Official Off Topic Thread

Beelzebub said:
Yeah I know how hard that can be. Good luck! :)

Hah. I need all I can get. Apparently flipping burgers counts more than a fucking master's degree. Nobody gives a shit about education, which really gives the lie to all that sanctimonious BS your teachers give you about the value of an education...
I missed my bus! :erk: I hate having to take the bus as a senior. Especially the short bus, because I live on a mountain. :mad:

Now I have to get there by driving with my aunt, which I REALLY hate doing. I just hope that the rest of the day counters this crappiness and makes it good again. I have a feeling that it won't suck, though. It's good to be optimistic.
Rose Immortal said:
Hah. I need all I can get. Apparently flipping burgers counts more than a fucking master's degree. Nobody gives a shit about education, which really gives the lie to all that sanctimonious BS your teachers give you about the value of an education...
It recently dawned on me that in May I will receive a Bachelor's in Science degree in Electrical Engineering.

Yeah, gonna get my B.S. certificate. :lol:
I'm doing a BE in Naval Arch/Marine Mechanical. I want to go to grad school, not too sure what I want to study right now, though I'm leaning towards math education.
ABQShredHead said:
Rose, what jobs are you looking for? I'll see if my company has any openings. In past conversations, you came across as an HR person.

Yeah, I'm looking for an HR job I can begin in. Is your company nationwide?
Rose Immortal said:
Hah. I need all I can get. Apparently flipping burgers counts more than a fucking master's degree. Nobody gives a shit about education, which really gives the lie to all that sanctimonious BS your teachers give you about the value of an education...

Hahaha oh shit, I'll have my MS in less than a year. Good to know that I'll have spent two years doing something useful.
Rose Immortal said:
Hah. I need all I can get. Apparently flipping burgers counts more than a fucking master's degree. Nobody gives a shit about education, which really gives the lie to all that sanctimonious BS your teachers give you about the value of an education...
Yeah, seriously. Sometimes it can be tough to find a dead-end job, too. My friend is pre-med at Wellesley and the other day she went to the mall to apply for jobs at Starbucks, Gap, etc. to help pay the bills but no one gave her an offer because they considered her "over qualified." They'd rather hire people who aren't in school because they'd have better availability, and they wouldn't have to worry about them trying to advance up the career ladder.
bah im on uni mid-semester break now.. i actually totally sucked at that last exam, despite studying really hard for it so im bummed :(

and ive now started working for the casino, so im going to be an even busier girl than normal..
On education versus real world experience:

Yeah, I'm older, and have a different view of things but I'll get this off my chest right now. When I was a hiring manager, (IT) I interviewed a lot of people finishing up school, or just recently graduated, and more than half the time, I was DISGUSTED by the fact that nobody wanted to work their way up the corporate ladder, and felt it was their RIGHT to start a new career higher up the org chart just because they had a piece of paper, and ZERO real world experience. It doesn't work that way, at least in my chosen field of work. I'm SO tired of "I'm OWED this, you HAVE to give me that...", etc etc. My current view of LOTS of the younger people is their work ethic sucks, their people skills suck, and they DON'T contribute. They want a paycheck just for showing up. People like this NEED to get chewed up and spit out by the dozens. Out of everything I learned in school in the then data processing field, I used about 10%. It was only after gaining experience, and working my ass off, that I started the move upwards. Bottom line - Make me choose between some self professed "expert" ,green & just out of school, and a person with at least few years experience, I'll go with the experienced person 99% of the time, even if he/she is short on some skills/experience the green school graduate might have.

On the underemployed/unemployed scenario - I've been so close to rock bottom, I coould count the pea gravel! Nearly lost EVERYTHING. I figured with my schooling & experience, I should be able to find SOMETHING in my field. I was turned down for a TEMP job on an assembly line because I was over qualified. I drove cars for dealerships, I worked at Home Depot, and did some consulting, but it took 2 years to get where I am now, making about half what I did before. Find something you can TOLERATE doing while you keep looking for the big job. NEVER give up looking for something better. f you have no real experience in the profession you are looking in, you may have to grovel a bit in a lower paying, lower titled job, but use that to gain experience, and if you bust ass for a manager/boss who even thinks a little like I do, you'll do ok. Good luck to all of you in school, and all of you looking for work, I seriously mean that, the working world is NOTHING like school, and it's a tough out in the corporate world....

J-Dubya 777 said:
On education versus real world experience:

Yeah, I'm older, and have a different view of things but I'll get this off my chest right now. When I was a hiring manager, (IT) I interviewed a lot of people finishing up school, or just recently graduated, and more than half the time, I was DISGUSTED by the fact that nobody wanted to work their way up the corporate ladder, and felt it was their RIGHT to start a new career higher up the org chart just because they had a piece of paper, and ZERO real world experience. It doesn't work that way, at least in my chosen field of work. I'm SO tired of "I'm OWED this, you HAVE to give me that...", etc etc. My current view of LOTS of the younger people is their work ethic sucks, their people skills suck, and they DON'T contribute. They want a paycheck just for showing up. People like this NEED to get chewed up and spit out by the dozens. Out of everything I learned in school in the then data processing field, I used about 10%. It was only after gaining experience, and working my ass off, that I started the move upwards. Bottom line - Make me choose between some self professed "expert" ,green & just out of school, and a person with at least few years experience, I'll go with the experienced person 99% of the time, even if he/she is short on some skills/experience the green school graduate might have.

On the underemployed/unemployed scenario - I've been so close to rock bottom, I coould count the pea gravel! Nearly lost EVERYTHING. I figured with my schooling & experience, I should be able to find SOMETHING in my field. I was turned down for a TEMP job on an assembly line because I was over qualified. I drove cars for dealerships, I worked at Home Depot, and did some consulting, but it took 2 years to get where I am now, making about half what I did before. Find something you can TOLERATE doing while you keep looking for the big job. NEVER give up looking for something better. f you have no real experience in the profession you are looking in, you may have to grovel a bit in a lower paying, lower titled job, but use that to gain experience, and if you bust ass for a manager/boss who even thinks a little like I do, you'll do ok. Good luck to all of you in school, and all of you looking for work, I seriously mean that, the working world is NOTHING like school, and it's a tough out in the corporate world....


Dude, seriously--this is the LAST thing I did was walk in there thinking I was owed anything. The kinds of jobs I'm looking for ARE entry-level exactly because I know I need to get experience. I do NOT think I know everything--far from it! Unfortunately I seem to have screwed myself with my master's degree because now the kinds of jobs that would normally be appropriate to start in, people don't want to deal with me.
SilentRealm said:
and ive now started working for the casino, so im going to be an even busier girl than normal..
What exactly are you gonna be doing in the casino?

As for jobs... I may still be in High School, but I do need a part time job. There's a new Metal Music Store opening in the next town, so I figured I'll apply there when they open, since they're sure to need help.
Ptah Khnemu said:
What exactly are you gonna be doing in the casino?

As for jobs... I may still be in High School, but I do need a part time job. There's a new Metal Music Store opening in the next town, so I figured I'll apply there when they open, since they're sure to need help.
You mean you don't already have a part time job? How the hell did you pay for your guitars/amps/new pickups/etc.? Oh and your Kamelot Merch?