Official Off Topic Thread

I've been noticing how some people have been wondering about War_Blade, and why he got banned. I know exactly why he got banned, but I'm not going to announce it to everyone. (PM me or something if you REALLY want to know. Many of us probably don't care)
J-Dubya 777 said:
Well of course it is! The "big war" I'm speaking about isn't as cut & dried as just 2 religions. There are apparantly different interpretations of these religions. One side demands the utter destruction of the other group, and other just wants to get along.

Yes, and both religions have both sides, right ? I wonder if it was God's plan to clash the religions :)

You're toeing the political line here. I'm ready to throw the mod gloves off (permanently, if necessary). It's not all about patriotism. Our country was attacked, we depended on our "allies" to help rid the planet of terrorist cancer(s) and are often left alone to deal with it. The UN is a joke, a flacid orginization, and I'd be more than happy to see the US withdraw their support. Watch it FOLD. I just censored myself, and am going to let the rest of this lie. We can carry on this particular topic outside the forum if you so desire.

I am not into any politics, cause once you get into it, you eventually become one side. I don't want to be a side. You might consider this childish but i don't think so. I'd rather pick the right things from all sides.

By the way, my people are dying of terrorism "every day". Stepping on land mines, getting shot, getting killed by bombs.... Everyday. So we know what it is like to be left alone by allies. We got used to it. Actually we understood that there doesn't exist something like ally :) The only thing that actually exists is "profit" or "benefit" in the governmental basis. People can become friends, not countries.
turke said:
Yes, and both religions have both sides, right ? I wonder if it was God's plan to clash the religions :)

There are always extremists. However, I don't think there have been extremists on the Christian side that wanted to kill all that oppose them, at least there hasn't been any since the Crusades & Conquistadors...
What has turned into a fight to get the "bad guys" has been interpereted
by the other side as a cause for Jihad.

turke said:
I am not into any politics, cause once you get into it, you eventually become one side. I don't want to be a side. You might consider this childish but i don't think so. I'd rather pick the right things from all sides.

I'm not a member of any political party either, which some may find hard to believe. I can be very hard core on some topics, and very leniant on others.

turke said:
By the way, my people are dying of terrorism "every day". Stepping on land mines, getting shot, getting killed by bombs.... Everyday. So we know what it is like to be left alone by allies. We got used to it. Actually we understood that there doesn't exist something like ally :) The only thing that actually exists is "profit" or "benefit" in the governmental basis. People can become friends, not countries.

Understood. and I'm in complete agreement on this quote.....What does trip my trigger is people saying ANY country deserved a terrorist act. The people who are doing the real fighting are seldom the victims in these cases.....

turke said:
What is his attitude towards American fans ? I only know that he refused to go to the gigs in USA, because of the policy of USA, to stamp every person who enters the country. And i respect to his decision.

I don't see what the big deal is about "stamping," if you mean the stamps border guards put in your passports when you cross into a country. Over here, a lot of us see those as something to "collect" when we travel...just part of the fun of going overseas. No different than bringing back postcards, or books in foreign languages (that last being my personal favorite).
Rose Immortal said:
I don't see what the big deal is about "stamping," if you mean the stamps border guards put in your passports when you cross into a country. Over here, a lot of us see those as something to "collect" when we travel...just part of the fun of going overseas. No different than bringing back postcards, or books in foreign languages (that last being my personal favorite).

I believe his issue was with being fingerprinted, which too me is no big deal. I have nothing to hide, & would only consider it another line to wait in...

Well its pissing down rain and quite cold here in Canberra...time to jump on a plane and travel to sunny Brisbane to go see Kreator tomorrow....Tony's won't be the same without you Charis :).....**shudders**

time to :headbang:
Rose Immortal said:
I don't see what the big deal is about "stamping," if you mean the stamps border guards put in your passports when you cross into a country. Over here, a lot of us see those as something to "collect" when we travel...just part of the fun of going overseas. No different than bringing back postcards, or books in foreign languages (that last being my personal favorite).

No i meant the fingerprint stuff. I don't object to that, i just said i respect Daniel's decision. I wouldn't mind it actually. But don't you think that nations trust on each other is fading in time. I am always hearing quotes that most of the Americans think half of the world are terrorists for them. And they don't want any other nation's members in their land.
turke said:
I can also understand yout patriotism, we all love our countries, but i can't stop thinking that the last few years, USA really have gone too far on what they call "deffence", and started to act like they are the only living nation in the world, and started getting more and more isolated, making more and more enemies. That might be OK for you, but don't forget, you need hell to keep the heaven warm.

You need to understand that as the days progress, fewer and fewer people in the US approve of our President's choices and actions in the international arena. We can love our country and still not like our leader, which is the case for more and more of us (and has been the case for me since the day the damn chimp was "elected"). Please don't assume that just because we live here, we agree with how the country is being run ( answer your 'that might be OK for you', it's not OK for many of us). It sickens me to see how we've become this global bully, & how a country once so very respected has become so hated by so many.

To bring this full circle, my dislike for Daniel Gildenlow stems from a comment he put on the PoS site after 9/11 claiming that all Americans were idiots or some such thing..our President may be an idiot, but applying such a generalization to an entire country (many of whom are his fans, and many more of whom ceased to be his fans soon after that) AND using his band to further his personal agenda is both unprofessional, and just plain BS.
turke said:
I am always hearing quotes that most of the Americans think half of the world are terrorists for them. And they don't want any other nation's members in their land.

Naah, cuz most Americans think the world ends at our border, sadly enough. Perhaps many think that most of the Middle East countries are terrorists (an equally lame mindset), but not the entire world.

Also, there is indeed an immigration debate going on, but that revolves mostly around illegal immigration..most Americans that I'm aware of have no problem with immigrants provided that they enter the country legally and follow the established processs for doing so. Most other countries that I'm aware of have immigration laws, I'm not sure why people think ours should just be ignored or abolished.
Jax said:
To bring this full circle, my dislike for Daniel Gildenlow stems from a comment he put on the PoS site after 9/11 claiming that all Americans were idiots or some such thing..our President may be an idiot, but applying such a generalization to an entire country (many of whom are his fans, and many more of whom ceased to be his fans soon after that) AND using his band to further his personal agenda is both unprofessional, and just plain BS.

Yes you're right at this point.
I don't understand why people constantly make the mistake of thinking that all Americans approve fo Bush, just because he's the President. After the President of the United States, the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED FUCKING STATES, did nothing to stop terrorists from unleashing fear upon the US, do people actually think that Americans are saying "Let's get behind the person who didn't do shit when he needed to!!" America is made up of more than just Wal-Mart and South Park, Colorado. So getting back to my point, would anyone care to explain to me where this misconception comes from?
Actually i am thinking just like you, but democracy is the thing here. Let me say, our government was selected by 35% of the polls. Yes 35%, because other votes were dispersed to many different parties. So can you say majority is ruling here ? I don't think so :) But democracy is the premise. So if we believe in democracy, we all accept the selected staff, and we accept it like we selected it even if we didn't. May be that's the reason why poeple think that way. I also think this is stupid, but there is nothing to do.

PS: I think i exaggerated these boring issues a little bit much ("a little bit much" is wrong isn't it :) ), so lets get along with our governments and change the topic :)
Indeed. This political jibberjabber (Yes, I said Jibberjabber.) is best suited for the Philosopher section.

And I know the perfect subject to change to:

I am so unbelievably cool.:D
Ptah Khnemu said:
I don't understand why people constantly make the mistake of thinking that all Americans approve fo Bush, just because he's the President. After the President of the United States, the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED FUCKING STATES, did nothing to stop terrorists from unleashing fear upon the US, do people actually think that Americans are saying "Let's get behind the person who didn't do shit when he needed to!!"

What did you expect ONE person to do? Jump into a phone booth and put on his cape? There's a long legacy of errors that were committed not only by the current administration (ie. more than one person!) as well as the previous one. It's fashionable & trendy to hate Bush, just like emo haircuts, & fake boobs. I would venture that HALF the people in this country who spout off at the mouth, and/or attend the anti-Bush rallies haven't got a clue about the big picture..... Lots of things have changed here since 9-11, and we haven't been attacked to that degree since......

J-Dubya - Not a Bush supporter
May be it is wrong to think every nation seperate in making mistakes. May be mankind is making mistakes. Or may be not. May be we are being pulled by some strings. What the hell do i know :)
Jax said:
Also, there is indeed an immigration debate going on, but that revolves mostly around illegal immigration..most Americans that I'm aware of have no problem with immigrants provided that they enter the country legally and follow the established processs for doing so. Most other countries that I'm aware of have immigration laws, I'm not sure why people think ours should just be ignored or abolished.

Fuckin' A well said, Jax. Living in New Mexico, I can go on for days about illegal immigration... but won't.
George Bush is not the only US President that "did nothing to stop terrorists from unleashing fear upon the US". One can easily point to key times during Clinton's administration when it was plausible to remove a certain terrorist leader from the earth, but that didn't happen because he was considered a minimal threat.

But, I'm a staunch Conservative, and the older I get the farther Right I seem to progress. I'll leave my political views off this forum though. But I did want to clear up that misconception above.
ABQShredHead said:
George Bush is not the only US President that "did nothing to stop terrorists from unleashing fear upon the US". One can easily point to key times during Clinton's administration when it was plausible to remove a certain terrorist leader from the earth, but that didn't happen because he was considered a minimal threat.

But, I'm a staunch Conservative, and the older I get the farther Right I seem to progress. I'll leave my political views off this forum though. But I did want to clear up that misconception above.

Indeed. Clinton could have avoided a lot of this if he actually did something (Other than having a sex scandal).
One last thing. I wonder your comments on this actually. I sometimes hear and watch debates on terrorism and USA. And some historicians claim that USA is feeding its own terrorists. Because they want to keep their nation together, and they claim that the governments use "fear" to keep people together. They say that some states want to be a seperate countries. I don't know if that's true. They back up this claim by telling that Iran and Iraq war in the past was feeded by USA, and Saddam was put on the command by the same hands that took him down today. In fact i did some search and i found out that this story about Saddam isn't that bogus.

What do you think ?