Official Off Topic Thread

He he... thanks shreddie... but i haven't ever said anything nearly as funny as below (what you said), but thanks a lot :D. i was also wondering about dado... i didn't see him doing anything particularly wrong :(
@metal chick.. sounds like you need new friends lol.. that happened to me once at a party.. i put on some music i had brought along.. and the little bitch who's party it was comes over n sez "this is MY house, and we will listen to MY music.. and if you dont like it you can leave!!!" yeah wanted to have a full on wwf smackdown with that ho.. but im too polite :D..
Yngvai X said:
Sephiroth (Final Fantasy 7) owns all of them :-D

Agreed! Sephiroth is by far the coolest guy ever! I also have all the FF games(except I-II and III) on playstation. Final Fantasy X was a bit dissapointing though, i don`t think the music is so up-front as it should be.
I went bowling last night and really sucked it up...oh man I got an 82! God I suck. I used to be sort of good where I could break 100 on a consistent basis, but last night was humiliating. Well, we all pretty much sucked, so it was ok. Anybody here like bowling?
Ok, so everyone knows those folding chairs where the back leg makes contact with the front, but when folded it no longer makes contact there? That is a BAD place to put your finger before you sit down... i did that last night... sat down, put incredible ammounts of pressure on it, it was black almost instantly... it was only about a quarter of the nail, but now i would say it's over half... ugh this sucks... hurts like hell... i'll try to get a pic to put up.
i'm pissed off, its my last day of holidays.
It will be really awkred to see the girl (that i asked out aand got rejected from) again.

Oh shit,