Official Off Topic Thread

So we all fake when there is a woman around ? Is that what you say :) Actually linear thinking is not what i mean there. I mean "man's way of thinking". You know, a man's brain work very different than a woman's.
Beelzebub said:
What is equally frustrating are otherwise decent guys who go out with ditzy whores.

AMEN to that!

turke said:
Well if everyone is happy with himself, herself, then it is ok. No worries. About the "getting girls" thing, i don't agree with that. Cause i've seen many beautiful girls, hanging out with the ugliest guys , so that theory is not that true. Actually science says symmetry is the natural beauty of things. If you have a symetric body, then it is all right.

most girls go for confident guys, regardless of what he looks like.. if a guy can fake confidence enough to just start asking girls out, he would be surprised how successful he will become at scoring dates.
Nemesis Ixix said:
The question is “should we fake when a woman is around ?”

you know they say 'be yourself' - but if 'yourself' is a stuck up shallow arrogant jerk, who burps and farts in public, who leaves week old food containters and cigarette butts lying around your place, who falls asleep in front of the tv with your dinner spilled down your shirt, and hasn't bathed in some weeks.. then yes, by all means you should fake it - or don't.. what woman wants to find out these things later?

so often i have come across really disgustingly shallow and obnoxious men and their defense is 'hey, at least I'm being honest..' - I say 'yes..thankgod. that way I can see how horrible you are before wasting any time getting to know you.. bye'
SilentRealm said:
most girls go for confident guys, regardless of what he looks like.. if a guy can fake confidence enough to just start asking girls out, he would be surprised how successful he will become at scoring dates.
Lol, this is the essence of truth embodied in a sentence.

I'm an incredibly confident guy (who also happens to look good :D) and I have no problem scoring dates, but I already have a girlfriend so that kinda prevents this from happening. In other words, I've seen preppy magazine-coverish guys who wear American Eagle clothing get shot down by girls that are totally into me, the long haired metalhead guy who wears band shirts all the time.
SilentRealm said:
you know they say 'be yourself' - but if 'yourself' is a stuck up shallow arrogant jerk, who burps and farts in public, who leaves week old food containters and cigarette butts lying around your place, who falls asleep in front of the tv with your dinner spilled down your shirt, and hasn't bathed in some weeks.. then yes, by all means you should fake it - or don't.. what woman wants to find out these things later?

so often i have come across really disgustingly shallow and obnoxious men and their defense is 'hey, at least I'm being honest..' - I say 'yes..thankgod. that way I can see how horrible you are before wasting any time getting to know you.. bye'

Damn, now I'm really confused as to how I ever got married! :lol:
MrFast said:
Lol, this is the essence of truth embodied in a sentence.

I'm an incredibly confident guy (who also happens to look good :D) and I have no problem scoring dates, but I already have a girlfriend so that kinda prevents this from happening.

well arent you just god then.
SilentRealm said:
most girls go for confident guys, regardless of what he looks like.. if a guy can fake confidence enough to just start asking girls out, he would be surprised how successful he will become at scoring dates.

Yeah i hear that "confident" mumble jumble all the time. What is a confident guy ? Confident on what terms ? A too confident guy can really mess things up sometimes. It is always good to be a little skeptic. That's what i think.
SilentRealm said:
most girls go for confident guys, regardless of what he looks like.. if a guy can fake confidence enough to just start asking girls out, he would be surprised how successful he will become at scoring dates.
When you say confidence enough to just start asking girls out, does that include girls that they've never even spoken to in any prior situation? Because I think SilentRealm might have just helped me out big time. :worship: SilentRealm for President!!!
turke said:
Yeah i hear that "confident" mumble jumble all the time. What is a confident guy ? Confident on what terms ? A too confident guy can really mess things up sometimes. It is always good to be a little sceptic. That's what i think.
Sounds like someone's a bit skeptic :lol:
Ptah Khnemu said:
When you say confidence enough to just start asking girls out, does that include girls that they've never even spoken to in any prior situation? Because I think SilentRealm might have just helped me out big time. :worship: SilentRealm for President!!!
Dude, any idiot knows that the easiest girls to ask out are total strangers. You just gotta have confidence and whatever you do, NEVER ask for approval for anything when you're picking up a chick. Make it seem like you have everything under control, which you'll get a hang of after a few tries. Just don't end up getting carried away and acting like a total douchebag :lol:

Seriously, it must be even easier for you living in a HUGE city. So much potential!
Actually, I live in a suburb. And the only reason I lack confidence is a serious one that goes back to my early childhood.