Official Off Topic Thread

turke said:
One last thing. I wonder your comments on this actually. I sometimes hear and watch debates on terrorism and USA. And some historicians claim that USA is feeding its own terrorists. Because they want to keep their nation together, and they claim that the governments use "fear" to keep people together. They say that some states want to be a seperate countries. I don't know if that's true. They back up this claim by telling that Iran and Iraq war in the past was feeded by USA, and Saddam was put on the command by the same hands that took him down today. In fact i did some search and i found out that this story about Saddam isn't that bogus.

That sounds like a pile of crap.
Montu Sekhmet said:
That sounds like a pile of crap.
I'd go with far-fetched, but pile of crap is good too. The adminstrations are always changing, so who's staying in power to orchestrate all this?
Also, if the government is that powerful, then there's no way you'll ever find out either way and certainly not be able to do anything about it, and that's not being a defeatist, that's being a realist.

The world loves to hate the US as some sort of evil generalised entity, and while the US has done wrong, so has every other country in the world and many of them on a similar scale of magnitude. It annoys me no end when people accuse you guys of acting out of self-interest. Of course you do, that's what a country's for is for crying out loud. If it didn't represent its citizens' interests, then it wouldn't be a country for very long.
Don't get me wrong, i don't say these things, i just wanted to share these rumors with you, cause they are roaming here and there. These are only a few of many rumors. Actually it is quite normal cause we all know USA is a big and strong force in the world, and have the power to change balances (actually doing it for years :) ), so there will always be a lot of talking about it going on.
Anybody know why Kevin Costner did a lot of baseball movies ?

By the way i've never played baseball, but i'd like to be a pitcher once.
If I hated baseball, I'd do alot of baseball movies too.

Today marks the very beginning of a long and hard road of plastic surgery on my Jackson guitar. I'm going to Guitar Center today to buy a set of Straplocks, new strings, and a Dimarzio X2N pickup. (Or a ProTrack if they don't have an X2N.) Anyway, today begins the long journey. Wish me luck, friends.

Shit, I just remembered, I need to get my XBox repaired.
Be careful not to demonize those who have different political opinions from you--I would've expected better from someone who's supposed to be keeping the peace on this board.

You have a right to your opinion, but doing things like name-calling of people you don't even know (as opposed to criticizing policy, which is fair game), or implying that those with the other opinion have something wrong with them is out of line.

For everybody's information, I am a) NOT stupid b) NOT any more evil than anyone else, c) NOT a cross-burning racist/nativist lunatic d) someone who has no independent mind just because I'm more conservative than the average metal fan. I do NOT hate people from other countries just because they're from other countries; I make my decisions based on behavior. Act and speak with kindness and you earn my respect; do the opposite and I will keep you at arm's length. And these are decisions I make independently, not because any politician told me to do or not do it. Doesn't matter who's in office--I use my own brain, thank you.

I feel the need to say this because more and more often I'm seeing this very nasty "straw man" that people like to create as some sort of easy-to-defeat mockery of the "other side".

Jax said:
You need to understand that as the days progress, fewer and fewer people in the US approve of our President's choices and actions in the international arena. We can love our country and still not like our leader, which is the case for more and more of us (and has been the case for me since the day the damn chimp was "elected"). Please don't assume that just because we live here, we agree with how the country is being run ( answer your 'that might be OK for you', it's not OK for many of us). It sickens me to see how we've become this global bully, & how a country once so very respected has become so hated by so many.

To bring this full circle, my dislike for Daniel Gildenlow stems from a comment he put on the PoS site after 9/11 claiming that all Americans were idiots or some such thing..our President may be an idiot, but applying such a generalization to an entire country (many of whom are his fans, and many more of whom ceased to be his fans soon after that) AND using his band to further his personal agenda is both unprofessional, and just plain BS.
OK may be i made a mistake by exaggerating that political debate , so let's change the topic to something more friendly and more complex like, "how far can a lama spit" or "How old is the oldest turtle in the world" :)
Rose Immortal said:
Be careful not to demonize those who have different political opinions from you--I would've expected better from someone who's supposed to be keeping the peace on this board.

Um, huh? Where did I demonize anyone?

You have a right to your opinion, but doing things like name-calling of people you don't even know (as opposed to criticizing policy, which is fair game), or implying that those with the other opinion have something wrong with them is out of line.

Again, huh? Where did I do this?

For everybody's information, I am a) NOT stupid b) NOT any more evil than anyone else, c) NOT a cross-burning racist/nativist lunatic d) someone who has no independent mind just because I'm more conservative than the average metal fan. I do NOT hate people from other countries just because they're from other countries; I make my decisions based on behavior. Act and speak with kindness and you earn my respect; do the opposite and I will keep you at arm's length. And these are decisions I make independently, not because any politician told me to do or not do it. Doesn't matter who's in office--I use my own brain, thank you.

I feel the need to say this because more and more often I'm seeing this very nasty "straw man" that people like to create as some sort of easy-to-defeat mockery of the "other side".

I'm completely lost.
Rose Immortal said:
Be careful not to demonize those who have different political opinions from you--I would've expected better from someone who's supposed to be keeping the peace on this board.

You have a right to your opinion, but doing things like name-calling of people you don't even know (as opposed to criticizing policy, which is fair game), or implying that those with the other opinion have something wrong with them is out of line.

Are you addressing Jax or I on this? I fail to see where I called anybody stupid. If you mean my remarks about half the people spouting off/attending rallies, for the love of :::::insert deity of choice::::: just listen to some of them TALK! I think the political discussion should probably cease soon, or be taken off forum, I feel it getting warm in here again.....

And I'm still lost, I don't see where I did any of the things mentioned; I think a more careful reading of my entry might be in order. This is why politics are a bad topic online..misunderstandings cause tempers to flare unnecessarily & it gets ugly fast.
Politics are always a bad topic. Not just online. Politics are useless. No one can change how the other thinks. So what's the use ? Somebody comes, somebody goes. And nothing changes. Call me pessimistic but it is really useless to think that someone can make the world a better place, unless we all want it to be...

I believe science and enlightenment can change the world. I don't believe any succesful sicentists were involved in, at least voluntarily, any political stuff. Cause if they did it, we'd probably still be living in a world which is brightened by candles at the night.
Ptah Khnemu said:
Indeed. This political jibberjabber (Yes, I said Jibberjabber.) is best suited for the Philosopher section.

And I know the perfect subject to change to:

I am so unbelievably cool.:D
^^ We should take my advice and start that new topic.
turke said:
Politics are always a bad topic. Not just online. Politics are useless. No one can change how the other thinks. So what's the use?

Precisely..the same goes for religion. Both are very personal topics & no amount of shoving your thoughts down someone else's throat is going to change their viewpoint..and when done online without the benefit of voice inflection and body language, it can quickly escalate into something way blown out of proportion. Just not worth it, more often than not.
Off Topic: Shogun was a kickass mini-series, but the "special effects" and makeup are pretty amusing by today's standards (my son's watching it on dvd right now).
^ Sorry, but if I had to join, I'd be on the Billy Milano forum's side. I can't stand most of the people on the philosophy forum. (Not that I probably wouldn't dislike people at the Milano one; I've never been there. All I know is I really don't like the Philosophy forum.)