Official Off Topic Thread

Life fucking sucks, and then you'll die.!
Obviously I've had a bad day.
Seeing that she wants to be "friends" with me, like before, we are not doing a good job of it. She is avoiding me and vica versa... And to top it off, i can't her out of my head! I just can't get over it. I'm going to talk to her about it tomorrow or on Monday. She said she wants it to be like before (good 'friends') but that just can't be anymore. So I'll talk to her about it.

But thats not what is on my mind.
When i arrived home from school, our little chiwawa had a heart-attact and fell unconcience. We retrived him and flew to the vet as quickly as possible. The docters are *kinda* optomistic, but we still aren't 100% sure he'll pull through it.

Bad freakin' times, ay theodyssey.
I dont know why but I'm, in one of the angriest states of my life from memory right now!I'm not going spazo or losing my temper but inside there is this feeling!, every thing is just fucking unbearible! I can't describe it, is it depressive, or is it fury? I just have to say FUCK!!!!!
Medusa's eyes said:
Once when he came here to my house and we were alone. He asked me if I would fall in love with my brother if he wasn't my bro. lol, I thought that was the most stupid question I ever heard.
He also asked me if I'm Christian or Catholic... and he calls himself smart eh :p

umm yeah run for the hills lol, he sounds like a complete wierdo.

The Metal Chick said:
After one of our other band members died from asthma, the guy I liked completely changed into a jerk...he even set off a bomb in the school parking lot...that was an interesting day

he sounds like he is having a hard time dealing with the death of the band member. But you're young sweety, trust me that there will be plenty of guys in your future. Dunno bout great metal guys.. but guys nontheless.. The hard part is meeting one you want to stick to coz they all seem to be jerky in one way or another.. EXCEPT the guys here (suck up, suck up lol).you're all perfect and wonderful lol.
Yep, it's official. My dog is going to die. He has too much fluid on the lungs or has blown a heart valve.

As if my life isn't bad ennogh at the moment. Nile has been a godsend in times like these, the music in Nile is exactly how i feel. I have to get over this, i have to be happier, it's not healthy the way i'm feeling now.

AHHHHHGG~!~!!!! I have to get off the net before i sound even more of a wierdo... I just hope life will get a bit better in a week or two.
im sorry shreddi :( ..
a few months ago my dog (in my mothers care) got food poisoning and died in a really horrible way. after having a shit life at the hands of things i prefer not to talk about, the main thing i wanted for her when she did eventually go (she wasnt young) was to die a peaceful dignified death, and she didnt even get that. So I was feeling absolutely awful and angry and sad, all these emotions that just tore me up. But then I dreamed about her and in that dream she was young and carefree, and I felt it was a message to not worry so much, that she is happy now where as in life she couldnt be.
What all this means I dont know, i just hope you find a way to ease the pain of ur dog dying by knowing that he is loved and he knows he is loved.. thats all anyone can do. death is an inevitable part of life, it sucks and its hard and u dont have to get over it right away, just take ur time.
SilentRealm said:
But you're young sweety, trust me that there will be plenty of guys in your future.

Yeah that's what everybody says to me, and I suppose I won't believe it until it happens. I guess I'm in no hurry though. All the guys that seem to be nice turn out to be jerks, so none of you nice guys here better turn on us.

And Shreddi, I'm soooo sorry about your doggy. :( Animals are very special, and they can mean as much to someone as another person can. I hope you'll be ok.
Yeah, the vet rang and said he's more stable than yesterday. He's blown a heart valve. But the survival rate doesn't look good. They are trying a new drug that has barely been tested before (in other words, he's a guiny pig) because they've got nothing to loose.

And the girl who apparently wanted us to be 'frends' and wants it like before this shit hapened. Well, she's been avaiding me all day and vica verca. All eye-contact is quickly intersected. Guess i'll have to wait to monday and see how it goes.

At least life's better than it was yesterday.
The Metal Chick said:
Yeah that's what everybody says to me, and I suppose I won't believe it until it happens.
Yeah no one meets the man of their dreams in real life except for Russell Allens gf.. ( just kidding we're sure u're a very special woman too whoever you are)..but once ur standards go that high theres no turning back..sigh..
Why can't I meet a sexy confident prog metal singer!!
SilentRealm said:
Yeah no one meets the man of their dreams in real life except for Russell Allens gf.. ( just kidding we're sure u're a very special woman too whoever you are)..but once ur standards go that high theres no turning back..sigh..
Why can't I meet a sexy confident prog metal singer!!

:lol: Yeah it's taken awhile but I've accepted the fact that Russell will never love me. Problem is I tend to fall for guys way too old for me...I gotta stop doing that...any 19 year old Russell clones out there?? ;)
You can have me metal chick. I'm... uh... well... single!!!! I am not especially attractive.... um... don't have a good singing voice... uh... well...... i guess it's a bad idea to go out with me. Hrm... no wonder i don't get the chicks. But hey, i'm 18 and single (almost 19 like that really matters) so if that's good enough for you... ah wait... you're in chicago too..... hrm.... oh well, looks like you are outta luck!
theodyssey said:
You can have me metal chick. I'm... uh... well... single!!!! I am not especially attractive.... um... don't have a good singing voice... uh... well...... i guess it's a bad idea to go out with me. Hrm... no wonder i don't get the chicks. But hey, i'm 18 and single (almost 19 like that really matters) so if that's good enough for you... ah wait... you're in chicago too..... hrm.... oh well, looks like you are outta luck!

Yes out of luck as usual. Move to Chicago and our problems are solved :cool: Personality is really what's important (I know that sounds cliche, but its true!) so if a guy is really hot and a jerk, I will completely forget about the fact he is hot. And for the record odyssey, you have a great sense of humor! :D Doesn't matter what you look like because I'm not much to look at myself :loco:
Well... off to chicago it is then!!!!! :lol:
naw, i agree. as cliche as it may sound personality is number one. If a chick isn't into at least some of the bands that i like, well, it ain't gonna work out here. Actually, yeah, muisc first, general personallity second.... third would have to be... well, honestly that's my standards. Music and personallity. Looks and body are just a bonus... though they don't hurt. And metal chick... ask any guy here... the fact that you are into metal automatically makes you hot... not singling you out, just women in general. Something about women listening to such music is just... well... i'll dream on then :lol: