Official Off Topic Thread

I tried those Lays Stacks once, couldn't believe they even attempted to claim to be better than Pringles. Nasty crap, they are.
Rose Immortal said:
I think 12-tone music may actually be a form of serialism...
It is. You serialize all 12-tones in Western music into a "Tone Row" and have to use them in that order (or you can invert or retrograde the row). You can also serialize rhythm, dynamics, etc. Guys like Messaien (sp?) serialized as much as they could - it sounds like total garbage!
Tubbs Mcgee said:
Yeah, those things are missing the crispy greasy goodness that Pringles have. :(
That and the tubes for Stax are made totally gay. It's too narrow to put your hand in so you gotta pour them out and usually crumbs fall all over the place. At least with Pringles you get to reach in and grab a bunch, plus they're fucking delicious (BBQ flavor FTW)
When it comes to comparing Pringles with Baked Lays, I refuse to make that comparison. They both kick ass in their own way. Baked Lays are friggin' awesome, but the chips themselves are as big as a small country. And Pringles are a fun shape, and they remind me of tennis balls.
Baked Lays are different from was the stacked Lays (which suck arse) that were being compared to Pringles.
I always use english versions of words whenever I can, so I can sound as Un-American as possible. I've managed to fool people before. MWAHAHA AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA BAFAFAGAAHGAGHAGAGAGAHAGAGH!!!!!!111111111111oneoneoneoneoneoneoneoneone *coughwheeze* MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHARGLESTILTSKIN!!!111eleven :heh: