Official Off Topic Thread

Macy said:
and she fits the part better than most 'so called' women would, like Mila Jovovich. I still can't forgive her for looking so lame on that Resident Evil poster, holding that heavy riffle with just two fingers. It ain't your make-up box, dammit!

Ehh they totally stuffed resident evil altogether anyway. that movie had so much potential and they just ruined it.

Ugh time for my bitchfest and advice needing..
Why do 'some' guys say they love you or whatever, but do nothing to show it..and when u mention that, they get all sulky, act like a little bitch and go off in a huff trying to put u on a guilt trip for the way you feel, as though ur supposed to just accept being treated like shit and not say anything..

To me, reversing the guilt just shows that ur right on the money to begin with.
Sigh I just wish for a normal, decent guy (and one who isnt going to say OH GOD I HAAAATE IT, when I show them some Symphony X), oh just make him a metalhead in general/preferably prog metal!
Or maybe I should just give up altogether.
sorry bout that..but yeah thats my bitch for the week.
Guys are losers, that's what I've decided anyway. And I certainly don't want to offend any of the really nice guys here, but why are you all so damn far away?? Anyway, I'm the last person to give advice on guys, but coming from someone who has been let down too many times and as a result has never had a boyfriend, I gave up. My mom's advice to me was wait for the good ones to come to you, and so that's what I'm doing, even if it means they will never come. So those are my thoughts.
Yeah... totally true. Guys are pretty hopeless. And @metal chick... no offense was taken. Most guys are asses, and that's something you gotta deal with. I can't really give you advice... i'll just talk to you later and try to help :)
I'm a nice guy, but just because I don't buy a girl flowers and presents multiple days a week doesn't mean I don't love her. Thats completely hypothetical by the way, I'm way too much of a loser to have a girlfriend o_O :D
Hi SilentRealm! just visited your site awhile back and I found that it's great! :D honest.

on the topic of love, I've just recently broke up with my girlfriend. she's moving to California to study and she'll be back after eight years..or so she says. we broke up not because of fights or misunderstandings, but because of the fact that we both can't handle long-distance relationships. I'm dealing with it though...

wanna see something pretty weird? check this out:
At school I talked to her, for a long time.
She said that 'coz i'm too good a friend to lose over a further 'relationship'. Coz apaarenly she still hates her ex. Who i thought she was friends with, so i thought she was just pulling my leg. But it was true, so i feel better now. But we are still friends, but i still am dissapointed.
Next time, i'm just going to go for 'em quicker.

But *sigh* it's going to be so long before i get a gf.
heh... don't rush it shreddie... the time will come and you will have a broken heart... ugh... bad freakin' times... not that i have any experiance recently with year and a half long relationships coming to an end *cough cough* :lol:
That was funny strychnos..

And sigh.. I'm officially single again. The break-up actually wasnt all that hard.. Time to focus on what I'm going to make out of my own life now instead of worrying about who is in it.
By the way... Bah men!!! rotten species.
I had a boyfriend a year ago, but I broke up with him. He called me everyday 2 or 3 times. First I liked it a lot but after some weeks I thought it was no good.... He always wanted to see me online with the webcam on. And I only had to talk to him, not to other people or else he get mad or something o_O He thought he was very smart because he listened to Slayer, Kiss, Metallica and Megadeth lol. I really had to make an end to it!
After that he was so mad and sad he told all my friends my secrets I told to him and also very mean things. I was so mad!
Maybe I'm silly but I don't hate him or something. I just don't like that dude :p

I don't trust guys anymore, except for some, but I do believe mostly of the guys here are very nice. :)
Yeah, it always weems the people on the net or inconveinient situations are the ones you like the most or you can relate to the most. Like there is my cousins friend from Melbourne who apparently likes me. But she lives thousands of kilometer away, and i barely know her.

Seems like all metal heads, or proggy's suck at the love game...
Mr. Shred-ididle - I guess we all suck at the love game, fine.
We suck at being able to mate with people who don't treat us cool.
I don't like people who don't treat me cool.
In fact I would like to kill some of them (repeat, SOME) with a letter knife.
This in not exactly love, is it?
I also have to mention you this:
Once when he came here to my house and we were alone. He asked me if I would fall in love with my brother if he wasn't my bro. lol, I thought that was the most stupid question I ever heard.
He also asked me if I'm Christian or Catholic... and he calls himself smart eh :p :cool:
Yup guys do indeed suck but I'd like to point out you metal girls are about as hard to find as nuclear weapons in Iraq.

Where I live most metal heads live in exile, usually performing satanic rituals in dark basements or surfin the net. All girls where I live are into fashion, shopping and music like rap, r'n'b, techno so I'm like sooooooooooooooo not interested.

It's not like I'm Dr. Love or anything but I agree that you should just let it come to you. And if it don't your wallet will thank you for it right guys, ha ha, couldn't resist.

Play it cool, ice cool baby and you'll meet your dream date and you'll be well clear of losers like me.
I came really close once to having a boyfriend. I was in a band with him, and we actually went out to dinner and a movie once, but it never blossomed into anything. After one of our other band members died from asthma, the guy I liked completely changed into a jerk...he even set off a bomb in the school parking lot...that was an interesting day :Smug: That pretty much ended it all for me.
SilentRealm said:
That was funny strychnos..

And sigh.. I'm officially single again. The break-up actually wasnt all that hard.. Time to focus on what I'm going to make out of my own life now instead of worrying about who is in it.
By the way... Bah men!!! rotten species.

u can go owt wtih me!!!!!!!

o wait we liv on othr sides of teh world
I am now the proud owner of a Nintendo Gamecube :D. I chose to take the free GB player instead of a free game, so I can play all my GBA games on my TV now. And I also picked up Sonic Mega Collection. 7 games for the price of one. Can't beat that :)