Official Off Topic Thread

harry potter kicks major ass.... i love how she turned if from a kids book series (first 2.5 books) into a serious and deep multi-layered story that is just amazing... if you really really delve into it there is so much there!!!! Ok, i am a nerd. Harry Potter and HammerFall :lol: :D
I'm reading the new Harry Potter. fuck, its long.
I'm actually getting into it. Its all dark and spooky (not really but) Alot better than the others. I never really like Harry Potter too much, i allways thought it was to cheezy and nerdy (the movies are the most corney things i've seen), but the last two books are like a well-thoght out storys.

Oh well, im a nerd to then...
SilentRealm said:
Havent seen T3 yet but i agree with what someone said on the T3 spoiler thread that blonde chick is just not scary enough to be a terminator, she looks like she would run away crying if i bytch slapped her.

Noooo. Kristanna Loken is awesome. She's defenitelly not a sissy, she's got the Lara Croft attitude (well, no one beats Lara, but well on the way) and she fits the part better than most 'so called' women would, like Mila Jovovich. I still can't forgive her for looking so lame on that Resident Evil poster, holding that heavy riffle with just two fingers. It ain't your make-up box, dammit!
Im pissed off!
Todaty was the first day of term 3 at school, and yes, she did reject me.
She lost my number tho. I talked to her friend and she said that she (the girl who asked out) rang her and told her what happened. And that she hasn't decided if she should or shouldn't go out with me. Obviously she decided not to in the end.
one of her other freind told me that the answer is no 'coz we were too good friends to begin with and it could fuck up our friendship. (cheap one, ay?)
But what pisses me off is that i was so close. She rang her friend up and hadden't decided. SO i was close at least.

Ok, you're probably tired of my stupis, shallow adolesent problems now, so i'll shut up.
we love you shreddie... in a totally non gay way. Never do we tire of hearing your problems. For fuck's sake, i bitch about smashing my finger when i don't even really care that much anymore :D... you're cool by us... just remember, go for a different chick... make the other one jelous and wish she had you :p
he he he... i know the feeling. Hell, my ex is with someone else now and expects that i should be too... come on... i only go for metal chicks... something that is seriously lacking in these here parts. Plus, i gots no money for dates. *sigh*... oh well. a lonely life it is for me.
Yeah, for some reason i think i still have a chance... Mabey I'm in denile or something, but I don't know, i just feel that way
I've just been thinking, i suck at the timing when it comes to women. The last girl i asked out rejected me because she didn't think we knew each other well enough, and this time she rejected me because she thinks we know know each other too well and are too good friends...

I fucking give up...
Don't trust women. Period. No offense to the ladies here [ladies: don't trust men], but honestly, don't expect a single fucking thing. Expectations lead to disappointment.
Dang right their theodessey, don't trust women!
Fuckin' bitches! (apart from the ones that post here, of course, lol)

On a unrelated note, i saw a couple yesterday. The chick was a total goth (with thoundsands of piercings, and black makeup) but her boyfriend (or friend, or possibly brother,) was wearing a Opeth shirt. Which i thought was pretty cool. Blackwater park too.
Yeah... i saw an Origin shirt at the mall the other day... on a person that is. Don't like origin, but i still thought it was badass.... also saw a cradle of filth shirt a few weeks ago, and a blind guardian shirt about a year ago... anyone else have any metal shirt sightings??? Other than concerts of course :D
Um, i saw a pretty disturbing album cover of an Cannible Corpse album cover (aka punk rock!),
I found it pretty funny when everyone around me was stating at him looking shocked. A mother put her hands around her daugters eyes.
I also saw this wierd looking teenager (my guess is 16, but it was hard to tell from the maku-up) going through teenage girl magazines at the newsagents (yes indeed, hmmm... wonder why) wearing a Mayhem shirt.
I've also seen heaps of limp Bizcuit, Korn, Papa Roach or Slipknot shirts aswell, but they'e crap
yeah, tons of limp bizkit and korn shit here too. They don't count as metal :D Oh, i have seen me around town with my iced earth, arch enemy, opeth, symphony x (yeah!!), bloodbath, etc. shirts.