Official Off Topic Thread

Nemesis_lxix said:
Parental support….
Exactly, I mooch off my mom, like any true musician. :lol:

But seriously, I work it off by doing stuff around the house, and I work with my bassist's dad from time to time for my money.

And Nemesis, your new sig is perfect.
Ptah Khnemu said:
Exactly, I mooch off my mom, like any true musician. :lol:

But seriously, I work it off by doing stuff around the house, and I work with my bassist's dad from time to time for my money.

And Nemesis, your new sig is perfect.
Thenx,I think it fits me perfectly.

I cant get a job where I temporary live simply because I don’t have as steady schedule with my uni and its just a small town filled with students desperate to work so basically work there doest pay that much.

Besides I know people who finish that stupid uni and now work for 2,000-2,500 euros per month.
Rose Immortal said:
Dude, seriously--this is the LAST thing I did was walk in there thinking I was owed anything. The kinds of jobs I'm looking for ARE entry-level exactly because I know I need to get experience. I do NOT think I know everything--far from it! Unfortunately I seem to have screwed myself with my master's degree because now the kinds of jobs that would normally be appropriate to start in, people don't want to deal with me.

I wasn't singling you out, if I was, I would have called you out by name, seriously. I just see a glut of this EVERY single day, and it makes my blood boil. There are 2 guys from Pakistan working with me. One will bust his ass, roll up his sleeves, and jump in the shit. The other is nearly done with his masters, and expects nothing less than walking into a Director level position.
I'm surprised he can even tie his shoes, much less run an IT department.
He won't get dirty, and just cares about scoring the Director title somewhere. I think a lot of hiring managers are getting tired of this, and just wanted to give a viewpoint from the other side.

NO school can these kind of skills no matter what the pamphlet says.

Montu Sekhmet said:
^haha, you're on my "do not call" thingy.[/QUOTE

i'm inbound, that means that i dont actually call people, but people call me.
Actually, outbound agents dont call people either, its an automated computer, and the agents just have to suck it up (yep, they dont wanna talk to you either) and take the call, its not like they randomly press buttons and decide to annoy people. And if you just listen to us for a second, you might realize that some of the services we offer might actually help or benefit you.
Jaen said:
i'm inbound, that means that i dont actually call people, but people call me.
Actually, outbound agents dont call people either, its an automated computer, and the agents just have to suck it up (yep, they dont wanna talk to you either) and take the call, its not like they randomly press buttons and decide to annoy people. And if you just listen to us for a second, you might realize that some of the services we offer might actually help or benefit you.

Ah, I didnt know that! And we should listen to you, but you seem to call right at the worst possible times.

I meant no offence, btw. :)
J-Dubya 777 said:
I wasn't singling you out, if I was, I would have called you out by name, seriously. I just see a glut of this EVERY single day, and it makes my blood boil. There are 2 guys from Pakistan working with me. One will bust his ass, roll up his sleeves, and jump in the shit. The other is nearly done with his masters, and expects nothing less than walking into a Director level position.
I'm surprised he can even tie his shoes, much less run an IT department.
He won't get dirty, and just cares about scoring the Director title somewhere. I think a lot of hiring managers are getting tired of this, and just wanted to give a viewpoint from the other side.

NO school can these kind of skills no matter what the pamphlet says.

You'll have to excuse me...I did think you were making an assumption about what I'd done to get rejected. I've been getting a lot of it lately so I'm kind of on edge.

Even experience and character have only a weak correlation. You wouldn't believe the incompetent bosses some of my family members have told me about...some of whose behavior is a lot like that second guy you describe, the one who doesn't want to get dirty. And these are people pushing 60! So said family member pretty much runs the place even though he's not getting paid for it.

I don't care about a fancy title...if there's one thing I can say truthfully about myself it's that I won't rest until I know I've done things right or as close to right as I can possibly get. I'm no slacker. I can tell you why I never had a job--the reason's simple: I was a military kid and by the time I was of legal age to work, we moved almost every single summer. Even in undergrad they weren't done with the moving. They moved twice while I was there, too.
Jaen said:
what i dont get are the chicks that go for complete assholes and take nice guys for granted.
hate that too, the whole "you're so perfect but i'm not gonna date you" thing and how "let's just be freinds" turns into the girl dating a total jack-ass and complaining about how he isn't as good as you and she actually says the phrase "why can't i find a guy like you?" i totally hate this shit
Ptah Khnemu said:
What exactly are you gonna be doing in the casino?

at the moment I'm a glassie/drinks waitress - gotta go around the gaming floor keeping it in order, liasing with customers and looking after our VIP members, giving them complimentary non-alcoholic beverages like making them coffee, juice etc (or alcohol for the exclusive VIP's - our REALLY high rollers)

hopefully eventually I'll start getting some training behind the bar too :)
Tongue Ring said:
hate that too, the whole "you're so perfect but i'm not gonna date you" thing and how "let's just be freinds" turns into the girl dating a total jack-ass and complaining about how he isn't as good as you and she actually says the phrase "why can't i find a guy like you?" i totally hate this shit

when girls say that it means theyre not sexually attracted to you and dont want you to feel outright rejected coz they might honestly value you as a person.. they just dont want to have sex with you.. guys do the exact same thing.. when girls say 'why cant i meet a guy like you?' it means.. a guy like you... but who they have sexual chemistry with.. dont take offense to it, not everyone is compatible in that way.. how many times have you met a girl who is great in every way except you just dont feel the chemistry vibe? most people I'm sure its happened to alot.
I like Adagio that much more now.... Almost makes me wish the Hot Girls thread was still open. :cry:
Jaen said:
what i don't get are the chicks that go for complete assholes and take nice guys for granted.

Men do the same sort of thing; it's not a gender exclusive phenomenon. I have a few guy friends who are always complaining about how they get treated like crap, but they are always going for the shallow high maintenance plastic barbie doll girls, rather than looking for an actual woman who would be a good partner for them. So in that case, it's the average looking but REAL women who get ignored in favor of the trophy girlfriend types..I think it goes both ways..

That said, have faith; most women get over the 'bad boy' thing by the time they hit their late 20s/early 30s. Bad boys may be fun, but they make crappy husbands/fathers, & eventually women figure that out.
We don't even have a hot chick thread, though you want Sexy legions stuff :) SX fans are conservative :) We don't like these stuff :loco: