Official Off Topic Thread

I've never met a girl who likes metal, much less prog and stuff like that. :(

Well, I did know this one chick who was into Cannibal Corpse... plenty of emotional baggage, that one.
Except for a friend of mine who's the frontman(or girl, pardon the ambiguous statement) of an unsigned progressive rock group(Fuseboxx is the name, and they got two keyboardists), I know of no one else(female) into prog or any of the other subgenres of metal back here.
Zaxx666 said:
SilentRealm, a purely hypothetical question: will Steve Vai do too?
ermm dunno, i dont know anything about the man.. why does he think I'm hot? Did he tell you this? lol! yarrite.

The Metal Chick said:
Problem is I tend to fall for guys way too old for me...I gotta stop doing that...any 19 year old Russell clones out there??
He's not too old for me :( and I still can't have him..

The Metal Chick said:
Doesn't matter what you look like because I'm not much to look at myself
It's a small piccie you have there but I think you look lovely. And I havent seen Zach's pic yet. hey dude where is it?

and for good measure.. metal = :headbang:
NO! No pic of me... ugh... icky!
Hey guess what everyone??? Went to nevermore's cd release party and got home at 1:30 or 2 and started talking to charis/posting how it was in my weblog (shut up.. it's a friend's site). Anyway, around 4 i decided eh... fuck it. Not getting any sleep tonight. So i am still without sleep. Which is cool... i'll take a nap later.

to read about my experiance:

by the way, it was a awesome show... i didn't really touch on how killer everyone else was.

ugh... almost 24 hours without sleep and counting...
Actually, i was thinking about this... Jax or someone else with connections, or anyone really could just put up a forum page for us to have pics of us... it would be cool... i wanna see the faces of all you people. Don't worry, i'll wear a paper bag in mine :lol:
theodyssey said:
naw, i agree. as cliche as it may sound personality is number one. If a chick isn't into at least some of the bands that i like, well, it ain't gonna work out here. Actually, yeah, muisc first, general personallity second.... third would have to be... well, honestly that's my standards. Music and personallity. Looks and body are just a bonus... though they don't hurt. And metal chick... ask any guy here... the fact that you are into metal automatically makes you hot... not singling you out, just women in general. Something about women listening to such music is just... well... i'll dream on then

Awww I didn't know you guys were so sensitive :p :D I like sensitive people.

Anyway, I will try if I can post a picture somehow tomorrow.
Like what theodyssey said, I think it's a good idea when Jax or someone else collect all our pictures and place them on the forum. Hehehe, that's cool :lol:
I'm ugly! I hate this idea...:D

Yep, he's home and just like before. But he's got to take this horrible medicine for the rest of his life.
Mr. Shred-ididle said:
I'm ugly! I hate this idea...:D

Yep, he's home and just like before. But he's got to take this horrible medicine for the rest of his life.
i'm new to these boards, had fun reading this thread, and had to reply to this one in particular. like you, i have a chihuahua that i had to leave back in good old aussieland when i moved to the freezer. she too has heart and lung problems. the vet told us over 2 years ago that she would be lucky to live another 3 months... she is still kicking along quite happily living with my mother. she is also on 3 different medications for the rest of her life... and btw, she is about 14 years old, which is ancient for a chihuahua!
Nah, 14 isn't old for a chiwawa. I read somewhere that they're like the 2nd longest living dog, with an eveage lifespan of 16 years.

''SO NAH!!!!!!!''(Wog boy, one for the ozzy's):D