Official Off Topic Thread

SilentRealm said:
From the few posts I see out of you defending these aspects of the female body, kudos to you coz you actually seem cool.
first, i'm bi
if i'm gonna be with a guy, i'm not gonna get dolled-up and get raped by a straight guy (i've had the dislocated jaw and the bleeding colon, and i'm not doing that again) i'm gonna be with a guy that's actually gay, and i want guys that have 6-pack abs and it's easier for guys to get 6-pack abs than females (because of things on the y-cromosone enabling males to be better hunters/warriors from back when human digestive tract could only proccess nothing but meat, long before "agricultural revolution") since it's so much easier for males to get 6-pack abs than females, i get disgusted with males that are too lazy to do it. females, on the other hand are a totally different story, females (between puberty and menopause) actually need to have a roll of fat around the stomach to protect the unborn fetus from injury durring pregnancy, the fat is supposed to be there that's why you constantly hear stories about women loosing half their body weight and they "just can't get rid of that last 20 pounds" that last 20 pounds is so hard to get rid of because it's supposed to be there where as a guy is supposed to have 6-pack abs in order to be a warrior and slaughter anything that's attacking his pregnant wife
I have a little bit of protection on my belly too :) It doesn't bother me much. But of course extra fat tissue makes you get tired sooner than a normal guy. Other than that, my belly keeps my guitar a little bit upwards, so i can see the frets easier :) And that's all right.

PS: But, hear me when i say that, belly is ok, but if you have some extra on your butt, it doesn't look so good. Mostly if you are a guy.
Tongue_Ring said:
first, i'm bi
if i'm gonna be with a guy, i'm not gonna get dolled-up and get raped by a straight guy (i've had the dislocated jaw and the bleeding colon, and i'm not doing that again) i'm gonna be with a guy that's actually gay, and i want guys that have 6-pack abs and it's easier for guys to get 6-pack abs than females (because of things on the y-cromosone enabling males to be better hunters/warriors from back when human digestive tract could only proccess nothing but meat, long before "agricultural revolution") since it's so much easier for males to get 6-pack abs than females, i get disgusted with males that are too lazy to do it. females, on the other hand are a totally different story, females (between puberty and menopause) actually need to have a roll of fat around the stomach to protect the unborn fetus from injury durring pregnancy, the fat is supposed to be there that's why you constantly hear stories about women loosing half their body weight and they "just can't get rid of that last 20 pounds" that last 20 pounds is so hard to get rid of because it's supposed to be there where as a guy is supposed to have 6-pack abs in order to be a warrior and slaughter anything that's attacking his pregnant wife
okay this^ was specifically aimed at silent realm, so i'm just going to wait for her to read it
@ Tongue Ring - I read it :p I know all this stuff, I'm complaining about the guys out there who don't know this stuff or choose to be ignorant to it thinking that those plastic barbie doll bimbo's are attractive.. many many an argument has formulated from this very topic on this forum :lol: I'm just praising you up because you have similar thoughts to what most women do on this topic rather than what most men have (which is unfortunate).
p.s. i honestly prefer guys who are chubbier than those who are lean and muscular - i always go for the burly looking guy, but they are usually already happily in relationships - or you get the sort of heavy-set guy with piercings and shaved head that i do find hot but usually so do the bimbo's.. and bimbo's always seem to win in this town..
I think thats a little unfair... guys are not supposed too look like anything and neither are is in the eye of the beholder. SUPPOSED TO HAVE ABS AND BE THE HUNTER? I've been working out, for YEARS and doing sports for years and no matter how much I do I do not get abs, because its based on your body type, so don't go assuming all guys are lazy because they don't have abs...Its severly unfair and umm sexist perhaps? I can understand where youre comming from if you got a bunch of jerks/assholes around your area, but no one should ask guys or girls to look a certain way
not all girls should look one way. and not all guys should look one way, Abs do not make you a better person, nore do they show you're lazy or not. I find it rather insulting to me personally since as I stated I work out alot, and its just not in my body type to have abs, I hardly consider myself lazy. Silent Realm i agree with you as well, I prefer the cool girls to the bimbos anyday. I also think girls who are skinny are scary, a little bit of meet is cool. Not to say skinny girls are not sometimes attractive, but you know....since when does whats on the outside count anyway? it only counts if the inside is shit thats when.

So I'm going to go hunt now, and not even have to try!
(for the record I am 6 feet 5 inches, black belt in judo, 2 time participant at the canadian championships, 2nd in quebec...where are my abs? Probably lost with any credibility i can give you for saying something like that!)
Beelzebub said:
Don't be jealous ;) Guys with perfect bodies look... perfect. But who wants perfection? I don't.
I guess I am a little jealous coz they get the girls more easily but that is not going to keep me from enjoying my beer and my high fat lamb chops ! :heh:

Edit:I just spelled lamb chops as “lamp” fixed before anyone correct me.

Tongue_Ring said:
uhh you mean that gay guys go through the effort of having perfect bodies where as straight men don't
I am just saying that not being perfect or having some extra fat ,is not going to mess a guys day.Most guys I know are just interested in feeling good with the way they look.
I wouldn’t wanna look like a male model if that meant sacrificing all the things I enjoy.(of course this doesn’t apply if there are health reasons)
Agreed with Proulxski. And that's not to find any excuse for my weight, coz I don't do much sport, I can eat anything in large quantities and I *don't* get weight (or very few and I lose it quickly). Since my three brothers are in the same case (they're even thinner than me haha) I really believe that genetics have something to do with your tendency to have extra weight or not.

(Edit: But I'm not saying tongue ring and SR are wrong about women's weight either)
Well if everyone is happy with himself, herself, then it is ok. No worries. About the "getting girls" thing, i don't agree with that. Cause i've seen many beautiful girls, hanging out with the ugliest guys :) , so that theory is not that true. Actually science says symmetry is the natural beauty of things. If you have a symetric body, then it is all right.

But i've heard in a documentation that, girls fall for muscular bodies more than the avarage guys, because muscular body is kinda a sing of health in some ways. Well that's logical. But as i said, i see ugly guys and beautiful girls together, so i don't get the point in that :)
well, maybe some of those ugly dudes are actually cool, or nice, funny, kind or something. what i dont get are the chicks that go for complete assholes and take nice guys for granted.
Jaen said:
well, maybe some of those ugly dudes are actually cool, or nice, funny, kind or something. what i dont get are the chicks that go for complete assholes and take nice guys for granted.
Most girls have serious self esteem problems and they don't think they are deserving of nice guys. What is equally frustrating are otherwise decent guys who go out with ditzy whores.
I've heard that in a movie. I don't remember which one. Somebody said "Girls date with the bad guys, but in the end, they marry with a good guy." :)
Treat a woman like a queen and communicate with her on her level (the latter being one of the most difficult concepts for a man to understand) and you won't have many problems getting the girl you want.

Simplified? Yes, but with good intentions.
But men are simple. Women are very complex. Men is just ones and zeros. Just like a digital system. For a woman, there are many different numbers and very different odds. They are so complex that even sometimes they can't understand themselves :) I am happy with my ones and zeros. Be simple, be happy :)