Official Off Topic Thread

its a damn shame matt barlow quit. who do you guys think would make a great singer? Oh, anyways, with regards to practicing symphony x stuff on bass, i've never tried it... i can play some dream theater stuff, but i don't think i can compare the bass lines... I'll see if i can figure anythig out, and i would imagine the stuff would be really difficult (the random bass solos!)
I was crushed when Matt quit, his voice alone got me into metal. IMO Iced Earth will never be the same, I can only hope he reconsiders. I still don't understand how being one of the leading singers in metal isn't a fulfilling life. He has no idea how many people he's affected. As for a new vocalist, I'd like to see Robb Graves from Winterfell, he's got the same deep aggressive style as Matt. He's young too.
I can play the Of Sins & Shaddows solo, it not that hard. Just takes alot of memory for those scale runs at the end of both solo's.
Yngster, I was not saying the parts are easy, or am I trying to discourage you. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound like I was judging you. I was just saying that the Symphony X bass stuff is not to be compared to Dream Theater bass lines. Although I can do a couple (the easy songs, like "Peruvian Skies,") the rest are too difficult for me. Same goes for Symphony X songs. I have trouble with them. A LOT of trouble. Wow, Shreddi, age 13 and tackling solos... Most 13 year olds would be content with tuning down and playing power-chords, and doing them without keeping a beat! You kick ass.

Anyway, Barlow's voice motivates me, as well as Allen's. Just like Yngster, I would not be into metal as much if it were not for him... Iced Earth will not be the same ever, but we will continue hearing the melodic mastery of Jon Schaffer. We can also be happy that member changes do not affect the sounds of bands like Iced Earth and Symphony X. Look at Metallica, guys. They lost Newstead, and then they tune down their guitars, and turn up the "suck ass" knob on their mixer. Real musicians don't change who they are or what they do because of a couple of setbacks.

This goes for all you guys: keep staying metal. What we have on this forum is amazing... For the sake of yourselves and everyone else, NEVER CHANGE!!!
HAHAHAAHAHAH ... ... Shred-ididle, at first I thought your avatar said "MALTING the fretboard at first (I didn't have my glasses on...) and I cracked up... melting the malt on your fretboard...
GODDAM, I NEED SLEEP... :zombie:
A friend of mine(who was the one who introduced me to Symphony X) worships Tom Miller. When I heard songs like "The Damnation Game" and "Pharaoh" I knew why.

As for emulating Symphony X songs, I'm trying to pick up Jason Rullo's work on "The Witching Hour". So far, I can play the first 1 and 1/2 minutes without missing a beat. Now if only I could work on the rest...

any tips guys? thanks in advance
I got THE coolest mouse pad for my optical mouse today. Killer responsive and smoooooth as silk in Battlefeild 1942. It's really slick, in terms of friction. It's called Ratpadz GS if anyone is interested. It cost me $13.
ShredManWalking I was talkin to Shreddie, because I'm jealous of his awesome shredding skills :D

I've been asking myself a question for sometime now, I need some help. Who would win in a giant fight, an army of ninjas or an army of pirates?
Just regular pirates, with a wicked hand carved sword, a psycho bird, and maybe a wooden limb or two. Ninjas are regular ninjas with long thin swords, all black outfits, and they can jump REALLY far. You may say that ninjas win cause they can jump real far, but thats why the pirates have flying psycho birds.
Guys, don't judge me on how I play guitar before you've heard me play! oh, wat a minute -you were praising me, uh.... go on, keep judging me!:D

I saw a cool shirt today. It had the little picture of a man that you see on toilets. You know the one I'm talking about? Only it had no head. Then underneath it it said, "NEED HEAD"
That was just a classic
Ninja's win with their superior stealth skills. They would lay down a cover of smoke grenades and then pounce in the confusion, sneaking around and slitting the throats of the unsuspecting and coughing pirates...



I won the autographed Dream Theater shirt during the Dementia Radio Trivia contest...
No, pirates because pirates are so badass that they would have this like... badass protection shield that ninjas could't penetrate. Then the pirates would unstrap their peg legs and... yeah, that's right... bazookas. The ninjas would be all scattering, but nope, pirates kick ass with bazookas and frikin' lazer beams attached to their heads!!!!
If they had bazookas and laser beams, they wouldn't be pirates, they'd be....something else. Pirates have eye patches so their depth perception is off, and they have cannons that are totally lame, and the captain has a hook hand and is afraid of crocadiles. Ninjas are professional fighters. They will kick pirate ass.