Official Off Topic Thread

My new sig.

Speaking of Kamelot, I made this in MS Paint in response to a new thread entitled "Post captions with Kamelot photos."

Me said:
Everybody give me all your internets right now.


Khan: Follow me into the light!!
Simone: .....
Khan: Uhh... Simone, that's your cue.
Simone: Shshshshsh.....
Khan: Are you alright?
Simone: BUNNIES!!!!!!!!1
don't get "Black Halo" first. it rules, but it's the second half of a concept so you'll be pretty lost if you don't hear "Epica" before it.

you can't go wrong with Kamelot though.
I like the second one a little better. It doesn't look as squished and the names are a little less blurry.

How do you make those? They are pretty cool.