Official Off Topic Thread

I'm not sensitive... i'm just not a jackass :D
no, honestly, i guess that can be viewed as sensitive, but dont tell anyone, i have a badass metal image to uphold.
by the way, welcome... uh... crapola??? WTF KINDA A NAME IS THAT!!! BAH!!! YOU GODDAMN KIDS AND YOUR MUSIC!!!!

naw, just kidding :D :lol: I'm not that bad and i don't bite, and for real man, welcome to the forum. We'll be glad to have you here.

by the way, never get pissed at anything i say... i am not serious if i jab atcha... just be forewarned :D
lol, thanks for the welcome, and i'm not a kid... probably older than almost everyone else here. i went to register my usual name, and found that someone else already had (probably me a long time ago and i cant remember the damn password), so of course, being a little pissed off, i said "crapola", and there you have it...
Yep, its really cool here.
Hey, I've got enough money to get a cd today. I'm going to get some Death. But i don't know what album. From what I've read it saisthat human was more technical and proggy out of them, so that sounds more up my alley. But I've also read that 'sound of...' is their oeral best. So can you give some descriptions of the albums and your opinions, thanx
Wow.. my first post on this thing.

Here's an overview of the Death albums (at least the ones i care to mention)

Leprosy - Primitive but cool.. wouldn't recommend it though
Spiritual Healing - Meh, it's good, but not compared to Death's other stuff.
Human - Heaviest album, I wouldn't say the proggiest. Pretty catchy stuff though.
Individual Thought Patterns - My favorite, I think Chuck's voice is best on this album, but you can still sense that that he didn't know what he was doing with the guitars at some point.
Symbolic - New vocal style, not bad, this is most people's favorite Death album. Was mine for a while, but I kinda got tired of it because I listened to it too much. This album is a lot more progressive than their older stuff.
Sound of Perseverence - I hate the vocals, but the guitars and melodies are really great. Most melodic Death album, probably most suited for a Symphony X fan as well.

Hope that helps.
Once again, cats rule. I like their class.

Probably the only thing I dislike about my cat is being a TV maniac:


And now to the discussion, I'll once again agree with SilentRealm that most girls/guys simply don't KNOW how to look cool and their biggest problem is not genetics.

I was into amateur photography for a while and I found that most people look best when they don't have a clue they're pictured. And when the light is soft.

And like every guy who'd been into photography for a while, I don't have a descent picture of myself.

I LOVE this pic I took, though:
ya i like the idea of having pics to see what everyone looks like.. i need to get a "metal" pic of me done.. donning the classic metal shirt n stuff.. (i dont even own a metal shirt yet, coz I havent found one I like and I cant yet purchase online)
The Yngster said:
:lol: Welcome crapola :wave: And you'd be surprised at some of the ages you'll see on this board, we range from as young as 13 to as old as mid 40's
maybe not quite the oldest then... i'll be *gulp* 42 in about 5 weeks, although because my hubby is 23, thats how old i tell everyone i am, lol!!!