Official Off Topic Thread

turke said:
Yeah i hear that "confident" mumble jumble all the time. What is a confident guy ? Confident on what terms ? A too confident guy can really mess things up sometimes. It is always good to be a little skeptic. That's what i think.

first thing that is wrong with that statement.. you're worried about messing things up.. so what if you do? move on to the next one and improve on your technique.. try it with girls you dont really care if they say yes or not as a way to build it up..

MrFast said:
the long haired metalhead guy who wears band shirts all the time

sounds hot to me :oops:

MrFast said:
Dude, any idiot knows that the easiest girls to ask out are total strangers. You just gotta have confidence and whatever you do, NEVER ask for approval for anything when you're picking up a chick. Make it seem like you have everything under control, which you'll get a hang of after a few tries. Just don't end up getting carried away and acting like a total douchebag

see, he's got it.. asking for approval makes a guy seem weak.. if a guy seems weak to a chick she will not respect him. and never show nervousness, we are like wild animals, we can sense when a guy is nervous and we will chew him up and spit him out :p
SilentRealm said:
see, he's got it.. asking for approval makes a guy seem weak.. if a guy seems weak to a chick she will not respect him. and never show nervousness, we are like wild animals, we can sense when a guy is nervous and we will chew him up and spit him out :p
Once again, :worship: SilentRealm for President.

Seriously, I really feel right now like I've been wasting my whole life waiting for shit to happen to me, when all the time I should've been out being assertive about my manliness. Now if you'll excuse me, I have something to go do.
turke said:
Yeah i hear that "confident" mumble jumble all the time. What is a confident guy ? Confident on what terms ? A too confident guy can really mess things up sometimes. It is always good to be a little skeptic. That's what i think.
There is a difference between being confident and being arrogant. A man who is secure with his opinions, satisfied with his life (if he's not but trying to make it better then that's okay too), and willing to admit when they're wrong in a graceful manner is totally hot.
SilentRealm said:
you know they say 'be yourself' - but if 'yourself' is a stuck up shallow arrogant jerk, who burps and farts in public, who leaves week old food containters and cigarette butts lying around your place, who falls asleep in front of the tv with your dinner spilled down your shirt, and hasn't bathed in some weeks.. then yes, by all means you should fake it - or don't.. what woman wants to find out these things later?

so often i have come across really disgustingly shallow and obnoxious men and their defense is 'hey, at least I'm being honest..' - I say 'yes..thankgod. that way I can see how horrible you are before wasting any time getting to know you.. bye'
.Are you suggesting I am all these things ? :lol:
turke said:
Yeah i hear that "confident" mumble jumble all the time. What is a confident guy ? Confident on what terms ? A too confident guy can really mess things up sometimes. It is always good to be a little skeptic. That's what i think.
Confident:A person who has the nerve to ask a girl out.Only works if being a stupid ass jerk off who dresses up like a homo and drives around in his daddy’s expensive BMW while listening to pop.
Like it or not this what 90% of girls consider cool(at least where I live).

(I am not saying that all girls are like that or one should not be confident.No misunderstandings !)
SilentRealm said:
first thing that is wrong with that statement.. you're worried about messing things up.. so what if you do? move on to the next one and improve on your technique.. try it with girls you dont really care if they say yes or not as a way to build it up..
I never thought I would hear a statement like this from a girl.SR:headbang:
Its true that guys hit on chicks using technique and pick up lines just to get them in bed but my argue focuses on girls you care about but are attracted to the wrong kind of guys.Then,it is natural to worry about messing up or else you would be lying about her being important to you.
SilentRealm said:
and never show nervousness, we are like wild animals, we can sense when a guy is nervous and we will chew him up and spit him out :p
nervousness=Important moment for him. chew him up and spit=hurting him.
So women like to be controlled. Is that it ? What if i am not a controlling type of guy. I really don't want to make choices for someone else. Cause i don't want anyone else to make choices for me.

Yes yes probably i am talking nonsense, that's what i do best :)
Beelzebub said:
There is a difference between being confident and being arrogant. A man who is secure with his opinions, satisfied with his life (if he's not but trying to make it better then that's okay too), and willing to admit when they're wrong in a graceful manner is totally hot.

true, any girl with an ounce of brains will not go for the arrogant jerk.. HOWEVER... arrogant jerks still get 100% more women than the 'nice, shy guy' type who hides in the corner fantasizing about the girl he is too scared to ask out.

Nemesis Ixix said:
Its true that guys hit on chicks using technique and pick up lines just to get them in bed but my argue focuses on girls you care about but are attracted to the wrong kind of guys.Then,it is natural to worry about messing up or else you would be lying about her being important to you.

true, but I wouldnt recommend even thinking about asking out a girl like that until youve had some practise on the other kinds of girls - you want to build yourself up to a girl like that..

turke said:
So women like to be controlled. Is that it ? What if i am not a controlling type of guy. I really don't want to make choices for someone else. Cause i don't want anyone else to make choices for me.

not controlled per se, but a guy who can be decisive, make suggestions etc - (while being flexible and open to the girl's suggestions also) eg. see a pretty girl who seems nice.. "hi, I thought you seem pretty cool, would you like to catch up for coffee some time?" to me is a perfect opener for a date. it is abstract enough that it could be interpreted as friendship or romance, and you don't have to worry about that sort of thing until that coffee date has arrived. if it goes well from there, suggest something a little bigger like lunch.. its more about realising that there's nothing to really lose by trying with someone - if they say no then you're still just back where you started, if they say yes then maybe a beautiful friendship/relationship can come of it..
In addition to there being a difference between being arrogant and confident, there is a difference between being nice and being spineless. Just as there are conceited dickwads who get all the girls, on the other end of the spectrum are the loser mama's boys. I don't know what other girls might think, but guys who say stuff like "you are my everything" and "I couldn't breathe without you" have serious need issues, even if they're trying to be nice. Constantly seeking approval (I don't mean "Do you like this shirt?" type of approval) and asking "Why are you with me? I'm not good enough for you." is the number one way to get a girl running in the opposite direction.