Official Off Topic Thread

That one aint here yet.

Saw T3 last saturday, and I think it's a big letdown. That's one and a half hours of my life I'm never gonna get back. The only redemption(in my opinion)? Kristanna Loken. :D
Yeah. Pirates of the carribean was awesome... the cursed pirates were awesome because in moonlight they became skeletons, so there were some awesome fight scenes as you may well imagine.
1. even though im aussie and i shouldnt be making fun of myself.. i think aussies should be dubbed kangaroo-fuckers..

2. Havent seen T3 yet but i agree with what someone said on the T3 spoiler thread that blonde chick is just not scary enough to be a terminator, she looks like she would run away crying if i bytch slapped her.

3. I would like to see Pirates Of The Carribean. Dun like the chicks huge collagen lips, thats kind of annoying to look at makes me wanna take a needle and pop them like water balloons, but horror movies are cool..especially skeletal pirates. So im looking forward to it.
So Pirates of the Carribean is good? Might go see it now. And about T3, I assumed it was going to be crappy as soon as I heard they were making a sequel. But on a different forum I go to this guy said it was good, so I'm not sure about this one. Also I'm with The Yngster, ninjas kick ass!

So much to read!
Too much! :D

I've been off the hook for...omg...more than two weeks now. All this stuff is beginning to pile up on me.

Shreddy, I've still got a month and a half of holidays left before I have to pick up my studies. *poke* :D And I always thought that the 2,5 month summer vacation in high school was aplenty. :D

Neither T3 nor PotC here yet. Charlie's Angels 2 is playing, but I don't think I really want to see it. X2 was nice.

I want an Xbox. I also want a new computer. Half-Life 2 is coming... ...And Doom III too... (I've been really thinking of taking a student loan to buy a new computer. I'm soooo desperate. :D )

On another note, I might get a job designing the web site for the local union of tech workers or something like that. That way at least something good might come out of this summer. :) Up until now I've just been washing carpets and sewing curtains. (Jeez. I'm such a total sissy-boy. :D )

Oh yeah, I got my hands on the new Potter book. Read about half of it in 6 hours. :D

But now I'm off to check if my exam results are in yet.

Have a good summer! :D
ooh! actually i saw charlies angels:full throttle the other day and i really quite liked it.. i mean theres absolute lack of storyline.. but theres not really mean to be any.. its all about 3 hot chicks kickin major butt and looking good doing it. and normally i dont much like demi, but i thought she did a good job as the fallen angel. hell it took all three of them to bring just her down.
and it moved along at warp-speed pace which i like in a movie (cant stand boring long movies that just drag out).
so imo i thought they did a good job, and bernie mac is funnier as bosley than bill murray was.