gotten hit hard by one. I've gotten hit hard by something that people spend $630 Million a year on. People spend $630 Million a year to hurt me. It's good to see the taxpayer's money being spent on such a good cause. :p
Ptah Khnemu said:
Actually, yes, I have gotten hit hard by one. I've gotten hit hard by something that people spend $630 Million a year on. People spend $630 Million a year to hurt me. It's good to see the taxpayer's money being spent on such a good cause. :p
dont worry there will be another soon, ill post it when it does... thx anyways, i didnt realize it was going to close acutally. That was the third one and altough i have been on the list each time (it isnt easy, trust me. you have to be a mega troll) i havnt won yet.