Official Off Topic Thread

The first season was the only one i watched, and it sucked big time :) I just saw a few episodes of the 3rd. Especially his daughter's not getting herself out of trouble in the first was really funny. I mean it was funny like a Seinfeld episode. Was that how they supposed to make it ? Congratulations :)
Nemesis_lxix said:
I checked the site a couple of days ago and worked just fine.
I checked the forum a moment ago and was good. browser was going haywire on me and that helped me find the bug.
Tubbs Mcgee said:
Haha, this is great. I'm posting from one of my schools computers. This class is quite rugged in that way!!!!1111oneone

haha same here, I'm in my written comm class right now.
I would've been posting at the same time as those 2, but I didn't have time to answer all the questions in the textbook in my AP Computer Science class.
Tongue_Ring said:
actually she's younger than me [i'm 22] and [response to someone else's post] i like the little bit of extra weight she's put on, people are supposed to be soft, having 6-pack abs is not biologically normal, not even on a guy, if you eat everyday, you're body will store fat aroung the stomach so that you can live for a whole week with out solid food when food supply disapears, Kate Moss is now officially making more money than Tyra Banks because Tyra quit the modeling contract with victoria's secret, Tyra's show is like Springer in that you see an hour of film that took an hour to film, all the post production shit is done while tyra's asleep, where she didn't quit the modeling because of any time restraints, she was just so fucking tired of going through the frustraitingly excrusioating pain of trying to be as this as the other models [she actually said this on the Tyra Banks Show] google image search "Tyra Banks" and you'll see that Tyra's weight fluctuated dramatically [or at least a weight change that appears dramatic in todays world of women's bodies being anorexically thin/masculinely toned muscle] a human female should never, EVER be thinn-ER than Tyra was at her fatt-EST
sorry about this rant, i believe this stuff i said, but it wasn't really neccasary, i just got a little pissed off when somebody made a joke about the mother of the 2-month old not yet being back to her pre-pregnancy weight
Tongue_Ring said:
actually she's younger than me [i'm 22] and [response to someone else's post] i like the little bit of extra weight she's put on, people are supposed to be soft, having 6-pack abs is not biologically normal, not even on a guy, if you eat everyday, you're body will store fat aroung the stomach so that you can live for a whole week with out solid food when food supply disapears, Kate Moss is now officially making more money than Tyra Banks because Tyra quit the modeling contract with victoria's secret, Tyra's show is like Springer in that you see an hour of film that took an hour to film, all the post production shit is done while tyra's asleep, where she didn't quit the modeling because of any time restraints, she was just so fucking tired of going through the frustraitingly excrusioating pain of trying to be as this as the other models [she actually said this on the Tyra Banks Show] google image search "Tyra Banks" and you'll see that Tyra's weight fluctuated dramatically [or at least a weight change that appears dramatic in todays world of women's bodies being anorexically thin/masculinely toned muscle] a human female should never, EVER be thinn-ER than Tyra was at her fatt-EST
sorry about this rant, i believe this stuff i said, but it wasn't really neccasary, i just got a little pissed off when somebody made a joke about the mother of the 2-month old not yet being back to her pre-pregnancy weight
Jax said:
24 was great during the first season..the second was a bit weak & too often predictable, & after that, the 'OMGWTFBBQ Jack Bauer is the only one who can save the President/country/world' premise just got old & wore out..sad that they can't just let it go, much less award it for dragging its corpse along.
I agree, but one show that got canceled and REALLY shouldn't have is Arrested Development. That show was the best show I've ever seen in my entire life. (Next to Angry Beavers. lol)
Tongue_Ring said:
wait a second...
wasn't "surge" the drink that was taken off the market because it was giving people mild heart attacks and sleep-deprivation-induced-psychosis?

Tongue Ring said:
wait a second...
wasn't "surge" the drink that was taken off the market because it was giving people mild heart attacks and sleep-deprivation-induced-psychosis?

I want me summa that!!!

Tongue Ring said:
sorry about this rant, i believe this stuff i said, but it wasn't really neccasary, i just got a little pissed off when somebody made a joke about the mother of the 2-month old not yet being back to her pre-pregnancy weight

bah I hate that shit.. guys gain weight and have nothing to attribute it to except too much beer and pizza and sitting on their lazy asses and no one cares, and yet they get on women's cases to look perfect all the time despite the massive odds against them caused by nature! (ie pregnancy, hormones, the fact that its not natural for a woman to be skinny and muscular like a man). then on top of that if a woman does give in to society's pressure and develop an eating disorder, she still gets shit put on her.. we can never win and I'm sick to death of it.. From the few posts I see out of you defending these aspects of the female body, kudos to you coz you actually seem cool.
SilentRealm said:
From the few posts I see out of you defending these aspects of the female body, kudos to you coz you actually seem cool.
first, i'm bi
if i'm gonna be with a guy, i'm not gonna get dolled-up and get raped by a straight guy (i've had the dislocated jaw and the bleeding colon, and i'm not doing that again) i'm gonna be with a guy that's actually gay, and i want guys that have 6-pack abs and it's easier for guys to get 6-pack abs than females (because of things on the y-cromosone enabling males to be better hunters/warriors from back when human digestive tract could only proccess nothing but meat, long before "agricultural revolution") since it's so much easier for males to get 6-pack abs than females, i get disgusted with males that are too lazy to do it. females, on the other hand are a totally different story, females (between puberty and menopause) actually need to have a roll of fat around the stomach to protect the unborn fetus from injury durring pregnancy, the fat is supposed to be there that's why you constantly hear stories about women loosing half their body weight and they "just can't get rid of that last 20 pounds" that last 20 pounds is so hard to get rid of because it's supposed to be there where as a guy is supposed to have 6-pack abs in order to be a warrior and slaughter anything that's attacking his pregnant wife