Official Off Topic Thread

Do you realise that this page is jsut Me and You replying? It's like a MSN chat.

So you've seen a SyX shirt? Cool, did you say something? If i saw a person wearing a SyX shirt I'd definatly say something to him/her.

I was about to yell something from my car to the guy waering the opeth shirt, but he had a real goth looking girl ith him and tey were both outside a pornography shop. So yeah, i figured not to.
naw... it was me wearing the symX shirt... if i saw someone else with a shirt like that i would die... but deffinately say something! Speaking of msn chat, do you have msn? my screen name is if you do... or if you have aim then it's iceddamien (no... not an iced earth fan *cough cough*) and that goes for anyone on the board. As long as you are cool, im me :D... please?
Naw, I don't have msn, computer keeps stuffing up on it, sorrey, uh.. I'll try to sign up (Again, this weekend)
This post is just to get to the next page. Then It will be a record of just two people posting on a whole page.:lol:
Fuck, still not their yet, i'll make it a big one so it takes up more space

And yes, i am sad a pathetic :lol:
I am so upset right now....I have to explain...see I have this necklace I made. You guys know the purple guitar pick that Romeo uses that has his little signature on it? Well I bought one of those and made it into a necklace by poking a hole through the top and putting it on a chain. I've had it for a long time and it's my most favorite necklace in the whole world, I never leave the house without it....AND NOW ITS GONE!!!! I can't find it anywhere! I tore my bedroom apart and now I have to leave for school..... :cry: Today is going to be a terrible day...
Hahaha, crazy people :D

I'm sorry you lost your necklace :erk: . I hope you will find it soon!

Yesterday or the day before yesterday (I can't remember, bad memory!) I started to play a new Symphony X song, one of my favorite songs of them: The eyes of Medusa. Okay, I thought it was quite easy but (unfortunately) I'm wrong. Jason shouldn't make such a hard drum fills and all, it's not fair! o_O

I have to practice a looot so I can play the whole song about 20 years, hopefully...... :)
I'm gonna try and see Pirates of the Carribean today, but probably won't cause I'm too lazy to find a ride. I just got Sanctus Ignus by Adagio and I'm kicking myself for not getting it earlier. Oh yeah, and anyone know anything about fixing dsl modems?
Hah... shreddie and i rule!!!!!
@metalchick.... sorry bout that :( i know how that sucks a lot.... bad bad bad times.

@yngster IT'S A AWESOME MOVIE!!!!!

Well, i am done with housesitting... no more of that infernal bird... *shudders*